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10. "Paradoxes" of a relativity of systems of coordinates


     Two P-0 will move with speeds below C if at the moment of time t=0 at their interaction the distance centre to centre is more 1 (see than the explanatory in the chapter 2). P-0, moving with speed is lower C, has characteristics of neutrino. It is obvious, that the weight of neutrino is vector size as speed of distribution of a wave in moving system of coordinates жv depends on a direction

                                                                            m v = 4/ Сv Tv                                                      (94)

     At experiments interaction of neutrino with trial weight occurs on a beam of movement. Therefore the observably weight neutrino corresponds to size of weight of frontal area.

     Speed of a wave in a direction of movement СX = C-v, then 

                                 mvX = 4 / (C - v)Tv = 4 (1 - v2/C2) 0,5/ (C-v)T0 = 4((C +v) / (C-v)) 0,5/ CT0    

                                                                            mvX = m0((C +v) / (C-v)) 0,5                                (95)

Here m0 and T0 - characteristics motionless P-0.

     Speed of a wave in a direction, perpendicular to a direction of movement, СY = (C2 - v2) 0,5, then 

                                      mvY = 4 / Tv(C2 - v2) 0,5= 4(1 - v2/C2) 0,5/ T0(C2 - v2) 0,5= 4 / CT0 = m0      (96)

     The observably weight of a photon is characterized by that energy which transfers a photon at collision with a particle. Interaction of photons with particles in a direction, perpendicular to a direction of its movement, is impossible, since the photon has speed limit of movement that excludes an opportunity of rapproachement with it. Therefore any influence is carried out by frontal area, and its character is defined by a corner of a meeting with a particle. The delayed photon after collision turns in a neutrino, which interaction with particles gives zero for the period of pulsations energy of transfer of influence and consequently it is not found out at experiments. For this reason the photon, having energy, has zero observably weight.

     Moving with speed C P-0 has the maximal kinetic energy which is proportional to acceleration which is tested with weight P-0 at change of speed of movement from zero up to C in time T0/4  

                                                                            Eкmax = m0C2 = 4C2 / CT0 = 4C / T0                        (97)

     At movement P-0 with speed of a wave the period of its pulsations Tc = ∞. Internal potential energy of field P-0 thus has maximal size EP = m0C2, and kinetic energy of internal movement is equal to zero E0 = 0. If speed P-0 becomes equal to zero kinetic energy of external movement is equal to zero Eк = 0, and kinetic energy of internal movement will have the maximal size

E0 = m0C2                                                            (98)

     P-0, moving with speed v, has energy of internal movement in a direction of movement

                    E0vX = 4(C - v) / Tv = 4(C - v) (1 - v2/C2) 0,5/ T0 = (4C / T0 – 4v / T0) (1 - v2/C2) 0,5=

                           = (4C2 / CT0 - 4C2v / C2T0) (1 - v2/C2) 0,5= (m0C2 - m0C2 v/C) (1 - v2/C2) 0,5=

                           = m0C2 (1 - v/C)                                                                                                  (99)

     In a direction, perpendicular to a direction of movement, P-0 has energy of internal movement

                    E0vY = 4(C2 - v2) 0,5/ Tv = 4(C2 - v2) 0,5(1 - v2/C2) 0,5 / T0 = 4(C2 - v2) / CT0 =

                           = 4C2 / CT0 – 4v2 / CT0 = m0C2 - m0v2 = m0C2 (1 - v2/C2) =

                           = E0(1 - v2/C2)                                                                                                     (100)

     The owner of characteristics of weight of a particle, are spherical spiral waves of gravitational weight of Vacuum, which cause a degree of influence of this particle on other structures of substance. Speed of displacement of gravitational weight on a site of interaction with unit in the motionless particle having frequency of units and ω, changes under the law

                                                                            vg0 = C sinωt

     Distance of displacement of gravitational weight in directions X, Y and Z in time a quarter of the period of a wave of unit

                                         R0X(YZ) = 0To/4C sinωtdt = - C/ω · cosωt│0To/4 = - C/ω = CT0 / 2π          (101)

     If the particle goes with speed v speed of displacement of gravitational weight in a direction of an axis X in system of coordinates of a particle will be

                                                                            vgХ = C sinωt - vХ

At vgХ = 0, sinωt = v/C and t = 1/ω · arcsin v/C.

