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9. Weight and energy


     Mechanical characteristics of a spherical wave are shown at interaction of sources of spherical waves. Display of mechanical characteristics are distances of movings of the centres of pulsations, or systems of coordinates in which the given centre of pulsations is motionless, at displacement owing to influence of a gravitational wave of other source. 

     Let's consider as an example interaction of two P-0 with the periods of pulsations Т1 and Т2. For simplification conditionally we shall accept, that during interaction their phase does not change and corresponds t=0. The minimal distance up to which can be pulled together P1-0 and P2-0, not cooperating between itself in the weights which are taking place in a phase t=0 at a level of density Р0, R = C Т1 / 4 + C Т2 / 4. Radiuses of the compressed weight at this moment are equal R01 = C Т1 / 4 and R02 = C Т2 / 4. The density is equal a point of a contact

                                                                            Р0 = 1/R01 Р1max = 1/R02 Р2max                                (71)

or                                                                        4Р1max /CТ1 = 4P2max /CТ2

Therefore                                                             Р1max /Р2max = R01/R02 = Т1/Т2                                 (72)

     At rapproachement P1-0 and P2-0 on smaller distance at the moment t=0 the maximal value of density in a point laying on a plane of interaction, will be 2РR

                                                                              РR = 1/R1 Р1max = 1/R2 Р2max                                (73)

Where R1 and R2 - distances from centres P1-0 and P2-0 up to a plane of interaction.

From here                                                            Р1max /Р2max = R1 /R2                                                (74)

     The force caused in increased density in the field of interaction, cause movement P1-0 and P2-0 in the opposite sides. On fig. 29 change of density of Vacuum in volumes cooperating P1-0 and P2-0 is shown.



Fig. 29


     If to designate: t - time of interaction, v1 - speed of moving P1-0, v2 - speed of moving P2-0, М1 and М2 - values of observably weight P1-0 and P2-0, ΔR1 - distance of moving P1-0 in time t, ΔR2 - distance of moving P2-0 in time t it is possible to write down

                                                                            Favt = М1v1 = М2v2                                              (75)

Here Fav = Р avR , v1av = ΔR1 / t , v2av = ΔR2 / t ,

Therefore,                                                            М1 / М2 = ΔR2 / ΔR1                                            (76)

But in system of coordinates О1 ΔR1 = R01 - R1, and in system of coordinates О2 ΔR2 = R02 - R2, therefore according to (72) and (74)

            ΔR1 / ΔR2 = (R01 - R1) / (R02 - R2) = (R02 T1 / T2 - R2 T1 / T2) / (R02 - R2) = T1 / T2               (77)

From here follows, М1 / М2 = ΔR2 / ΔR1 = T2 / T1 .

     This paradox arises if to use relative system of coordinates at supervision of interaction of structures of substance. At interaction of two elementary particles the density of Vacuum in the field of interaction grows. Interaction of particles is fixed from the moment of the beginning of interaction up to the moment of the termination of rapproachement when the amplitude of density of Vacuum in a plane of interaction will achieve the level of the density, which have shown the reason of rapproachement. The distances of moving observably by the person, correspond (77). Thus, the observably weight is proportional to a steepness of front of a gravitational wave.

     Weight P-0 can be expressed through radius at t=0 or in length of a wave.  

                                                                            М = 1/R0 = 4/CT0 = 4/λ                                      (78)

Therefore in the considered example М1 = 4/CT1, а М2 = 4/CT2 .

If in various directions the steepness of front of a wave of an elementary particle is not identical, the observably weight can be expressed only by vector size. 

     If to consider interaction of two P-0 in dynamics of pulsations it is possible to draw a conclusion, that for each moment of time fairly similar reasoning. Distinction consists only that Р1max and Р2max it is necessary to take according to phase P1-0 and P2-0. In all cases the observably weight is inversely proportional to the period of pulsations.

     Change of density of Vacuum in the centre of rotation of an electron, a positron and derivatives from them particles as consequence of pump effect, results in deformation of units of photons in their structures. The underpressure in the centre of rotation of electron is higher (compression in the centre of rotation of a positron), the degree of deformation of units, less radial sizes of a particle there is more. At reduction of the radial sizes angular speed of rotation grows. Electron is rotating mechanical system for which expression of the module of the moment of pulse L = meωr2.

From here, radius of rotation                                r = (L / meω) 0,5                                                   (79)

Where  me - relative size of weight of Vacuum of units of electron, 

            ω – angular speed of rotation.

Therefore at increase of angular speed of rotation the length of electromagnetic waves of a particle accordingly decreases, and the amplitude of density of Vacuum grows. The steepness of front of a gravitational wave and the observably weight of a particle appropriate to it grows. If to accept radius of rotation equal to half of length of a wave of an elementary particle r = λ/2 then from (79) follows 

λ = 2(L / meω) 0,5                                                (80)

     During integration of electron in structure of a core of a nucleon the module of the moment of a pulse does not change, energy of system of electron is saved constant. If λe - length of electromagnetic waves of electron, λKn - length of electromagnetic waves of a core of a nucleon, and observably weights of electron and a core of a nucleon - Мe and МKn their attitude will be

                                                                            Мe / МKn = λKn / λe = ωe / ωKn                             (81)

As the gradient of force is equal to peak density of Vacuum of unit at transformation of electrons in a core of a nucleon the peak density will decrease. According to (72)

                                                                            Pe / PKn = TKn / Te                                                (82)

And the observably weight according to (78) will increase

                                                                            MKn / Мe  = TKn / Te = λe / λKn                             (83)

     Emitted particles of a wave are generated by their units by dispersal of M+ and M- of gravitational weight of Vacuum mg frontal area of units from zero on an axis of movement of unit till the maximal speed With at a zero phase of a wave in a point separation waves from unit. Time of dispersal equally quarters of the period of a wave of unit. Acceleration of movement of M+ and M- on this site

