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8. Stationary environments of electrons in atom


     Precession axes of rotation of a proton, creates waves precessions, which are imposed on electromagnetic waves of fields. As against the electromagnetic waves formed by spiral streams of М+ and М-, which have a counter direction of radial movement, waves precessions contain an agreeable direction of movement of М+ and М- in a radial direction. Electromagnetic waves in waves precessions are stretched and compressed (dragged out and compressed), making wave fluctuations with frequency precessions. The arisen wave streams become isolated in Space, forming a field of wave precessions, which in the essence is a wave field of symmetric gravitation. 

     The wave field precessions creates sine wave changes of a zero level of density of Vacuum Р0 and the displacement appropriate to these changes both positive, and a negative charge. If radius precessions RP, and period ТP, speed of movement of a point of an external surface of a core of a nucleon in an orbit precessions

                                                                            vP max = 2πRP / ТP                                                 (52)

and a projection of speed to a radial direction

                                                                            vP  = vP max sin ωPt = 2πRP / ТP · sinωPt                 (53)

          Acceleration of М+ and М- in the given direction

                                                                            аP = dvP / dt = 2πRP / ТP · ωP cosωPt

or                                                                        аP = ωP2 RP cosωPt                                               (54)

If to accept, that the proton is motionless, acceleration emitted a core of a nucleon of М+ and М- by a spiral will be                                

                                                          аPKn = аKn + аP sinωKnt = 8С/TKn + ωP2 RP cosωPt sinωKnt      (55)

Where TKn - the period of waves, emitted a core of a nucleon,

            ωKn - angular speed of electrons in structure of a core of a nucleon. 

     In absolute system of coordinates electromagnetic waves move in the environment of a symmetric gravitational stream of displacement of Vacuum in waves precessions. Density of Vacuum on distance R from a core of a nucleon    

PPR = 1/R PKnsinωPtR                                           (56)

Where PKn - the maximal value of density on distance R=1 from a core of a nucleon.

     Potential of the force working on Vacuum in a radial direction 

                                                                            f PR = 1/R PKnsinωPtR                                           (57)

     Acceleration of Vacuum in a radial direction

                                                                            аPR = f PR / m PR = 1                                              (58)

     Length of a wave precession on radius owing to a constant of acceleration of displacement of Vacuum

                                                                            λPR = аP/2 · ТP2 (2n-1)                                         (59)

Where n = t / ТP .

     Distance from a core of a nucleon up to the points of Space, which are taking place in one phase of change Р0,

                                                                            RP = аP/2 · ТP2 n2                                                 (60)

Where n - integers of natural lines.

     Under influence of a positive field of a beam of a proton free electron, appeared in an operative range of this beam, it aspires to be pulled together to a nucleus of atom. During movement of the electron to a nucleus there is its orientation at which the power minimum of system is provided. Therefore electron in the field of active influence of a field of a proton has identical with it a direction of rotation and synchronized precession axes of rotation. Thus, the steady wave system creates a proton - electron. Between them there is a field formed by waves extending towards precessions. At acceleration аP distance R, movings of a wave precessions R = аP t2 /2. Number of waves in time t 

                                                                            n = t / TP - φ0                                                      (61)

Where φ0 = φ / 2π - a phase of a wave in relative units.

     A phase of a wave on distance R 

                                                                            φR = 2πt / TP - 2πn                                             (62)

From here, with the account is higher stated,

                                                                            t = (2R./ аP) 0,5 = (φ/2π + n) TP

                                                                            φR = 2π((2R/ аPТP2) 0,5 – n) = 2π((R/ λ1) 0,5 – n)   (63)

Where λ1 - length of the first wave precessions.

     If to accept a core of a nucleon for the beginning of coordinates the equation of a missing wave will look like 

                                                                            PKnR = 1/R PKnsin(ωPt - 2π(R/ λ1) 0,5 + 2πn)         (64)

     The distance up to point R in system of coordinates of electron, a nucleon taking place from a core on distance Rn, is equal Re = Rn - R. The equation moving to a core of a nucleon of a wave will look like

                                                             PeR = -1/(Rn-R) · Pesin(ωPt + 2π((Rn-R)/ λ1) 0,5 - 2πn)       (65)

As Rn = λ1n2

                                                             PeR = -1/( λ1n2 - R) · Pesin(ωPt + 2π((Rn-R)/ λ1) 0,5 - 2πn)  (66)

Addition of potentials of density of Vacuum of these waves up to point R gives

PR = 1/R PKnsin(ωPt - 2π(R/ λ1) 0,5 + 2πn) - 1/( λ1n2 - R) · Pe sin(ωPt + 2π((n2–R / λ1) 0,5 - 2πn)) =

     = (1/R · PKn + 1/( λ1n2 - R) · Pe) sin(ωPt - 2π(R/ λ1) 0,5 + 2πn)) - 1/( λ1n2 - R) · Pe (sin(ωPt - 2π(R/ λ1) 0,5 + 2πn) + sin(ωPt + 2π(n2–R / λ1) 0,5 - 2πn)  

= (1/R · PKn + 1/( λ1n2 - R) · Pe) sin(ωPt - 2π(R/λ1) 0,5 + 2πn) – 2/( λ1n2 - R) · Pe sin(2πn - π(R/λ1) 0,5 - π(n2–R/λ1) 0,5) · cos(ωPt – π(R/λ1) 0,5 + π(n2–R/λ1) 0,5).


