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           The philosophy of Space Consciousness


 ©  Lemyakin Boris Aleksandrovich.

e-mail: lemyakin@yandex.ru

The guest book


The dictionary of the Maximum Knowledge (Rus)


The philosophy

of Space Consciousness


Chapter 14. Magic of a real life

Meaning of the life

14.1.    The planet Earth has been chosen by the Maximum Reason of the Universe for carrying out of experiment on development of a life in system of the closed cycle. Attempt to model development of a life in the Universe with the purpose to define the tendency of development has been undertaken and to predict the long-term future of the Universe. The Earth on the arrangement and spiritual installations is isolated from influence of other civilizations. Development of a life on the Earth goes on a way defined by dynamics of terrestrial power processes. Influence external energy for the Terrestrial life is limited by cyclic processes of universal scale.


14.2.    Power influence of the Information field (IF) in this experiment is subordinated to installations of intention of people on change of a material reality. The Information field is structured by formation of Essence the Earth consisting of separate Families, which some individualities incarnate in physical bodies. Other structures of the Information field are connected with lifeless material objects. They cause display of physical properties in gravitational dynamics of a material reality. Power streams of the Information field of Essence the Earth basically are closed within the limits of Families, forming patterns of circulation of energy. Energy of Essence the Earth gets into a material world via alive essences, the person, first of all. It is realized as operating influences by which the material reality of the Earth is formed in a stream of Time


14.3.    Neutrino of the Reason of the person it is placed in molecule DNArp which fields of the molecular structure reliably isolates personified neutrino Reason from direct perception of the information maintenance of power streams of the Information field. In addition to that DNArp it is surrounded by constantly growing cocoon of substance of measurement L20. The environment of a cocoon is used also for record of chronicle of Akasha, the sensual information received personified by Reason during all life. Incarnate the Reason receives only the coded sensual information on an external world. On the basis of this information he makes of the decision on management of a physical body with the purpose of influence on the external material environment. Other information containing in memory of incarnate the Reason, the program installations does not show. Real sensual perception of the true incarnate have the unique frequency range. Therefore they do not contain key conditions which could waken program installations of memory of the last lives or perception a unincarnate condition. Reason the person realizes itself as the physical body, being a part of a material reality. All world he sees in images of sensual perception. On the basis of these images he forms a unique macro program of memory of the ego which uses in real dynamics of a material world.


14.4.    DNArp it is placed in a calloused body of a brain (see figure). The calloused body possesses homogeneous structure of standing waves which were formed at interaction of molecular structures of a biological fabric. Sensual perception form in this homogeneous environment unique heterogeneity in the form of images of the sensual perception, sated by substance of the lowest measurements. The lowest measurements give to sensual images the material form and color shades. Incarnate the Reason pendular movings makes on internal channel DNArp. Scanning space of a calloused body, it perceives sensual images. Thus of perception of different sense organs incorporate in its memory in a uniform image of observable object of a reality.




14.5.    The family of incarnate Reason is constantly connected with he via Soul, the individuality which plays a role of the Conductor and the Instructor. At acceptance by Essence of the decisions changing conditions of experiment, the Shower I represent itself as the Maximum the person. The soul is inseparable from Essence of the Earth because all of energy of Essence are present at it. Similarly to incarnate the Reason, the Soul is adhered to a physical body which it accompanies. The soul settles down in a connecting fabric between frontal shares of a brain (see figure).


14.6.    At strengthening communications with Essence intensity of a field increases, the Soul passes in the field form. Then the full information on the past and the future in all variants is accessible to it. At easing intensity of a field of the Shower passes in the material form neutrino of Reason. In the material form it scans space the spherical waves and receives the information on its maintenance similarly to incarnate the Reason. Therefore it is quite correct to tell, that the person is a receptacle two I, the Maximum and the lowest. Thus the lowest I operate movements of a physical body, and the Maximum I carry out adjustment of auto regulation of a physical body and correction of programming of memory of the lowest I. Need of correction of the macro program generated on the basis of sensual perception, arises owing to the mistakes arising in memory at an establishment of relationships of cause and effect. These mistakes are caused by the insufficient sensually perceived information on a material reality. In memory relationships of cause and effect between objects of a different sort are established or a cause and effect vary places. The soul is a source of true Knowledge. It carries out full-scale correction of program installations of memory incarnate Reason during a dream. During wakefulness of the Shower carries out pulse correction of sold program installations with the purpose to eliminate situations dangerous to human life or to prompt the decision of a problem.