                                                                            ag = 4C / T λ                                                        (84)

Taking into account that the quantity of movement of system of gravitational waves during decrease of radius of rotation constant is saved, is possible to believe, that the size of relocatable weight of Vacuum mg will not change. Therefore the force creating acceleration of moving can be expressed

                                                                            F = mgag = 4mgC / T λ                                          (85)

The pulse of force, or quantity of movement, will be

                                                                            K = F Tλ / 4 = mgC                                              (86)

For an electron                                                     age = 4C / T λe                                                     

                                                                            Fe = 4mgC / T λe

For a core of a nucleone                                       agKn = 4C / T λe                                                   

                                                                            FKn = 4mgC / T λKn

But for both of them                                             K = mgC

Quantum of energy, which will be received with gravitational weight during dispersal till speed C for the period of time Tλ/4,

                                                                            Eћ = F λ/4 = λmgC / T λ                                       (87)

Or, having substituted λ = CT λ,                            Eћ = mgC2                                                            (88)

To quantum of energy there corresponds quantum of time

                                                                            tћ = Tλ / 4                                                             (89)

The quantum pulse of energy for the period of time t is equal

Eћt = Eћ t                                                              (90)

     Process of interaction of units with dispersed gravitational weight is wave. The total pulse of force of unit and gravitational weight is equal to zero, therefore К = mgC = mуC. Also it is necessary to take into account, that according to the accepted expression of the characteristic of weight of a particle mу = m.

The Constant of Planck corresponds to a total quantum pulse of energy of M+ and M- for the period of a wave.

                                                                            ћ = Eћ Tλ = λmC                                                   (91)

     Protons and electrons, taking place on stationary orbits of atom, are connected between themselves energetically in uniform system of the fields closed against each other. Quantized, energy of a radial negative field of electron moves in gravitational weight of Vacuum on a beam of a proton and is absorbed by a proton via a positive disk field of its core. Low-frequency electromagnetic waves of electron are modulated by high frequency of a proton, getting quantization of the second level. Quantization of the second level is carried out by units of a core of a nucleon, which inform gravitational weight power pulses of frequency of a proton. Quantized, energy of a radial negative field of a core of a proton moves in a direction of electron and is absorbed by its positive axial field. There is a closed electromagnetic field in which energy of Vacuum circulates quantized. The electron, taking place on stationary environments of atom, have similar power communications also with attics of protons. But these communications are weaker, than communications with a core of a proton. It is caused very much by a high tension of a positive disk field of a proton. Electromagnetic fields cooperating of electrons and mesons have quantization with frequency of electron and with frequency of meson.

     If to consider system closed against each other quantized, electromagnetic fields in absolute system of coordinates it is possible to present wave system as superlight streams of a charge of Space. These streams circulate in directions of spherical spirals of intensity electromagnetic waves. Streams represent circulation of a charge, phase structure of Vacuum, uniting thus elementary particles in structure of atom, a molecule, a crystal, substance, objects of a macrocosm and the universe as a whole. In this system all elementary particles are energetically interconnected. They belong to one system of coordinates Space - time. In the same volume of Space there is an infinite set of other systems of coordinates too interconnected energetically Space - time. But they exchange energy only in a mode of time intervals less the period of a wave. For the period of a wave the vector sum of an exchange by energies is equal to zero. This physical law underlies a principle of superposition of waves. Differently, the quantum of energy of any level of one system has no for itself a free niche in other system. Strictly speaking, such transitions are possible, but they are carried out by Reason with use of energies ideas, which are not connected to one of systems, and streams of a peak phase of Vacuum controlled by it. 

     If the particle cooperates as a unit the observably weight is defined by presence of internal communications of structural elements. Influence on fields of any structural element is distributed by superlight streams of gravitational weights on all other structural elements connected to it. Such complex particle can be submitted as set of identical simple particles with some average equally effective weight. Such representation can be distributed to nucleus, atoms, molecules, in general on macro skew fields, which are considered as absolutely firm body. That is deformation of structural elements of it is not taken into account.

     Distances between particles in a nuclear nucleus are defined by balance of forces of interaction of the heteronymic fields working on rapproachement, and forces of interaction of the same fields working on pushing away. The less than distance between particles, the on more high level there is a balance of forces of interaction of structural elements. Rapproachement of elementary particles conducts to growth of absolute size Р0 of the same fields. Infringement of balance of these forces, for example, by axial displacement of separate nucleons at bombardment by neutrons, results in destruction of a nucleus and a start of separate nucleons under action of forces of pushing away of the same fields. 

     If two P-0, having identical frequency and a phase at the moment t=0, were pulled together up to distance centre to centre R1-2=1 (here 1 - the unit of measurements of length aspiring to zero) symmetric deformation of their volumes during rapproachement cause doubling of density of weight in volume of interaction. According to (10)

                                                                            m0R = 2 mR = 2/R P max

Gradient of force of interaction according to (11)

                                                                            f0R = 2/R P max

Under action of this force through time T/4 both P-0 will move in the opposite sides with speeds C. The gradient of kinetic energy of each of them will be

ERк = m0R C2/2 = mR C2                                      (92)

From here follows, that potential energy of everyone P-0 had such size at the moment of time t=0. P-0, moving with speed C, has characteristics of a photon.

     The physical body consisting of set of elementary particles, having in total weight m, moving with speed C has characteristics of a package of waves of photons. Its kinetic energy in this period 

                                                                            E = m C2                                                             (93)

The body has such size of potential energy at the moment of a presence in the field of a peak surface of a gravitational wave. In real conditions potential energy of a body is lower size of total kinetic energy of movement of structural elements in absolute system of coordinates.  


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