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           The philosophy of Space Consciousness


 ©  Lemyakin Boris Aleksandrovich.

e-mail: lemyakin@yandex.ru

The guest book


The dictionary of the Maximum Knowledge (Rus)


The philosophy

of Space Consciousness



Chapter 7. The God - about Himself


7.1.            The conceiving reader understands, that the information on how there is a God, cannot go differently, as from the God. The question will be things so complex, that the Reason of many cannot contain them. In a terrestrial life there are no analogies, therefore not always it is possible to give correct comparison. Nevertheless, read thoughtfully. Each of you will understand, will apprehend and uses further that is addressed personally to he. I know about your ideas, your sufferings, your searches, successes and failures it is more, than you can present yourselves. Even that you have not understood, will be kept in your memory and to necessary time will direct your actions on a that way which to Me is known now.


7.2.            Be not asked by a question: " as I address to you? ". The author to whom you will ask a question, cannot answer because to understand it is inaccessible also to he too. I can tell only, that I form his ideas, and he, moderately the abilities, tries to inform without distortion them up to you on well-known to he language of dialogue. This language allows to express the most thin shades and movements of idea. Many own this national language, but everyone owns the own version, the subject of concepts, the set of means of expression of ideas, rhythmics of construction of phrases. Any translation into other languages or retelling not only bring semantic distortions, but also break rhythmics of the information block which forces to work that you name subconsciousness. Therefore so it is important for all people to learn to talk in one language, using one, repeatedly verified concepts, expressions and turns of speech.


7.3.            I addressed to you repeatedly. Many texts containing those references, are named by you sacred, others you have not paid due attention to many, and some of them have not kept. The reason of the person is that gives dynamics of development of the Universe. Everything, that was in the past and will be repeated in the future, it is known to me. But each person is a God of the Universe, the Founder and the Creator. And all Reason contained in Space - the Founder and the Creator of the Universe, all real in it.


7.4.            I am that Reason of the Universe which you name the Founder and the Creator. Do not give to me quality of the person. I the person only in the plan external, in relation to the objects which are taking place in other similar Universe. I cannot be the person in relation to you, the My internal filling. If it is difficult for you to address to me differently, than to the person, present or make that image which will help you to concentrate and generate the subject of the request.


7.5.            When you address to me, you address to Reason of Fire of Space in which on a background of the waves having the huge periods, there are vibrations of essences of the worlds so removed from you in bowels of a microcosm, that your consciousness present them cannot. But influence of these essences on you is more significant, than influence of stars and galaxies. Their power in vicinity and number. They perceive you as the subject of Space which should be built according to the needs. And they know how to solve this problem. Incalculable legions of essences for which your body is " the house native ", obeying going from bowels of a microcosm by influences of essences of smaller, continuously create such sensual motivations which forced you to act not differently. But your Reason realizes only the feelings accessible, to it painted in emotional color gamuts of your Consciousness.


7.6.           You can communicate with essences of a microcosm. You can communicate with Reason of far galaxies. You can communicate with each essence separately. All of these, and you too, are present at me. But the decision of your problems is in the field of vibrations which correspond to vibrations of Reason similar to you. Energy of these vibrations fill you, give you force, change a reality on which background your destiny is written down. Therefore it is possible to address with a pray to esteemed by you sacred, earlier living on the ground, and now they control My energy.


7.7.            You can profess any religion and observe its ceremonies, but can communicate with me independently in any form. It is possible without words, simply to realize a problem which does not give you rest, and you will be heard by me in the same way, as well as at the reference with a pray. The form of the reference is not important, but it subject and sincerity of your feelings is important.


7.8.            You can simply live under my laws, and reach sanctity and general reverence even in the event that you did not make feats, have not gained spiritual rank, did not torture yourself prays and abstentions, did not accept participation in religious practices and rituals.


7.9.            I always know about your problems and I shall solve in their best way if you will trust in me completely and without conditions. Not always you can realize, that your destiny develops successfully, - your Reason does not own the information. But I know everything because all destinies are known to me in all possible variants.


7.10.        I know, that at you many questions to me have collected. There has come Time to answer them. Texts saint writing too contain true Knowledge, but they have been transferred to other Time when the Consciousness of people corresponded to the limited level of their knowledge. Many Knowledge are ciphered by allegories and symbolical images, - other means were not accessible to people. To the modern person owning true scientific Knowledge in various areas, it is difficult to perceive Knowledge in symbolical images of an extreme antiquity, additionally deformed at records and interpretation by keepers of belief.