14.7.    The Soul in the field form can direct focus of attention on DNArp. Then intensity of the field connecting it with fields of molecular structures DNArp, will increase. It will lead to such change of orientation of molecules DNArp at which their fields will incorporate to a field of Soul in a uniform power pattern. It can be named a small power pattern. Intensity of field DNArp can increase in a limit up to such level when molecular communications with a calloused body will be overcome. DNArp together with personified Reason will pass in the field form will get quality of the Uplifted condition. In a condition of Rise the Soul and Reason will enter into a power pattern of Essence. All Universe will be penetrated by power lines of their field, becomes the internal maintenance accessible to knowledge. At decrease in intensity of a field of focus of attention of Soul DNArp again will pass in the material form, and molecular communications with a calloused body will be restored.

14.8.    The Reason of the lowest measurements of the brain, existing in cellular structures, receives energy of the Information field for realization of the ability to live from Agnya-chakra. Gravitational ring Agnya-chakra is located in structure of forward soldering the arch of a brain (see figure). Agnya-chakra constantly is in a power pattern of Essence of the Information field. Focus of attention of Essence adjusts intensity of a field and transfer of energy to structures of a brain depending on a physiological condition of an organism and a direction of activity of the person.


14.9.    Agnya-chakra has field communications with Sahastrara-chakra, located outside of a physical body it is direct above parietal area of a head. It has also communications with Uishuddhi-chakra, located in the field of a neck which is in turn connected with Anahata-chakra. Anahata-chakra is the most powerful source of a field, some kind of a power reserve. It is located in the field of a breast. Fields Anahata-chakra get also directly in Agnya-chakra.

    At activization Agnya-chakraы intensity of its fields increases in focus of attention of Essence, and they incorporate to fields of Soul and DNArp in the big power pattern. At sufficient intensity of field Agnya-chakra all pattern consisting from Souls, Agnya-chakra and DNArp with incarnate Reason, breaks off communications with molecular structures of a brain and leaves in the Information field, passes in a condition of Rise. At decrease in intensity of a field molecular communications are restored. The pattern of Soul and DNArp (a small pattern) can arise and without participation Agnya-chakra. It is reached at the certain orientation of gravitational ring Agnya-chakraы when its fields are directed counter to fields of a small pattern and to it do not incorporate. The condition of Rise inherently is an output of Reason on the external astral plan. To him there is accessible all greater Universe.


14.10.   Necessary orientation of the molecular structures DNArp, allowing to reach of Rise, arises also at direct participation энергий Essence with formation of power pattern Sahastrara-chakra and DNArp. Thus the physical body will continue normal functioning which is provided with activity of Soul on adjustment of systems of auto regulation of functions. But the Reason will leave this body in the Information field. The body will be immovable because impellent functions to execute there is nobody. By practical consideration by yogas it is established, that the Reason can come back, if the period of his absence does not exceed 21 day.



14.11.    Functions of the Conductor and the Instructor are realized by Soul basically during a dream. To this period of the Shower spends testing an organism of the person, raising the sensual centers of a brain and analyzing the received response. The dream consists of several consecutive technological stages.


14.11.1.    In the first stage of a slow dream the brain is resulted in zero energy information condition. In this stage the ideology of Reason of the lowest measurements in the field of sensual perception becomes neutral, - absence of a prevailing saturation Reason of the lowest measurements. It is reached by Soul by influence by a stream of Reason of the lowest measurements on the functional block of a brain located in of stem part and named reticular formation. Creation of new sensual images stops. Electric activity reaches the lowest level.


14.11.2.    In the second stage of a slow dream of the Shower initiates extraction from memory of greater hemispheres of a brain of sensual images of a condition of an organism. For this purpose it raises action of a stream of substance of measurement L10 cortex the ends of signalling devices of nervous system. The arisen electric impulses serially start programs of regulation of ability to live of the organism, containing in operative memory of the regional sensual centers which are located in subcrustal area of greater hemispheres of a brain. Response of an organism in a bark of greater hemispheres arises, a dynamical sensual image which contains the necessary information on a condition of an organism. Testing alternates with the correcting influences of Soul directed on modification in the programs of auto regulation of functions of bodies of the person. Repeated tests allow to do conclusions about efficiency of the brought changes.


