The philosophy of Space Consciousness
© Lemyakin Boris Aleksandrovich.e-mail: |
The philosophy of Space Consciousness
13. Renovation-2012
13.1. Development of a matter and a life occurs according to gravitational dynamics of space.
13.2. There is an infinite set of gravitational cycles of the various period, from ultrahigh frequencies which can be fixed by the research equipment, till many millenia down to the big gravitational cycle with the period of 4,6 billion years.
13.3. Development of a matter in each gravitational cycle occurs on a background of gravitational cycles of greater periodicity.
13.4. Everyone gravitational a cycle has the beginning during the moment of gravitational impact of a phase of vacuum of one sign and the termination during the moment of gravitational impact of a phase of vacuum of an opposite sign.
13.5. Dynamics of development of a matter in gravitational cycles of small periodicity looks like a spiral. Events of each new gravitational cycle, keeping the pendular tendency, are formed with participation of dynamics of development of a matter in gravitational cycles of the greater period.
13.6. The chronology of history of a life of people on the Earth contains similarity of cyclically repeating events. Similarity of situations, similarity of their dynamics is often traced. Identity of the separate moments and details of history, characteristics of material objects and characters is sometimes found out. Similarity of events by that above, than they are formed by greater energy.
13.7. The history of the Terrestrial civilization is formed by three basic gravitational cycles having the periods of 335 years, 1053 and 1778. These gravitational cycles exist on a background of the gravitational cycle having the period of 7253 years. The specified small periods are established on the basis of comparison of chronology of historical events and дендрохронологии. And the big period is established on the basis of M.Nostradamusa's prophecy.
13.8. The life on the Earth is subordinated to gravitational cycles. Therefore the knowledge of exact characteristics of each of them and gravitational dynamics in aggregate influences, - is for the Terrestrial civilization a problem priority.
13.9. Leaning on knowledge of the beginning of 2006, readout of gravitational cycles with the period of 1053 it is begun about 959 year of our era. Then there was a gravitational impact of a red phase of vacuum. Readout of gravitational impacts with the period of 1778 is begun about 1670 of our era. Then there was a gravitational impact of a dark blue phase of vacuum. Readout of gravitational impacts with the period of 335 years is begun with 1588. Then there was a gravitational impact of a red phase of vacuum.
13.10. In 2012 the Earth will test gravitational impact of a dark blue phase of vacuum with the period of 1053. Gravitational impact will develop under the script of 1670, with that only difference, that its amplitude will be on 40 % below. The cold snap will begin in 2010, and will proceed within 22 months, till 2012. Then there will be a gravitational impact. This period will come to the end with return to a warm climate within 14 months, in 2013.
13.11. In an initial stage of gravitational impact of a dark blue phase of vacuum the gravity on the Earth will start to decrease. The sun will show high activity, but the temperature of its surface will start to decrease. Consequence becomes downturn of temperature on the Earth. Time for the Earth will reduce speed. Red displacement of radiations of astronomical objects will begin decrease, will not disappear yet at all. The observable temperature of background radiation of vacuum will essentially decrease.
13.12. The gravity on the Earth will start to decrease, and directly ahead of an active phase of gravitational impact will disappear at all. Only owing to delay of rate of a course of Time the condition of weightlessness will be perceived by people as the short-term period and will not bring greater troubles.
13.13. Downturn of a gravity will lead to falling of atmospheric pressure. The maximum forms of a life on the Earth could not exist, if not ability of water to accumulate gases and its huge stocks on the Earth. At downturn of atmospheric pressure water will start to give intensively air dissolved in it, and the top layers of reservoirs, the seas and oceans will intensively evaporate. Air which has allocated from water and water pairs will fill up an atmosphere which centrifugal forces of rotation of the Earth will move in a direction of a stratosphere. The Earth will be shrouded in a dense fog.
13.14. In continental areas reservoirs will quickly dry up. Only the deep rivers, underground sources and pools can be used for maintenance of the population with water. It is possible to receive water also by means of condensation from an atmosphere. Pressure difference of an atmosphere between water areas of oceans and continental areas will lead to occurrence of powerful constantly blowing monsoons which will bring heat and a moisture from equatorial areas. These processes stabilize atmospheric pressure at a level, sufficient for preservation of a life. But people of advanced age, with the weakened cardiovascular system, pregnant and nursing women can be lost. To rescue them it is possible only in the pressures chamber compensating falling of atmospheric pressure. As pressures chamber the underground or quickly erected premises with an inflatable skeleton can be used, for example. Powerful delivery fans are capable to support in them pressure at a necessary level.
13.15. The problem can arise because of downturn of the maintenance of oxygen and carbonic gas in an atmosphere owing to saturation in its pairs water and expansion in area of a stratosphere. But high humidity of air stimulates development of vegetation. All Earth, down to areas of a congelation, will become covered by a powerful vegetative layer which will generate oxygen in an atmosphere. And lack of carbonic gas will be filled with sharply increased volcanic activity. In this situation the person can promote crop in deserts useful vegetation and to increase in a livestock of wild animals.