     The distance of displacement in a direction of an axis X during interaction with unit in system of coordinates of a particle will be

                    Rv±X = tTo/4C sinωtdt - tTo/4vtdt = - C/ω · cosωt│1/ω · arcsin v/C To/4 - vt│1/ω · arcsin v/C To/4   

                           = - C/ω(cosωT0/4 – cos(ω/ω arcsin v/C)) – v(T0/4 ±1/ω · arcsin v/C) =

                           = CT0 / 2π · (1 - v2/C2) 0,5- vT0 / 2π · (π/2 ± arcsin v/C) =

                           = CT0 / 2π · ((1 - v2/C2) 0,5- v / C · (π/2 ± arcsin v/C))                                       (102)

     Comparing (101) and (102), it is possible to draw a conclusion, that time during which the gravitational weight tests acceleration, will be

                                      Tv±X = T0 ((1 - v2/C2) 0,5- v / C · (π/2 ± arcsin v/C))                                 (103)

     Speed of weight in a direction, perpendicular to a direction of movement of a particle, does not depend on speed of a particle

                                                                            vg0 = vgY = vgZ = C sinωt

Therefore                                                             TvY = TvZ = T0                                                      (104)

     Speed of distribution of spiral waves in system of coordinates of a moving particle

                                                                            С’v+X = Cv

                                                                            С’v-X = C + v

                                                                            СvY = СvZ = (C2 - v2) 0,5                                    (105)

     Length of a wave in moving system of coordinates

                                                                            λ’v+X = (C – v) Tv+X                                            

                                                             λ’v-X = (C + v) Tv-X

                                                                            λ’vY = λ’vZ = (C2 - v2) 0,5T0                                 (106)

     If the particle in weight m2 goes after a particle in weight m1 on an axis X with speed v characteristics of their interaction will be defined by working length of a wave be relative each other

λ’vX1-2 = (C v-X – v) Tv-X1 = С Tv-X1

λ’vX2-1 = (C v+X + v) Tv+X2 = СTv+X2                    (107)

     Working lengths of waves of the particles moving in parallel, on axes Y and Z will be

                                                                            λ’vY1-2 = λ’vY2-1 =(C2 vY + v2) 0,5T vY = CT0

                                                                            λ’vZ = λ’vY = CT0                                                (108)

     Thus, the moving particle radiates electromagnetic waves, which length depends on a direction of movement

                                                   λ’v±X = CTv±X = CT0((1 - v2/C2) 0,5± v / C · (π/2 - arcsin v/C))

                                                   λ’vZ = λ’vY = CT0                                                                         (109)

     The geometrical sizes of volume of the space filled with a particle and own fields closed on it, it is characterized by size R0. For any instant of time of distance between particles are characterized by number K spiral waves through, which communication between particles is carried out. This number will not change if to assume free movement of all system of particles. But the length of waves will change according to (109).

     Average value of length of a wave in volume of space on a direction of axes 

                                                    λ’vX = λ’vXav = (λ’v+X + λ’v-X) / 2 = CT0(1 - v2/C2) 0,5

                                                    λ’vZ = λ’vY = CT0                                                                       (110)

Thus, the linear sizes of bodies in a direction of movement will be

                                                                            L’ v = L 0 (1 - v2/C2) 0,5                                       (111)

This change can not be revealed in moving system of coordinates, if for this purpose to use the tools which are taking place in the same system of coordinates as their sizes will undergo similar changes.

     The weight of a moving particle is equal  

                                 m’v±X = 4 / λ’v±X = 4 / CT0((1 - v2/C2) 0,5± v / C · (π/2 - arcsin v/C)) =

                                          = m0 / ((1 - v2/C2) 0,5± v / C · (π/2 - arcsin v/C))

                                 m’vY = m’vZ = m0                                                                                           (112)

     The gradient of energy of a moving particle is equal

                                 E’v±X = 4 / T’v±X = 4C / T0((1 - v2/C2) 0,5± v / C · (π/2 - arcsin v/C)) =

                                          = E0 / ((1 - v2/C2) 0,5± v / C · (π/2 - arcsin v/C))

                                 E vY = E vZ = E0                                                                                              (113)

     Macro bodies consist of the big number of cooperating particles. This interaction is carried out by means of the spiral spherical waves extending as in direct, and in the opposite direction. And, all directions are equal in rights, as waves of cooperating particles move towards. Therefore characteristics of the body consisting from N of number of particles of various weight conditionally it is possible to present as the characteristic of the body, consisting them N numbers of particles of identical weight mav and average length of a wave in all directions. Thus lengths of waves concerning a direction of movement of a body will be

λ vXav = λ 0 (1 - v2/C2) 0,5

                                                                            λ’ vY = λ’ vZ = λ 0                                                (114)