14.11.3.    In the third stage of a slow dream the control of functioning and correction of programs go deep. Long-term memory is involved in this process incarnate Reason of the person (RP). In memory RP the images apprehended earlier are eternally stored in mutual communication of dynamics of the last situations, an essence - program installations of Reason all. The problem which is solved with Soul consists in taking from memory RP images, related to images of the future sensual perceptions realities and to make the analysis of possible reaction of the person on them with the purpose to affect his choice. Freedom of a choice is limited, when it is necessary to avoid the real danger menacing to human life, or essentially breaking predefiniteness of the future when succession of events becomes difficultly predicted or limits freedom of a choice of other people.

    The images taken from memory RP are formed as idea RP by his spherical waves in the field of the Consciousness, corresponding areas of a calloused body of a brain. They differ nothing under the form and the emotional maintenance from real images of sensual perception, have same dynamics of change, as real perception of the past.

    Images of sensual perception of the future are formed by Soul on the basis of maintenances of own memory. Entering into the field form, the Soul gets absolute Knowledge of the future reality, and in a condition of a material Conductor it uses Knowledge for formation of mental images of the future reality in corresponding areas of a calloused body of a brain which it accompanies.


14.11.4.   For creation of the images corresponding taken conditions of memory RP, the emotional codes created by Essence in limbic system of greater hemispheres are used. The emotional code contains the characteristic form of a sensual image and its color painting executed by a set of Reason of different frequencies. It is formed on the basis of the images kept in operative memory of the sensual centers, or synthesized by Soul.

    The Soul uses the left hemisphere of a brain for creation of images of the future, and the right hemisphere - for creation of key images of the past taken from memory RP. Allocating both these of an image one emotional code and initiating their repeated serial perception RP in the form of static images of a dream, the Essence connects them together program communication. As a result in the field of Consciousness there is a dynamic model of sensual perception of the future reality and intentions RP on its change in the form of as though they are already realized. Thus the impellent reactions RP made in functional volumes DNArp, are blocked at a level of the operating centers of a brain. Only impellent functions of eyes are not blocked.

    The images of the past apprehended by memory RP and the future in the further will be caused in an indissoluble sheaf. Thus the Essence programs the future actions of the person. At occurrence in the future of a real situation which image earlier has been apprehended by memory RP during a dream, memory RP will take an image of the past which will start the program chain of activity RP stored his memory. Thus the last experience in a real situation of the present will be realized.


14.11.5.    In the fourth stage of a slow dream of a condition of memory RP are analyzed by Soul by way of their possible display in the future vital situations which are known to the Soul. Influence on a cortical ends of the signalling devices located in a layer of grey substance of a bark of greater hemispheres, are created characteristic images of the analytical program. These images in limbic system receive emotional painting according to an emotional code of a situation. Images are transferred in area of sensual perception. The inquiry of Essence is perceived RP and initiates extraction from his memory of the similar condition bearing the same emotional code. RP starts a program chain of the conditions of the memory connected with it, generated in the past. As a rule, it is a situation of the recent period of wakefulness. But can be taken and the conditions of the memory which has generated in the remote past.

   During the analysis of each of the caused conditions of memory RP of the Soul creates programs of correcting influences which change an emotional code of undesirable conditions of memory with the purpose to prevent their negative influence on the future actions of the person in a similar situation. For this purpose undesirable chains of programs are disconnected and necessary new programs of actions of the person are created. Programs of correcting influences of the Soul gives the shape unreal or fantastic images which are carriers of correcting emotional codes. The sold program chain of memory RP in a real situation is broken off by unreal images. For its continuation of the Soul forms other subject line of a dream.


14.11.6.    Images in which the Soul perceives a condition of an organism and are seen with its future condition in connection with the future condition of a reality are so original, that the person cannot present them to itself. But in consciousness it fixes the same images in clear to it images of sensual perception. Images of correcting influences which are created with Soul are extremely logical, verified and unequivocal. Same correcting images RP perceives as certain symbolical, fantastic, unreal sensual images. Correcting program chains are represented him as metaphors, plots of unreal images and situations.


14.11.7.    Correction of programs of auto regulation and emotional coding are as a hobby enough challenge. Therefore during a night dream of the Shower repeats cycles of testing and correcting influences of 3-5 times. Testing is shown as a fast dream during which there are dreams. Increase of duration of a fast dream due to slow testify that the problem of programming of the future actions of the person in future situations known to Essence comes to the end with thin operational development of emotional coding at numerous check of results.