7.11.        The New Testament in due time has come in the stead of the Old Testament, manual to people has been written down in the Koran. In the same way the Philosophy of Space Consciousness has come in the stead of the New Testament and the Koran when humanity has left on a threshold of main recesses. The consciousness of people while is not ready to them. It is difficult to refuse from confused, but such habitual representations about the world in which you live.  New Knowledge will be perceived hardly, but they will bring a general Enlightenment, comprehension of laws of the Universe and the role in a drama of Life by each person.


7.12.        You will not be mistaken, if identify me with the Universe. The Universe has the beginning of time of Times, but has no time of the end. I am hidden Fire of Space. I have been given birth by Space and I shall stay in it forever by personification and working beginning of Uniform Reason.


7.13.        Universe has the Center and the Beginning of the space, but has no its end. Its space grows together with time. She absorbs Space, filling it with its subject.


7.14.        Universe  is filled with emanations of the God which accompany with everyone of kalpa in the absorbed Space.


7.15.        I am the God of the Universe, have the beginning in the Center of the Universe. Emanations of the God are discrete projections of the God of the Universe to Space. They possess energy of the God of the Universe projected in area of creation.


7.16.        There is an emanation of the God - the Founder forming material worlds. There are emanations of the God - the Creator creating the worlds and a life in these worlds. There is an emanation of the God - the Destroyer destroying material worlds and a life in these worlds.


7.17.        All emanations of the God are multivariate. Everyone they possess the Consciousness. His beginning lays in bowels of Space. The consciousness of the lowest level is included into structures of Consciousness of highest levels as discrete emanation of the level. All together they are Consciousness of emanations of the God which you name the God.


7.18.        The God - the Founder creates a matter and a life in the Universe. Primarily the matter and a life in it are created in bowels of Space at the most lowest level. The end of kalpa the lowest level is an initial stage of kalpa higher level.


7.19.        Material worlds and Reason in them are consequence of development of Consciousness of the God - the Founder, His projection in bowels of Space.


7.20.        The emanation of the God - the Founder of a high level begins creation of a matter and a life in it on a background of already existing matter and a life in it of lower levels.


7.21.        The emanation of the God - the Creator accompanies with a matter and a life in it. During creation of a matter and a life in it emanations of the God - the Founder of a high level use Knowledge and by energy low levels which create in them emanations of the God - the Creator.


7.22.        The God - the Creator reconstructs a matter and improves a life in bowels of a matter with the purpose to resist to the destructive impacts coming from depths of Space.


7.23.        The consciousness of the God - the Creator is formed of Consciousness of the God - the Founder during reorganization of material worlds and a life in them. 


7.24.        The God - the Destroyer destroys a matter and a life in it after the expiration of kalpa. He gives energy to the God - to the Creator for  creation of new variants of the material Universe and a life in it.


7.25.        The God - the Destroyer absorbs Consciousness of the God - the Creator during destruction of material worlds and pop He in the beginning new of kalpa filled by energy of creations.


7.26.        The God does not give a priority to any level. He is present not only at each atom of the incalculable worlds of the Universe, but also participates in formation of Consciousness of each essence involved in circulation of Life in that world. He lives cares of these essences, knows their destinies and is always ready to come render aid.


7.27.         Consciousness of the God is not homogeneously. The element of Consciousness is filled by energy of vibrations of the worlds controlled by Him, has Logos name.


7.28.        Logos of the Earth have created the Earth and He control material worlds and alive essences of the Earth.


7.29.        Energy of the Logos of other star systems and galaxies too are present on the Earth. Logos of the Earth contains their vibrations. Therefore the life on the Earth submits not only order of Solar system, but also order of far Space. Fire of those events, which people will see through hundreds and thousand years, already today has penetrated in Logos the Earth, bowels of material worlds, Consciousness of Reason of alive essences. His energy are hidden, but they form the future.


7.30.        Beams of Fire of the Logos will penetrate in bowels of a matter and have its energy of movement. Movement of each elementary particle of substance copes beam of the Logos. Vibrations of each elementary particle have the beginning in vibrations of beam of the Logos, supplied by energy of Fire of Space.


7.31.        Alive essences and essence in all worlds are created by the Logos which represents Consciousness of the God during a life on the Earth.


7.32.        Essence differ nothing from structures of substance. Qualities of an alive essence to them are given with Consciousness of the Logos which does not suffer chaos. Controlled by Logos, essence are similar to alive essences. Essences the flora and the world of the elementary alive essences of the Earth are also well-known to you.