13.16. The active phase of gravitational impact will begin, when the gravity will begin the growth. But it will be a gravity created by a dark blue phase. Time during this period will have a negative sign. The traces of the past generated by a red phase, from bowels of the Earth will direct outside, and towards to them there will be traces of the past of a dark blue phase. At their connection of event on the Earth with accrueing speed will pass in a direction of the past down to formation of the Earth from a congestion of substance. Then process of formation of the Earth will repeat, but already in the form of an antimatter. Thus in bowels of the Earth traces of the past of a dark blue phase will be generated.
13.17. The Anti-Earth will be pressed by an accrueing stream of a dark blue phase of vacuum in нейтринный a sphere on which during the moment of passage of a peak surface of a wave there will pass a wave of peak compression. As a matter of fact, the Earth will turn in energy-information volume of space.
13.18. After passage of a peak surface of a wave of a dark blue phase of vacuum энергоинформационный the volume will blow up энергиями restoration of a matter of the Anti-Earth down to its formation from a congestion of antisubstance. After that events will pass all on the Earth in a direct direction at a positive sign on Time. Traces of the past again will be generated by a red phase in bowels of the Earth. This process will come to the end at a zero gravity on the Earth.
13.19. Growth of a gravity on the Earth will proceed down to restoration of a normal level. Time also will restore normal rate of a course. Parameters of space radiations, activity and temperature of the Sun also will come to a normal level. The life on the Earth will proceed in rate of a gravitational cycle with the period 7253 years with changes which have occured.
13.20. Changes which will occur during an active phase of gravitational impact, will be consequence of interaction of the realities concerning by the different periods of Time. The matter changes at negative Time, reading out traces of the past. But for the period of absolute time between their formation and reading the new matter has been created. The material reality has partially been changed. The new matter has a source мыслеформы Reason of all measurements, and changes of a material reality were consequence of its activity. Therefore traces of the past will energetically cooperate with a real material world. In some cases of energy of traces will be enough that the reality corresponded to their matrix, and in other cases is not present. Then will appear at high rate of a course of positive or negative Time new variants of a reality, history, of a fates and opportunities of their formation.
13.21. Gravitational impacts restore relationships of cause and effect of events which have been broken by activity of Reason of all measurements. As a result there is a new reality which differs realities till the period of an active phase of gravitational impact. In a new reality results of the realized, intuitive, good or sinful activity of people of all generations contain. Anyhow, these changes will mention all. There Will be a updating relationships of cause and effect and power interactions of objects and subjects of the real world. The intense conditions of traces of the past and a matrix of traces of the future at their interaction with real objects will be removed. The life will get greater stability, there will be prospects of energetically caused development of a matter, including public structures and each person. Removal of pressure from a matrix of traces of the future will open new opportunities on formation of a new reality.
13.22. Gravitational blow is a difficult test for each person and a society as a whole. The first difficulties will arise, when gravity will start to decrease. The Earth will start to be deformed: to be flattened in a direction of an axis of rotation and to extend in equatorial area action of centrifugal forces. The cloak of the Earth will start moving. There will be cloak streams in a direction from high and middle latitudes in equator area. Increase of seismic activity and volcanic activity will be a consequence. Also environmental conditions thus will change. In some areas of the Earth of change will be favorable, in others - will create problems for the population. The situation becomes critical when the border between atmosphere and a water table will start to disappear. The Earth will be shrouded in a dense fog, and the atmosphere sparseness will create problems of functioning of a human body. But this period will be short because Time will reduce speed, and then and at all will stop.
13.23. Other problems will arise during an active phase of gravitational impact. Active formation of the relationships of cause and effect removing intense conditions of fields in different realities, will lead to formation of power communications between them. Thus quantum transitions макро objects from one reality in another are possible. Such transitions can be time in transients, but can and be characterized by an exchange of a matter. In the first case in both realities, concerning by the different periods of Time, phantoms, ghosts, phantoms, the unusual phenomena will be observed. And in the second case phantoms become real objects or subjects which will continue existence in the given reality. During this period people, alive and lifeless objects can completely disappear or be materialized without the visible reasons. In memory of people these events will be kept as dreadful dreams, or will not be kept at all. But happened changes still long will be a subject of discussions, studying and researches.
13.24. It is necessary to consider as the beginning of gravitational impact time when after the period of weightlessness the size of a gravitational constant will begin growth. About time of approach of such condition, we shall name its hour-X, the population must be warned in advance mass media. Before an hour-X each person should dress easy, but warm clothes and dresses atop of it clothes in which it can is long to be on a cold. With itself it is necessary to take also a sac with documents, personal medicines and the first-aid set of first aid, food stuffs and water of daily need, and also soft small rug according to the growth. It is necessary to consider what to move will have in a condition of almost full weightlessness, in an impenetrable fog, probably, in a strong frost.
13.25. At hour-X it is necessary to be on the area, wide street, far from high structures and trees. It will be better to be in a floor, it is even better - at top of a hill, it is possible - on a flat roof of a strong low structure. It is necessary to accept position laying on a back on коврике, but it is possible to be and in position sitting or standing. It is good, if the tent in advance will be prepared. It is necessary to fix also itself a band for the probes screwed or driven in the ground. It is necessary, because during full disappearance of a gravity you for some time will be lifted by centrifugal force of rotation of the Earth above a surface and can be carried away by a wind.