14.12.    Images of dreams have no program communications with real images of the present therefore after awakening they cannot be recollected. Dreams of a transitive phase from a dream to wakefulness are remembered only. Images of these dreams join in a program chain of waking up sensual images and establish with them weak program communication. Dreams can be remembered only repeatedly having reproduced them mentally right after awakenings.

    The conditions of memory RP which has arisen during dreams, are imposed on the previous conditions, and carry out the correction of their emotional painting planned by Soul. After such coding memory of memoirs of concrete situations are painted in others emotional tone which assume other actions of the person, than before coding. The emotional perception of those or other vital situations the person has in the basis the emotional codes incorporated in memory both the last real situations, and situations of dreams. Made decisions, actions of people are directly connected with emotional perception of incentive motivations.


14.13.    The perception the person of a dream differs nothing from perception of a reality. But this perception has no communication with a reality of the present. The dream can be carried to the category of an internal reality of the person which exists in the field of Consciousness, in sensual areas of a calloused body of a brain. Speed of change of a situation at real perception is limited by speed of real physical processes. During a dream speed of change of a situation is defined by frequency characteristics of a spherical wave of Reason which generates images of an idea with frequency of 100 billion in a second. Of formation of this image think goes in spherical waves at even higher frequencies. Thus the time scale inside of a dream keeps real proportions.


The realized dream

14.14.    If during awakening the person again passes in a condition of a dream the dream proceeds. In that variant when the Soul any more does not form mental images of the future, this continuation any more has no communication with the future reality. Its subject line will be defined by the maintenance of memory RP. Thus RP can change a plot of a dream in conformity with the mentality. Such situation refers to as the realized dream.


14.15. The realized dream can to have program communication with the future reality at the certain stages. Then it is perceived as prophetical, salutary, creative dream. Transfer of the complex information during comprehension of a dream is carried out by Soul by partial enabled sensual perception. Then the person enters into a condition of awakening and remembers a situation of a dream. The information maintenance of the remembered dream contains in its script, plots of separate stages and images of characters and objects. But this information demands decoding because the realized dream is program installation which is связующей between the last impressions and the future reality. In itself it of the general with a reality has no anything, it is artificial the created reality existing only in consciousness of the person. Not deciphered dream, nevertheless, automatically will play the program role in the future situation. But skilful decoding will give additional useful data by which secondary programming RP can be carried out. If during the realized dream the person realizes its real reason, it stimulates Soul, and quality of a dream noticeably increases.


14.16.    In realized dream RP can take management of a situation on itself. Then his mentality the situation will change both under the form, and under the emotional maintenance. Depending on an actual condition of memory RP the situation of a dream can receive development and in a direction of disturbing expectation, and in a direction of panic horror, and in a direction of joyful expectation, and in a direction of emotional rise and confidence of. In a dream there are no restrictions which exist at perception of reality. The emotional condition of dream RP keeps also some time after awakening, is equal as an emotional condition of a reality passes in emotional painting dreams.


14.17.    In the Universe of Reason of the person sensually apprehended external reality exists as the worlds of an internal reality. In a condition of dream RP can perceive these worlds sensually, focusing attention to the certain qualitative characteristics. Thus they are repeatedly formed and condensed as a material image think in sensual area of Consciousness. There is really existing sensual world of a dream. But this world concerns to the category of an internal reality.


14.18.    The realized dream should be practised in a concluding period of a dream when testing by Soul is finished. Concentration of attention on images of a dream raises their material density and interferes with destroying action of sensual images. Carry of attention to images sensual восприятий promotes increase of their material density and stops a dream. It is not necessary to leave from unpleasant dreams. It is necessary to learn to suppress them in a dream. Awakening should be practised at achievement of the desirable purpose in a plot of a dream with positive emotional a spirit. In this case memory RP will keep program installation of favorable end. In general in any dreams it is necessary to aspire to favorable resolution of problems and to show the vigorous activity in this direction. In process of accumulation of such program installations emotional quality of dreams will raise.


14.19.    Plots of dreams are directly perceived by Essence of the Information field from area of Consciousness. Intention RP to resolve a problem in a plot of a dream and to achieve the desirable purpose makes active IP. The Soul which is tool IP, assists in formation of favorable development of a plot and its(his) emotional painting. Its correcting program installations raise brightness of images. This are reached operating influence which result will be the positive program installation having communication with an external reality.



14.20.    In a condition of wakefulness RP perceives the sensual information and forms as response fancies of activity of a physical body with the purpose to eliminate the reason of adverse sensual perception and to change a reality which has led to its occurrence. Thus RP carries out mental planning the activity and models the future reality.