     The physical processes occuring in bodies, consist on macro level of the big number of the interactions extending in direct and return directions. Therefore in moving system of coordinates time of transfer of interaction for the big time interval also is equal to average time of transfer of interaction

T’vX = (T’v+X  + T’v-X ) /2 = T0(1 - v2/C2) 0,5

T’vY = T’vZ = T0                                                   (115)

In absolute (motionless) system of coordinates time of moving system of coordinates can be expressed

TvX = T’vX  / (1 - v2/C2) 0,5

                                                                            TvY = TvZ = T0                                                      (116)

Full time of fulfilment of event for the moving object, including set of elementary time intervals of transfer of influences on all directions, in absolute system of coordinates will be

     3Tv = (TvX  + TvY  + TvZ ) = ((T’vX  / (1 - v2/C2) 0,5+ T’vY + T’vZ)) = ((T’vX  / (1 - v2/C2) 0,5+ TvY + TvZ))

But TvY = TvZ = Tv, therefore from here follows

                                                                            Tv = T’vX  / (1 - v2/C2) 0,5                                   (117)

     The weight and energy of the moving object consisting from N of average particles, will be

                                                                            M vX = Nmv = Nm0 / (1 - v2/C2) 0,5

                                                                            M vY = M vZ = Nm0 = M0                                      (118)

E vX = NEmv = NEmo / (1 - v2/C2) 0,5

                                                                            E vY = E vZ = NEmo = E0                                        (119)

     Kinetic energy of moving object is equal to increase of its energy a direction of movement (see 97)

                                        E К = E vX - E0 = 4C / TvX  - 4C / T0 = 4C / T0(1 - v2/C2) 0,5- 4C / T0 =

                                              = 4C2 / СT0(1 - v2/C2) 0,5- 4C2 / СT0 = M vC2 - M0C2

                                                                            E К = M vC2 - M0C2                                             (120)

     The level of density of Vacuum in the field of existence P-0, particles or macro bodies can change the waves of density caused by dynamics of Space. Thus the quantity of M+ and the M- participating in pulsations P-0 will change accordingly. But simultaneously proportionally force of interaction between these weights will change also. Therefore the period of pulsations and length of a wave will not change. According to the theory of elastic fluctuations

                                                                            T = 2π(m / f) 0,5= 2π(P / f) 0,5                              (121)

Where T – period of pulsings,

            m – gravitational weight of Vacuum,

            P – density of Vacuum,

            f  - force of interaction М+ and М- .

Speed of a wave at changes of density also will not change

                                                                            C = (f / P) 0,5                                                        (122)

From here follows, that observably weight P-0 does not change at any changes of a level of density of Vacuum from positive up to a negative phase of peak surfaces of gravitational waves. 

     If the zero level of density of Vacuum has changed from Р10 up to Р20, that force of interaction of M+ and M- has changed thus from fR1 = 1/R P1max up to fR2 = 1/R P2max . But Р0 = 1/R0 Pmax , where R0 = CT0 / 4, therefore

                                                                            Р10 = 4/CT0 · P1max 

                                                                            Р20 = 4/CT0 · P2max  

Or                                                                       Р10 / Р20 = P1max / P2max                                          (123)

     Change of amplitude of density changes power characteristics P-0. Gravitational energy of absolute weight P-0 is an energy of density МВ of Vacuum. Gravitational energy P-0 for Р10 and for Р20                                  

E g1 = МВ1C2 и E g2 = МВ2C2                                 (124)

Potential energy of these two conditions

                                                                            E g2-1 = E g2 - E g1 = (МВ2 - МВ1)C2                        (125)

Here                                                                    МВ1 = 1/R·Р1max cosωtR

                                                                            МВ2 = 1/R·Р2max cosωtR

From here                                                            МВ2 =  МВ1P2max / P1max = МВ1P20 / P10                 (126)

Potential gravitational energy

                                                                             E gP2-1 = МВ1 (P20 / P10 - 1) C2                             (127)

At moving P-0 from area Р10 in area Р20 work is made W = E gP2-1.

     The increase of density of Vacuum in the field of existence of a particle conducts to occurrence of a stream of energy of more dense Vacuum, which is transferred by positive electric gravitational fields to units of a particle and is involved in the closed streams of M+ and M- of its fields. The density of M+ and M- in these streams grows. Gravitational energy of a particle is accordingly increased. At decrease of a level of density of Vacuum in the field of existence of a particle, it gives Vacuum via negative electric gravitational fields. Gravitational energy of a particle thus is reduced.   


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