13.26. The choice of a place of a meeting of gravitational impact should be spent in view of foreseeable history. The best places are where never earlier was the big congestion of people, capital structures, parking of technics where there were no intensive fights in days of wars. During throws in the past and back in the present in one volume of space there will be objects of different realities, the different historical periods. Between them probably short-term power interaction with formation in adjacent realities of phantoms and phantoms. If there will be an irreversible exchange by energy between different realities it will lead to change of physical characteristics of objects, to their destruction or occurrence of phantoms. As a result there will be a change of historical processes. Then return to the present will occur to the arisen changes. The greatest scale of changes will be there where ever there was high a saturation actively operating people, constructions of a civilization. In these places people can disappear simply completely.
13.27. It is not necessary to give in to emotions and to undertake any active actions, to run into a panic condition at hit in situations of dreadful dreams. Such behaviour can promote loss of communication with the present reality. Rithteous persons are steadiest in a similar situation. Their consciousness is quiet, because they have completely entrusted the destiny to the God. Besides, the God will support them during necessary time by His energy.
13.28. To arrive on in advance certain place follows prior to the beginning of intensive growth of a gravity. The schedule of increase of weight should be finished by mass media to each person. Before an hour-X warm clothes it is better to remove and remain in easy, but it is possible and to not remove, if it is very cold.
13.29. Gravitational impact will transform the Earth in condition of a neutrino a sphere which will convulsively shudder at passage of a peak surface of a gravitational wave, and then will blow up process of revival of everything that has been destroyed. During this period you make a throw in the past with the subsequent return to the present.
13.30. Anything the most unpleasant, gravitational impact accompanying process, you will not remember. You will return to zero gravitation, to the initial condition. And only having found out, that according to the schedule known to you hour-X already for a long time passed, and weightlessness is kept, you can draw a conclusion, that gravitational impact behind. Probably, that someone will be disappointed, in fact memory of nothing gone through practically will keep. On your hours hour-X passed, and on your feelings, nothing has occured. But if you closely look round, will find out set происшедших changes. Some changes will be perceived as change with which you earlier were already familiar, others will appear unexpected. Such duality of perception similar to mixture of dreams with a reality, will be prolonged not for long, hours, maybe, day. Then the reality of the world surrounding you begins to be perceived as an objective reality. Only disappearance of subjects and people will disturb you still long.
13.31. If you were late, and hour-X has found you in a way in negative time you will return by time of the beginning of growth of gravitation. You will do the further way already in positive time, therefore it can be not continued.
13.32. Come back home cautiously, many buildings and constructions can be damaged. Carefully survey the dwelling, it also can be damaged, and will collapse at the further growth of a gravity. Necessarily take advantage of warm clothes. The daily stock of products and waters can be demanded under unforeseen circumstances. Concern with attention to other people, probably, your help is required to them.
13.33. Be not frightened, if you will see phantoms and ghosts. They are incorporeal, because are in other reality. It is the most probable, that it can be a reality previous gravitational impact. Probably, you will meet yourselves, and recollect, that when left from the house saw itself coming back home, and much to that were surprised. To come into contact to ghosts does not follow, because thus undesirable power communication of different realities is established. Try to recollect the reality in all details, and only with these details, subjects and objects carry out mental contact and physical interaction. If from other reality you did not manage to return to the reality, be not frightened. The unstable condition will be prolonged not for long. You continue a life in that reality, in that historical period where has thrown you gravitational impact. Your occurrence in it will generate relationships of cause and effect of events, and after a while you will continue a life as if nothing has occured. In your memory that history of your life which has been generated by gravitational impact will be kept. It also will be your biography, your last and future destiny. Simply, during the usual period the destiny is formed slowly, in rate of a usual course of Time, and during gravitational impact - is fast, for the period, comparable with an instant, at
13.34. Now there are no objective reasons that the mentality of modern people has not tested the same shock condition what was tested with mentality of people of the Middle Ages during gravitational impact. Only true Knowledge of laws of the Universe can bring that clearness of thinking and that rest in consciousness of people which will help to avoid the panic actions leading to destruction of hundreds millions, and, maybe, and billions people. Rescue - in mastering by the Maximum Knowledge of the Universe. But this way still needs to be passed.
13.35. The god accompanies with each person by means of individuality of Sacred Spirit, Soul of the person. Consciousness of each person by means of Sacred Spirit to openly God. If the person goes on a way of spiritual perfection, lives, being guided by Laws of The God, it will be spiritually supported and physically. During before gravitational impact it will receive unambiguous instructions as it to operate. And during gravitational impact the God by His energy will eliminate an opportunity of harmful influences of other realities on this person. Those from rithteous persons who has finished the charged mission on the Earth, during the necessary moment of time will be uplifted in the Information field or transferred to other reality, probably, the future where will carry out other mission.
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