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4. Characteristics of an electron and a positron


     The vortical package of waves electron and a positron cooperates with environmental Vacuum, raising electromagnetic waves and displacement of M+ and M-. Thus there is a wave stream of Vacuum. On fig. 3 directions of streams of M+ and M- in electromagnetic waves of electron are shown. Streams of M+ and the M- in electromagnetic waves of a positron have an opposite direction. 



Fig. 3


     Along an axis of rotation electron influence of traces of photons, units of the lowered density of M+, raises streams of a positive charge of Space in a direction of these units. But these units move with speed of a wave, therefore streams of the raised density of a charge will penetrate only into frontal area moving after a photon carrying too a positive charge. Influence of a field of a photon the stream of M+, a positive charge, is thrown out in a radial direction, getting the spiral - spherical form repeating the spherical form of unit of a photon and spiral, as consequence of its rotary direction of movement.

     Along an axis of rotation electron influence of photons raises also streams in M-. But photons move with speed of a wave, therefore the M- will penetrate into frontal area of traces of photons and by their repellent force is thrown out in a radial direction. Thus, units of the lowered density of M+ electron create spiral - spherical streams of M, a negative charge. Around electron there are electromagnetic waves, which carry out carry of charges. Thus radial streams become isolated with axial, forming the dual toroidal quantum field of active Vacuum. The maximal intensity of fields will be along an axis and in a radial direction.

     The positron is born in the field of a negative charge, its power leaders are antiphotons, and units of a positive charge are their traces. The physics of process of excitation of spiral - spherical streams of a negative charge and formation of electromagnetic waves by nothing differs from electron. But streams of a charge of a positive mark will have an opposite direction. Hence, and intensity of fields in absolute system of coordinates will have an opposite mark. 

     Each unit of density of M+ and the M- generate the spiral stream having the maximal value of density Рmax on distance L=1. The density of M+ and M- by a spiral will be reduced

РL= 1/L · Рmax

Intensity of an electric field of gravitation in system of coordinates of a spiral accordingly will be on distance L

                                                                            ELeg = 1/L · Emaxeg                                                (35)

And intensity of a magnetic field of gravitation will be

                                                                            НLg = 1/L · Hmaxg                                                  (36)

It reflects change of quantity of movement of a charge owing to his(its) distribution on a spherical surface of a wave. Full quantity of movement

                                                                            0 S/2 НLg = Const,

Where S/2 - the area of a hemisphere of a spiral - spherical wave on distance L from an electron or a positron.

     The gradient of weight and gradient of the force working on this weight, on length of a spiral will change proportionally

                                                                            MLg = 1/L · Pmaxg;      fLg = 1/L · Pmaxg                   (37)

Consequence of it will be the gravitational in regular intervals accelerated movement of M+ and M- on spirals

                                                                            aG = fL / ML = 1                                                   (38)

     Let's consider characteristics of electric and magnetic spiral fields on an example electron. The gravitational stream of M+ and M-  achieves speed C in time

                                                                            t = Tγ / 4

Where Tγ - the period of photons in structure electron.

From here                                                            aG = 4С / Tγ                                                        (39)

     Length of a spiral up to a point on distance R from unit electron

                                                                            LR = Lav n = Lav · R / λ                                        (40)

Where Lav - length of a circle in radius R/2,

           n - number of lengths λ waves on radius R, 

then                                                                     LR = 2πR /2 · R/λ = πR2 / λ                                 (41)

     Time, during which M+ and the M-  run distance LR, moving with constant acceleration,

                                                                            tL = TγR / λ                                                         (42)

Speed of movement of M+ and M- on a spiral on distance R from an electron

                                                                            VRg = 2Vavg = 2πR2/ λ · λ / TγR = 2πR / Tγ         (43)

Speed of an electromagnetic wave

                                                                            С = R / tL = Rλ / TγR = λ / Tγ = Const                (44)

Ratio of wave and gravitational speeds of moving of M+ and M-

                                                                            VR g = 2πR / Tγ = С2πR / λ                                 (45)

The density of M+ and the M-, moving on a spiral, will be on distance R from an electron

                                                                             PR = Pγ / LR = λPγ / πR2                                      (46)

Intensity of a radial electric field is equal

                                                               ERe = EReg = Eγeg / LR = λEγeg/ πR2 = 2CEγeg/ ωγ R2          (47)

Thus, characteristics of an electric field reflect dependence of characteristics of a spiral electric gravitational field on distance up to a source on a straight line. From (47) it is visible, that if the gravitational field has intensity which size is inversely proportional to distance the electric field has intensity which size is inversely proportional to a square of distance up to a source.

     On fig. 4 vectors of intensity of an electric field and an electric field of gravitation on distance R from a positron are shown. Electron has an opposite direction of vectors intensity fields.

Fig. 4


        Intensity of electric field ERe is directed perpendicularly spherical surface of these waves, and intensity of electric gravitational field EReg is directed on a tangent to a spherical surface.

                                                                            ERe = Eγegλ / πR2                                                (48)

     The electric gravitational field is a field of circulation of a vector of intensity around of an axis of rotation of a positron or an electron. This circulation has characteristics of a magnetic field. Intensity of a magnetic field is equivalent intensity of an electric gravitational field.

                                                                            НR = EReg = 1/L · Eγeg                                          (49)

     Electron, formed in rotating units of the increased density of M+ and the M- has the positive mechanical moment. The direction of rotation an electron can be left or right. We shall accept, that the vector of mechanical moment PS is directed on an axis of rotation and forms with a direction of rotation system of the right screw. PS - backs of electron, characterizes inertial system of rotation. At the same time this system creates acceleration of weights, that it is typical of magnetic fields. Acceleration of M+ and M- is carried out by spirals of spherical waves in environmental space. Therefore the mechanical system has also properties of magnetic system. The vector of the magnetic moment РmS is directed on an axis of rotation and forms system of the right screw with a direction of movement of M + and M on spirals of waves. With a direction of rotation an electron the vector РmS forms system of the left screw.

     On fig. 5 directions of vectors of the spin mechanical and magnetic moments of the electron are shown.

     The positron has an opposite direction of vectors spin. 


Fig. 5


     Let's accept a symbol (block diagram) of an electron and a positron, reflecting character their electric and magnetic fields it agrees fig. 6.



Fig. 6


     In figure it is shown the electron, having backs PS by a direction upwards, of the right screw system rotations. The positron in figure has backs РS a direction downwards, of the left screw system rotations. Spiral - spherical waves of M+ and M- are absorbed by an electron an axial direction from below and from above and thrown out in a plane of rotation of units. The positron absorbs M+ and M- in a plane of rotation of units and throws out upwards and downwards on an axis of rotation.


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