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2. Electric, magnetic and force field P-0


     During pulsations P-0 density M+ and M- on distance R=1 (hereinafter in similar expressions 1 - there is a unit of measurements, in this case lengths which theoretically aspires to zero, and in practical calculations depends on necessary accuracy of calculation) from the centre of pulsations changes under law

Р+ = Рmax cos ωt1

Р-  = -Рmax cos ωt1                                                (1)

     On distance R from centre P-0 density M+ and M- changes under law

P±R = ±1/R·Р max cosω (t1 - R/C)                          (2)

Or                                                                       P±R = ±1/R·Р max cosωtR                                       (3)

Here tR - local time of a point for distance R from the centre.

     Density of weights in space on radius R for time t1 = 0

P±R = ±1/R·Р max cosωR/C                                    (4)

     On fig. 1 distribution of density of weights in cross section P-0 for t1 = 0 is represented.

     Spherical volumes of M+ and M- move towards each other with speeds of wave displacement. Their peak spherical surfaces, density of weight of the appropriate mark in which aspires to infinity, move with speed of a wave as two systems of converging and missing waves. At imposing peak surfaces of an opposite mark the density of Vacuum becomes equal to a zero level, and speed of displacement M+ and M- in counter movement has speed of a wave.  


Fig. 1


     The gradient of an electric charge characterizes quantity and a mark of the weight contained in individual volume. The gradient of a positive charge has peak value on distance R

q+RA = 1/R·q+max = 1/R·P+max                               (5)

And negative charge                            

q-RA = 1/R·q-max = 1/R·P-max                                 (6)

     Electric such charges create an electric field of gravitation. Intensity of an electric field of the gravitation, caused by displacement of weight of the appropriate mark, is equal to size of a gradient of an electric charge

Е egRA = 1/R·Рmax                                                 (7)

     Intensity of an electric field on radius R at the moment t1 = 0

Е egR = 1/R·Е egmax cosωR/C                                (8)                                                                 

     During pulsations intensity of an electric field of gravitation changes under the law

Е egR = 1/R·Е egmax cosωtR                                    (9)

     The electric field creates force which operates on the charged weight and creates acceleration of its moving.

     The weight of unit of volume of Vacuum is proportional to its density. 

mR = PR = 1/R·Рmax cosωtR                                  (10)

     The force working on this weight is proportional to intensity of an electric field of gravitation.

                                                                            fR = Е egR = 1/R·Рmax cosωtR                                (11)

     Acceleration of movement of weight thus will be a constant.

                                                                            aR = fR / mR = 1                                                    (12)

     At distribution of harmonious fluctuations to a homogeneous environment the parity(ratio) is carried out

РmaxA = vmax Р0 / C

Where vmax - the maximal speed of movement of pulsing weight.

     As Р0 = РmaxA ,                                  vmax = C                                                                             (13)

Hence, during pulsations the weight, moving with constant acceleration, changes speed from zero up to C in time Т/4. Here Т - the period of pulsations. Thus acceleration will be

am = 4C / T                                                          (14)

Amplitude of a displacement                                       RA = amT2 / 32 = CT/8                                 (15)

Velocity of a displacement                                           vm = amt = 4Ct / T                                        (16)

     Energy P-0 exists as kinetic at the moment of time tR = T/4 and as potential at the moment tR = 0. A gradient of energy in point R

ER = mR C2 / 2 = 1/2R·C2 Рmax cosωtR                    (17)

                                                                            ERA = 1/2R·Рmax C2                                                (18)

     Moving M+ and M- have characteristics of a magnetic field. Intensity of a magnetic field of gravitation - is a gradient of quantity of movement of a charge in the given point of space.

     Intensity of an electric field of gravitation and intensity of a magnetic field of the gravitation, existing in P-0, are connected between itself ratio

                                                                            Е egR = 1/R·Е egmax cosωtR                                       (19)

                                                                            H gR = - d Е egR / d t = 1/R·Е egmax ω sinωtR              (20)

     Intensity of a magnetic field is vector size, as characterizes not only size, but also a direction of moving of a charge.

     Intensity of an electric field of gravitation P-0 is identical to a gradient of the force working on weight, and causing its moving. 

                                                                            Е egR = fR                                                                 (21)

     The force working on area SR of a site of sphere of radius R, is equal

                                                                            F = fR SR

     At action of force on the distance of moving equal R, work is made

                                                                            W = FR                                                                  (22)

     It is obvious, that work is made at moving weight from area with density Р10 in area with density Р20. From here follows, that full energy of the charge concentrated in volume V from here follows, is equal to quantity of this charge.

                                                                            EV = FR = fSR = Рav SR = Рav V                              (23)

Where Рav, - average value of a denseness of a charge in volume V.

     If the M+ and M- make fluctuations around of a zero level of density Р0, and the minimal value of density thus is equal to absolute zero Рmin=0 zero levels of density of M+ and can be expressed M- generally as

                                                                            Р0+ = 2Р0 - Р0-                                                          (24)

And the energy of charges will be

                                                                            EV+ = (2Р0 - Р0-)V                                                    (25)

                                                                            EV+ = Р0- V

     Full energy of volume V

                                                                            EV =  EV+ + EV- = 2Р0V                                            (26)

And difference in magnitude of energy М+ and М- 

                                                                            ΔEV+ = EV+ - EV- =  2(Р0 - Р0-)V                               (27)

     From (26) follows, that at any ratio Р0+и Р0- arising during pulsations PUn, energy P-0, existing in its volume, does not change. Thus P-0 absorbs weight which density raises, and gives weight which density is reduced. At the same time, symmetric increase or decrease of density of M+ and the M-, caused by imposing of pulsations PUn№, changes internal energy P-0.

     Thus, the pulsation of size of charges of M+ and M- in volume P-0 is shown as cooperating electric, magnetic and force fields of gravitation, as by one of forms of existence of a matter. The force field characterizes a statics of Vacuum, the magnetic field characterizes movement of Vacuum, and the electric field is a link between them and characterizes a potentiality of dynamics of Vacuum.

     Resulting value of intensity electric and magnetic gravitational fields equally a vector difference of intensity these fields created in M+ and M-. If to accept for a positive direction of a vector of intensity of M+, we shall receive

                                                                            E eg =  E eg+ - E eg-                                                  

                                                                            Н g =  Н g+- Н g-                                                       (28)


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