14.21.    Mental activity RP carries out being in the corresponding volume of channel DNArp. These are face volumes of a molecule. They are near to volumes of perception of the visual and acoustical information. In mental volume the perception of the sensual information is minimal. At sufficient practice RP it can be disconnected (to not focus attention) from the sensual information and during pendular movings to generate and perceive only the mental information. Thus he creates fancies in the field of the Dialogue window located in a knee a calloused body of a brain (see figure). During this period sensual images continue to be formed, but the sensual information remains not demanded. RP during pendular movings to these volumes is not late.


14.22.    The mental reality as is real, as a reality sensual and a reality of a dream. It is the area of space located in standing waves of molecular structures of physical measurement, filled by the worlds of mental measurement. Of these worlds RP forms model of a physical reality, he makes the changes caused by physical processes to her, makes changes which will be result of his activity in the future condition of a reality of the physical world. If results of modelling do not satisfy RP he builds new model, carrying out mental designing until will receive satisfactory results. Program installations of mental designing RP uses during the activity in the world of physical measurement.


14.23.    The Soul observes of mental designing which carries out RP, and helps to carry out it means of own mental activity. RP creates images which are model of his future activity and a predicted condition of a reality, and the Soul creates images which are its perception of an existing reality of the future.

   Quite often there is a situation when RP cannot finish mental designing at satisfactory result. The help comes, RP to that moment when he does not see the decision of a problem and stops designing. On a background of the collapsing mental images created RP, there is the new image created by Soul. This image contains true Knowledge, the decision of a problem which is organically entered in a physical reality of the future known to the Soul. As a rule, it is an image of an end result. If RP does not find methods of achievement of an end result the Soul creates as well intermediate images of the mental project. Then in memory RP there is a condition of inspiration, program installations of separate stages incorporate in the uniform program of change of a physical reality which allows to carry out intention.


14.24.    Images of mental designing are perceived by memory RP two ways: modulations of own spherical waves and modulations of spherical waves of Soul. Own modulations bring the information in a sensual frequency range. And the amplitude of modulation of waves of Soul decreases to proportionally passed distance, therefore they are perceived by memory RP in higher frequency range. Thus in memory RP program installations of secondary mental designing are formed. In the same way memory of Soul perceives modulations of waves RP.


14.25.    The length of a wave нейтрино Reason and Soul is equal 2,84·10-6 m, and base length of a wave of a matter of sensual perception of 8,25·10-25 m while base length of a wave of a matter of physical measurement of 2,82·10-15 m. the Dialogue window is located in the middle centre to centre spherical waves of Soul and Reason. Therefore frequency rate of decrease in measurement of a secondary mental matter concerning primary (in this case sensual) is equal to two.


14.26.    Direct interaction of Soul and Reason modulations of the waves leads to formation in their memory of identical secondary macro programs of mental designing in a unique frequency range. Thus they have an opportunity of preliminary mental designing at higher speed.


14.27.    Mental images of preliminary designing have twice lower measurement, than initial mental images. They too create modulations of waves of Soul which are perceived by memory RP, and modulations of waves RP which are perceived by memory of Soul. As a result in their memory there is a macro program of tertiary designing at even higher speed.


14.28.    Theoretically preliminary designing leaves in infinity of the lowest measurements. Differently, intention of Reason of the person to change a physical reality starts the mechanism of mental designing which beginning is in infinitely low measurements of memory as Souls, and RP. Results of preliminary mental designing in the lowest measurements are deduced in higher measurements as the multivariate world in which forms of the world of higher measurement are caused by filling by its forms of the worlds of lower measurements. It is really possible to realize and in the certain measure to affect mental preliminary designing only up to a tertiary level. Higher levels are not realized. They carry out self-development down to forms of a tertiary level.


Astral projections

14.29.    In a condition of realized dream RP can not form a plot of a dream, and investigate its maintenance. Then he focuses attention to the details, separate objects. He can execute any actions which the person carries out in relation to real objects of the physical world concerning objects of a dream that is to present the consciousness as a physical body of the person. But he can give also to the consciousness any other forms and qualities. Then he will have unusual abilities which in the physical world his body does not possess. The internal reality of the worlds of sensual perception, the worlds of dreams and series of the worlds of preliminary mental designing becomes accessible to research.