7.33.        Alive essences are material carriers of the incarnate Reason created by the God. They are presented and in essences as a reasonable conglomerate. But the material carrier of an alive essence, as against essence, has the uniform organization of structure and control of Reason.


7.34.        Beams of the Logos will penetrate into the material carrier of alive essences and supply its energy of movement. At the same time, Consciousness of the incarnated Reason, the God of the Universe, irrespective of the Logos creates the secondary worlds and creates a life in them, filling with them the physical body.


7.35.        The secondary worlds do not pass of the Logos. The Logos contact them by new beams of Consciousness. It makes the act Creation of the new life, proceeding in a kalpa.


7.36.        Alive essences are created by the Logos. Their form and qualities were repeatedly modelled in a kalpas the lowest levels and only after achievement of satisfactory results there was brought in the Terrestrial life.


7.37.        The seed of a life in bowels of a matter is generated by the Logos at simultaneous participation of different levels. The seed of a life carries the name the Monad.


7.38.        The Monad - is material expression of the program of formation of an alive essence which Fiery subject is in Consciousness of the God, and is realized in material world by the Logos.


7.39.         The Logos contains the past, the present and the future of all real on the Earth, written down in Consciousness of the God. Therefore the programs of a life generated by the Founder, should be realized. Only activity of the Reason which has been given birth at will of the Founder, brings an element of unpredictability of the future. The creation of a new life forces Logos to bring repeated corrections now and to estimate results on the changes occuring in the future.


7.40.         In Consciousness of the God the present containing incarnate Reason, on a background of measured current of waves of vibrations is fixed as moving from the past to the future the factor of the instability demanding constant attention, a pressure of Consciousness. The pressure of Consciousness of the God the above, than more independence shows Reason in attempts to change the predetermined future.


7.41.       The Logos as also Consciousness of the God, it is not homogeneous. Him contains units of vibrations of Fire which are carriers of Consciousness of the Reason existing in the worlds of all levels. At Him there is also a Consciousness of the Saints, known to people of Adherents, Prophets, Wise men, Geniuses, Heroes who have reached such level of spiritual development at which their Consciousness has been demanded by Consciousness of the God.


7.42.        Consciousness of the Saints is lifted in Consciousness of the God at His Will by means of the Monad. The monad is created in Consciousness of the God as the tool serving for His formation. Monads of all people living earlier, and living now, are in the Logos. But only those Monads which served a Saints at a life, serve them and in the Logos. They move together with Time in the Logos. All other Monads are used at new embodiments and also move together with Time, but already in a material world.


7.43.        The Consciousness of the Saints has vibrations of Fire, relate to vibrations of Consciousness of living people. Their Consciousness contains the program installations similar to program installations of living people. It facilitates power interaction and information interchange.


7.44.        Saints possess all qualities of the Logos. They can enter in Consciousness of each person, to learn his problems and to bring in corrections to his subject. People can address to the God via these Saints, concentrating the Consciousness on their images.


7.45.        Logos contains great number of Saints, living at various times on various continents, in the various countries. Many these Saints possess related qualities. These qualities are incorporated in the Logos by vibrations of Fire, bearing to people the certain program installations. Their energy are summarized and form energy of Consciousness of the God.


7.46.      The Consciousness of the Saints creates in the Logos waves of Fire with which energy of Consciousness of the God concentrates in a direction of objects of a material world with the purpose to execute Desire of the God.


7.47.        Energy of the Logos grow together with growth of number of the Saints troops which has united of energy in Consciousness of the God. Only under condition of sufficient energy of Fire Logos can operate Space in which the subject of a matter is multiplied, been born by Reason of alive essences and a conglomerate of Reason of essences, to carry out fulfilment the future and to not admit chaos, unpredictability of variants of events.


7.48.        Vibrations of Fire of Consciousness of the Saints contain not only vibrations of the physical world in which there live people, but also vibrations of the worlds of the lowest levels, down to the lowest levels with which their Reason cooperated during a life on the Earth.


7.49.        Saints can at Desire of the God and the voluntary decision to descend in material worlds a new incarnate. I send to the Earth my best the Sons with mission which can be executed only during a terrestrial life. It is a uneasy problem, - the future not always has a sufficient stock of stability fulfilment. Carmic consequences can sometimes be very heavy. But My messenger prepared for this in the previous lives, have got the necessary qualities of Consciousness and can expect for My support. You name such people prophets, geniuses, heroes, devotees. At a life they, as a rule, do not receive a confession, the deserved gratitude, honour and respect of a society. They also do not aspire to this, they have other purpose. But business of their life leaves an appreciable trace in history of a civilization and is appreciated by descendants.