PR = (1/R · PKn + 1/(λ1n2 - R) · Pe) sin(ωPt – φ1) - 2/(λ1n2 - R) · Pe sinφ2 cos(ωPt – φ3)                  (67)

Where φ1 = 2π(R/λ1) 0,5 - 2πn,

           φ2 = 2πn - π(R/λ1) 0,5 - π(n2–R/λ1) 0,5,

           φ3 = π(R/λ1) 0,5 - π(n2–R/λ1) 0,5.

     From here it is possible to draw a conclusion, that in space between a proton and a electron the level of density of Vacuum is defined by addition of potentials of two standing waves, which are having identical frequency and taking place in an antiphase. 

     Potential of the first standing wave PR1 = -2/( λ1n2 - R) · Pe) sinφ2 cos(ωPt – φ3) has units in points R01, which can be found from

sin(2πn - π(R/ λ1) 0,5 - π(n2–R / λ1) 0,5) = 0.

                                                                            R01 = λ1n2                                                              (68)

Potential of the second standing wave PR2 = (1/R · PKn + 1/( λ1n2 - R) · Pe) sin(ωPt – φ1) has units in points R02, which can be found from   

1/R · PKn + 1/( λ1n2 - R) · Pe = 0

                                                                            R02 = PKn / (PKn - Pe) · λ1n2                                  (69)

     The electron, seized by a positive field of a beam of a proton, moves in area of one of units of standing waves, which arise at interaction of waves precessions axes of rotation of a proton and electron. Thus electronic environments and subshells on distances from proton R01 and R02 are formed. The number of subshells grows with growth of number of electrons, standing waves participating in creation precessions.

     Position of electron in "orbit" around of a nucleus is defined by dynamic balance of all forces working on it, from which basic:

Fe+ - force of interaction with a positive field of a proton,

Fe- -force of interaction with a negative field of a proton,

Feg - gravitational force of waves precessions a proton,

Fe1 and Fe2 - forces of interaction with negative electromagnetic fields next on an environment of electrons,

Fe1g and Fe2g - gravitational forces of waves precessions, created next on an environment by electrons. 

     In a plane of radial fields moving of an electron is limited by convexities standing waves and negative electric fields. And in an axial direction moving of an electron is limited precession to moving of a beam of a proton in the field of which power minimum electron is.

     The quantity of an electrons, taking place on each environment, is limited to a balance of interaction at which distances between next by electrons are equal both πλ1, and the radius of the subshells created by everyone of electron at interaction with a proton, is equal R01 and R02.

     On fig. 28 the relative positioning of a proton and electrons in atom and directions of the basic forces of dynamic balance is shown.  


Fig. 28


     Distances between by electrons on an environment it is equal both πλ1 that is less than distance up to the second unit of a standing wave equal 4λ1. This position causes the intense conditions of fields. Quantity of electrons on an environment at distances between them 4λ1

                                                                            N = 2πλ1 n2 / πλ1 = 2 n2                                         (70)

     At the greater number of electrons in an environment, one or the several of electrons can be pulled together up to distance λ1, appropriate to the first unit of a standing wave. But on this distance of intensity of fields are very high. Probability, that forces of pushing away of negative fields will overcome oppositioning, it forces of gravitation and an attraction to a nucleus, raises. Excessive an electron, having overcome сamber a standing wave, it is thrown out by a wave precessions for limits of an environment.

      Electron settles down on an environment in such a manner that its backs PS it is directed opposite a back of the appropriate part of a core of a nucleon with which electron cooperates, and it is opposite to backs next of electrons. This condition is carried out, when next electrons cooperate with the parts of protons having opposite backs. At such arrangement vectors Eeg and Нg in spirals of cooperating electromagnetic waves have an agreeable direction that provides a power minimum of system.  

     The atoms having number of neutrons, exceeding number of protons, differ that some beams of protons are shielded by "excessive" neutrons. The weakened beams of protons, nevertheless, are capable to keep electrons on an environment. But stability of such interaction is lowered. Atoms easily lose these electrons and become active.

     Penetration of everyone new of an electron on a stationary environment is connected to overcoming a barrier, camber the standing wave formed by interaction of protons with already taking place on environment by electrons. Overcoming of a barrier probably at presence of sufficient kinetic energy of an electron. This energy can be is transferred to it, for example, at collision with a photon. Thus the photon кeduces the velocity also turns in neutrino.

     Transition of electron on more removed environment also is connected to overcoming a barrier of a standing wave and demands starting energy. Thus transition is carried out with speed of displacement of Vacuum in a wave of precessions, which repeatedly exceeds speed of light. Movement of electron in area of camber the standing wave following on a course occurs to braking in a counter stream of Vacuum. Thus the shock wave as cones of compression of M+ and M- in front of electron is formed. In connection with high speed of transition of electron on a new environment, angular moving of photons in its structure it is practically equal to zero. Therefore in front two cones of compression are formed: a cone of M+ and a cone of the M-, having a relative positioning appropriate to a phase of electron at the moment of transition. At decrease of speed of electron up to size is lower C, speeds of a wave, shock waves of M+ and M- come off and move as the independent particle, induced polarized a γin+ photon or a γ- photon.  


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