14.30.    Accessible to research of internal material worlds of consciousness are:

- The sensual world and the world of dreams, in an occult practice is name the ethereal plan;

- The mental world of a primary level of preliminary designing, in an occult practice is name the lowest astral plan;

- The mental world of a secondary level of preliminary designing, in an occult practice is name the supreme astral plan;

- The mental world of a tertiary level of preliminary designing, in an occult practice is name the mental plan;

- The mental world of initial forms of preliminary designing, in an occult practice is name a causal body.

    The number of the mental worlds of preliminary designing is limited by number of realized and practically used material forms at mental designing a physical reality. These forms are key conditions of memory by means of which RP gets into these worlds and establishes with them sensually perceived communication. In unincarnated condition RP cooperates, spherical waves with set of other individualities which are being at a great distance from him. Thus there are worlds of much lower measurements. But in incarnate a condition of key conditions of the memory necessary for ocurrence in these worlds does not arise. Differently, he cannot enter into these worlds with sense organs realize even one sensually perceived quality.


14.31.    The mental worlds of preliminary designing arise during mental designing an external physical reality of the future. Having arisen as the holographic image of the initial form of a projected reality in the field of consciousness RP, they get in spherical waves of multivariate consciousness development as private worlds of the Universe of Reason of the person. Thus they are sensually created copy of the Installed external reality. In private worlds the same laws of the Universe, as in the external Universe operate. Thus private worlds get same dynamics of development, as external worlds. Material objects in these worlds also cooperate on similar algorithms. Initial algorithms are set by Reason in the Dialogue window. If algorithms are incorrect or are broken, Soul and Reason bring corresponding corrective amendments. It eliminates mistakes of modelling. During a dream this work proceeds on the basis of algorithms of Soul. Earlier the created worlds continue internal development as variants. They never disappear, being kept as zero fluctuations in a closing energy system zero pulsation, but during development form new variants which too are kept eternally. Thus, there is the multivariate Universe of Reason similar to the external Universe. But in the internal Universe speed of a course of time for many orders above. In these worlds it is quite often possible to find out models of some objects of the physical world which have qualitative characteristics of a condition of these objects in the far future. Theoretically in areas of a negative course of time it is possible to find out and the remote past of these objects.


14.32.    To receive the information from the mental world of higher level, the Reason should create preliminary means for perception of this information in the world of lower level. Thus he begins promotion from the world of sensual perception which is model of the world of a physical reality. Therefore means of perception Reason ассоциирует by analogy to sense organs. During creation of sense organs which he will own, the Reason with the consciousness creates a certain body, the carrier of these bodies. The body not necessarily should have the form, but necessarily should possess qualitative characteristics of sense organs. Only so he can create in the memory in lower measurement pseudo a sensual image of investigated materiality, to transfer practice of a life in the Universe of physical measurement to the internal Universe. In process of promotion on highest levels of the astral plan difficulty to allocate a body with sense organs accrues. Therefore already on the mental plan the concept "form" is kept only, and dominating perception is color. On the causal plan there is only a concept "color", distinction of color gradation everywhere penetrating light is absent.


14.33.    To investigate the worlds of astral projections it is possible consecutive ocurrence in them from the lowest in the supreme. The first on this way is the world named by the ethereal plan. Thoughtforms this world directly influence emotional perception of situations of reality in which the person gets. At concurrence of frequency characteristics of sensual images and astral thoughtform there are new forms and their materiality is condensed. The person tests thus satisfaction down to a condition of euphoria. At discrepancy of their frequency characteristics a thoughtform it is washed away, loses outlines, the density of a matter decreases. Thus the person feels alarms, uncertainty, the fear reaching in a limit up to a condition of a panic.


14.34.    The repeated perception of the sensual images creating a positive emotional spirit, promotes formation of the diverse world of the ethereal plan. Thoughtforms this world do not contain hostile images. At their astral research there are positive emotions. If sensual perception are regularly accompanied by negative emotions, the world of the ethereal plan gets grey, down to full darkness, a tonality. At its astral research inevitably there is a feeling of fear. Badly distinguished or even invisible thoughtforms frighten of the animosities, threats. 


14.35.    The ethereal plan reflects internal essence of the person, his emotional perception of a reality. The condition of the ethereal plan directly influences work of systems of auto regulation of functions of bodies of a physical body of the person, as in a condition of a dream when there is their adjustment, and during wakefulness when fancies of response on sensual perception are formed. Infringements of auto regulation of functions of bodies of a physical body, provokes diseases.