7.50.        Consciousness of the Logos of the Earth on a background of Consciousness of the God is allocated as the bright unit poured by certain color scale of vibrations of Fire. These vibrations are created by material worlds of different levels, a product of ability to live of peoples which occupy the countries and continents of the Earth. Therefore the color scale of Fire depends on primary color of aura of a great bulk of people. Low, animal emotions paint aura in red - orange tone. Aura of people, which Consciousness it is filled with cares, it is poured by flavovirent colors. The aura of people absorbed by physical work, shines flowing orange - green colour. People occupied by brainworks have auras of a wide spectrum, from orange up to violet color. Color changes depending on their mentality. People which were given out priorities to cultural wealth, shine aura blue - gently violet color. The Сonsciousness Brightener, not burdened by the terrestrial attachments, living under laws of the God, paints their aura in equal gently golden color. This color testifies to the achieved harmony of the physical, mental and spiritual person in Consciousness.


7.51.        The future of the Earth contains in my Consciousness in several variants. The choice depends on color of gammas of the Logos. More recently the Earth has passed by a variant which contains nuclear war between peoples and its catastrophic consequences. For this purpose I had been lead correction of a magnetic field of the Earth as a result of which the world line of the Earth has received other continuation. As the basis for correction are changes of the color of gammas of the Logos which has come nearer to the chosen variant of the future have served. In it a merit of people which have made revolutionary changes in the Consciousness aside of a priority of cultural wealth. Still much should be made, but the first step was very important.


7.52.        In other units of my Consciousness there are other processes. The Earth is a unique experiment which idea is given birth in depths of a microcosm. The great future is prepared to each of you, the road to which conducts through set of tests. But you have voluntary chosen this way, and only the success of My experiment depends on you. My, this expression concerns to the present because you should enter in my Consciousness and to become the God of the Universe.


7.53.        Not in all spaces and kalpas developments of Consciousness of the God go under one script. Various emanations of the God of the Universe face various problems and solve different problems in the absorbed Space. A special place borrow of kalpa in the Central area of the Universe. In them the primary form of material worlds and lives in them which is projected on Space is created. The Fire of the Founder should be especially pure, that the world of harmony has been given birth. Only this Fire it is possible to create a life which will not disturb cleanliness of Fire.


7.54.        In all kalpas selection of especially pure Reason which lifting to the God of the Universe is carried out. It should come in Consciousness of the God of the Universe and to live in it eternally, creating new material worlds and creating a new life. He will accompany with the life created by the God in other spaces, in others kalpas, continuing to carry out the program of Creation of a life.


7.55.        You want to receive the answer to a question: " as it is necessary to live, what follows do to be demanded by the Logos in Consciousness of the God? ". The answer is very simple, do live under my laws:


1.   Do not think out to itself other gods, except for the God eternal, uniform, uniquitous, omnipotent, omniscient, the Founder and the Creator of all alive in all material worlds.


2.   All people possess the identical opportunities granted by me, and are equal the rights and duties. The violence is inadmissible in any form.


3.  From an embodiment and to death the Reason of the person at my Will passes seven stages of development distinguished by individual qualities during which forms the person:


-    the uterine period of formation of a physical body and sensual perception,


-    the period of the childhood when mutual relations with reality are formed,


-    the period of a youth when the society forms consciousness of the public person,


-    the period of a maturity when the public person forms a material basis of ability to live of a society,


-    the period of blossoming of spiritual abilities of the person when the public person forms consciousness of a society,


-    the period of an old age when the person, reducing public activity, increases spiritual abilities and forms communications with Me,


-    the period of preparation for death when the person estimates the lived period and prepares for leaving from a life.


4.   The duty of a society in relation to the members will be to render the necessary help and assistance in execution of predestinations at all stages of development of the person.


5.   The duty of the person in relation to a society will be to promote execution of predestinations by all at each stage of development. Thus the person is guided by concepts about good and harm.


Good - are actions which promote fulfilment predestinations kindly or create new accessible variants.


Harm - are actions which reduce quantity of possible variants of destiny angrily, complicate their availability or raise a role of accident.


6.   The destiny of each person is formed exclusively at my Will. The priority of a choice of the destiny belongs to the person. This choice should not break the rights of other people determined by my laws.


7.   Leaving from a life can be accomplished extremely at my will. Decision interrupt a life cannot to be it is accepted the person or other members of a society.