14.36.    The pessimist perceives a reality in grey tones, does not see pleasures of a life, constantly feels uncertainty, is anxious by problems of a life, with alarm expects the future, mentally scrolls, most his worst variants. Thus at him the grey ethereal plan is formed. Dreams of such person are burdensome, disturbing. He wakes up quite often in a condition of panic fear. Research of this astral projection does not give positive emotions. The reason aspires to leave as soon as possible it never more there to not come back. But to leave from the internal essence it is impossible. The ethereal plan needs to be changed to improve quality of perception of a life. Then also research of the ethereal plan will give positive emotions will bring feeling of sincere rise.


14.37.   The optimist perceives a life in light tones, its sensual color variety. Inevitable difficulties of a life cannot unsettle for a long time his vigorous activity directed on achievement of desirable results. He finds the positive moments in the most difficult situations of a life, concentrates on them attention and aspires to expand them so that to transform a negative situation in positive. The optimist does not carry out rigid planning of a life. Any purpose, to which he aspires, is only desirable variant which, depending on developing real conditions, can be changed without regrets.

   In a life there is nothing absolutely negative. The negativism of any situation is relative. The optimist constantly searches and finds ways to positive emotional perception. If the purpose to which he aspires, suddenly sees unattainable, all his plans fall, he reduces depth of planning of the future down to current day and even the nearest minutes. Thus he receives constantly positive emotions which help to overcome difficulties. Suddenly he finds out, that the purpose of a life to which he aspired earlier, is erroneous, that its achievement not only does not give desirable results, but creates new problems. The real life, in which his mental projects were not carried out, appears much more attractive. There is no need to speak about that emotional rise which is tested by the optimist when his mental projects are carried out though he never aspired to achievement of the purpose at any cost.


14.38. In astral projections the Reason of the person can sensually perceive a condition of the consciousness, assess this maintenance, and spend desirable changes. The reason can get rid of the negative maintenance separate thoughtform by giving of positive qualitative characteristics by it(him). These changes he sensually realizes after awakening as change of emotional perception of a reality.


14.39.   In an astral projection the Reason can cure a physical body: its, or the patient. The changes executed in an astral projection, are deduced at participation of Essence in a physical reality as realization of intention. Thus there is a real healing.


14.40.   On the ethereal plan the Reason can generate a desirable situation of the future. This situation should not create in astral projections of higher level, in farther prospect, negative thoughtforms. If negative thoughtforms arise, it is necessary to change accordingly a situation on the ethereal plan to eliminate them. This thoughtform is perceived by Essence as positive intention and realized in a physical reality.



14.41.   Thoughtforms which RP creates on the astral plan, express his desire, intention to receive the similar form in the physical world. During awakening these forms are deduced in the Dialogue window and perceived by Soul level with the mentality of intention expressed by sensual forms. The information maintenance of intention is perceived by Essence and becomes the catalyst of respective alterations of the future physical reality.


14.42.    Intention is realized not instantly, and through some time interval. This time is necessary for Essence to coordinate intentions of set of people among themselves, to coordinate with needs of other alive essences, to synchronize them with processes of the lifeless nature and to change focus of attention of individualities of Reason with the purpose to create the new form of the power pattern providing execution of intention.


14.43.    The essence directs to energy on realization of intentions of people, being guided by universal principles of a choice of a priority direction:

- Intention promotes achievement of the purpose of Terrestrial experiment;

- Intention should not create an obstacle to realization of the precertain future of other people;

- Intention carries Goods for other people, that is creates additional possible variants of the future;

- Intention creates obstacles for realization of the Harm by other people, that is eliminates restrictions of possible variants of the future;

- Intention promotes elimination negative karma at possible greater number of people.


14.44.    The reason on which concrete intention is supported by Essence or is blocked by it, is not always obvious. It can be hidden behind set of unknown or externally inconsistent relationships of cause and effect of events and the phenomena which are inaccessible to comprehension by Reason of the person. Therefore it is not necessary to complain or come to despair if realization of intention sees unattainable. It is necessary to pass to mental designing closer future, being guided at a choice of the purpose universal principles.


14.45.    The reason on which realization of intention can be blocked is quite often concluded in excessive emotional heat when the person aspires to grant desire not realizing a consequence regarding change of conditions of a life of other people. This he completely shifts the decision of a problem of interface энергий on Essence. While the problem of interface will not be solved, intention of such plan will not be carried out. Blocking comes owing to counteraction of a power pattern to sharp infringement of balance, inertia of system.