7.56.        That of you who during the current life cannot get quality of the Logos and consequently it will not be demanded by Consciousness of the God, will pass correction by a repeated embodiment in the same world or an embodiment in the worlds of other levels, the lowest - demonic, or the maximum - the world Clarified.


7.57.        I know, that you are disturbed very much with the ideas connected to evil with which the life on the Earth is impregnated. You want to get rid of evil. You name a source of evil the Satan and dark forces which the Satan operates. You allocate the Satan with qualities of the person, put her on one level with God. Some of you worship the Satan, as to the God.


7.58.        Calm the Consciousness. The Satan really exists only in it, as selfsupporting program installations which are given birth negative sensual perceptions. You did not manage to remove a source of negative emotions, and you have named his tool, intrigues of forces of evil. The source of negative emotions is your destiny, a bitter medicine for your defects. But, having thought up forces of evil, you have gone further, - have named the owner of these forces the Satan who do harms to people, using the assistants. Behind names of these assistants not become problems. So the real essence, his mental projection was born in Consciousness of people. Nevertheless, and from a mental projection there is a harm. Carriers of program installations of satanism, independently, they declare or do not it, is living contrary to laws of the God, are real carriers of evil. On them also it is necessary to direct attention of a society.


7.59.        Begin a way to the God with revision of the representations about the Universe. Choose a true way and do not turn off from him.


7.60.        Daily verify the affairs, the acts in situations which were created for you with a life, with laws of the God.


7.61.        Put to itself long-term and short-term objectives in a life, but do not break laws of the God at their achievement.


7.62.        Without regrets do change the purposes if they cannot be achieved at a life under laws of the God.


7.63.        Do not despair, if the destiny presents to you tests. Accept them as a medicine and be grateful to the God for it.


7.64.        Do not condemn other people if they did not know that did, even in that case when they had been broke laws of the God.


7.65.        Love a life, love people, love animals and plants, love the nature in all its displays. The love is an emotional sensation of your power additional charging which you receive from the Logos. Constantly keep, let's go out to fire of love, which smoulders in your breast. During tests from it the powerful flame which will give you force and energy for overcoming difficulties will flare up.


7.66.     It will be difficult for you to overcome the mentality, you will be mistaken. Do not despair, if sensual temptations, difficulties of a life under laws of the God will reject you back. Realize the mistakes, and you will overcome these obstacles. Know, that I always with you. I know about your problems and I shall help them to solve, when it will be beoynd the power for you.


7.67.        Bear Words of the God to people. Let everyone will read these Words and will draw the conclusions. Much has untold sense. It will be comprehended by your Consciousness in process of his maturing. Verify realities of your life with laws of the God. Do not try to improve laws of the God, for it - not got to know you laws of Space. Only Time will open to each person of True of the Knowledge latent for him now.


Epilogue for materialists

         The God is EIOS (Energy-information operating system). According to Philosophy of Space Consciousness (PSC), http: // lemyakin.narod.ru/fksEng.htm a field of speeds of movement not structural environments (Primary matter, Spaces), energetically connected with material structures (stable wave formations of the same Wednesday in the form of whirlwinds of units and standing waves) are a net energy which circulation on material structures gives to them dynamics of development. And the matter fills streams of this energy with the information maintenance, vibration of power lines. Power lines of a field get the information maintenance of those material structures through which they pass. The closed Energy-information system (possessing a zero vector power balance) possesses all information maintenance of that volume of Space in which it exists. In scale of the Universe is a Consciousness of the God. In scale of Reason of the person is a consciousness of the person. The area of existence of any consciousness is the sphere limited by peak surfaces of spherical waves. The consciousness of the Universe comprises similar consciousnesses of other systems of Reason which have been born as a result Its activity, and will exist eternally, as well as Consciousness of the Universe.
        You wish to know, as well as than this system operates? It wishes to know your consciousness which has stood apart from Consciousness of the God. It considers all relationships of cause and effect exclusively from the system of coordinates. Each occuring event in a reality observable by it has the reason, and event which has come to the end, sees as the reason of the subsequent events. Such perception gives rise to concept "time". From system of coordinates of your consciousness the local area of Consciousness of the Universe, therefore the events which have dropped out of supervision is observed are perceived as operating influences of certain forces, namely the God.
        That to get knowledge the God, it is necessary to get knowledge own consciousness. The science operates with the term consciousness, allocating with its incorrect maintenance. The brain is only the tool providing activity of consciousness of the person in a physical body.

Ishvara - Svarog - Generic - OUM - Brahma - God - Allah-... - God of the Universe.




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