14.46.    Inertia of system quite often does not allow to carry out intention if the purposes vary too quickly. In activity on realization of intention in a physical reality, as a rule, participate, set of people. During formation of intention they already carry out activity on realization of other intentions, and should finish it. Certainly, priorities here operate. But, nevertheless, inertia of a physical reality in inertia of system is shown always. Therefore frequently, if the purposes vary too quickly one power pattern as new intention which execution partially or completely destroys sometimes almost ready form follows has not time to be generated.


14.47.    It is not necessary to prompt Essence technology of realization of intention. The mental project should contain only the final form. From this follows, that though intermediate results can not keep within your forecast, it is not necessary to reproduce negative forms of disagreement with the validity. In consciousness the final form of intention should prevail. Observe as the active Spectator as the reality will change according to your intention and a direction of your activity. For realization of intention in space the ready variant of the future can contain. Then events will develop under this script. But, depending on a situation of wider plan, in view of realization of intentions of other people, variants can vary the new variant of the future can be formed also. Reason of the person all it to realize not in a condition.


14.48.    Intention will be carried out not to the full if to it will prevent universal principles of a priority. It is necessary to understand, that your mental project never leans only on true Knowledge. In it the considerable share of program installations of an ego inevitably contains. Therefore he without mental correction of Soul cannot be carried out. Take it for granted, - the physics of a reality is those. In any case keep a positive spirit and desire to continue perfection of a reality.


14.49.    At mental designing of the future reality it is impossible to come off a reality present. The person lives in the environment which develops under the laws, to the program installations operating an external reality. One of them concern to laws of the natural nature, others are created by public structures of the people incorporated by any overall aim. Intention is carried out by activity of people, according to program installations of their consciousness. All these program installations should be considered at mental designing and formation of intention. Intention to receive the blessings for itself always contains infringement of universal principles. Therefore, forming intention, project display of its positive qualities concerning people. You can enter into their number, but it should not be a condition of the mental project.


14.50.    The activity of other people contradicting universal principles is not the basis for refusal of intention. During mental designing program installations of overcoming of such activity should be created. Thus it is not necessary to incur the responsibility for destiny of other people. Your problem consists in not breaking universal principles, and the coordination of your intention with intentions of other people is a care of Essence. Support will be found with those intentions and in those their parts which use a priority.


14.51.    Do not try to destroy system program installations of activity of public structures during realization of the intention. It will cause fierce resistance of system down to blocking your activity. In this situation there is no necessity to refuse initial intention. But it is necessary to realize, that a condition of its realization is change of concrete program installation of public structure which interferes with it). Blocking program installation can interfere with realization of intention which contains the latent infringement of universal principles or prioritier intentions. But it can be and nocuous. Then there is a necessity of formation of a new level of mental designing on preliminary elimination of harmful program installation of public structure. Realization of this intention not only is supported by Essence the same as any other intention on creation of new forms of a reality is supported, but also uses a priority.


14.52.    The mental project of intention consolidates the forms if it to reproduce repeatedly and regularly. It creates constantly operating catalyst for Essence, again and again paying focus of attention of individualities on its realization. Any intention what fantastic it looked, should be executed in a reality if it does not contradict universal principles, and the person carries out real actions on its embodiment during a life. At realization of intention activity of the person in this direction is an obligatory condition.


14.53.    If you at any stage you have found out, that your intention contradicts universal principles or that there is more effective variant of achievement of the purpose, without a regret refuse an initial variant or make necessary updating the mental project. The negative emotions of such correction connected with destruction thoughtforms of initial intention in your consciousness, will very quickly be replaced by the positive emotions testifying, that you have made a correct choice, and in your consciousness is successfully formed thoughtform a new variant.


14.54.    Compare with the intentions to intentions of other people, coordinate the activity with the purpose to synchronize achievement of mutually causing results. All it is present at astral projections really and develops in the unique rate of a course of time. Synchronization of activity in a physical reality begins with synchronization of activity in astral projections. Success of spent work is shown in sensation of sincere comfort at the reference of consciousness inside and satisfactions by a life at its reference on an external reality.


14.55.    Never try to carry out the intention contrary to intentions of other people only because to you it more dearly. Try to state an objective estimation, leaning on universal principles. Realization of intention which interferes with realization of intentions of other people, who are not contradicting universal principles, is Angrily. The decision of a task of a choice of a priority, leave Essence. The reality of a life will show what choice has been made.


14.56.    During labour activity, especially, when work is carried out for the first time, it is useful to do stops and to pay the attention inside with a mute question "as?". During this instant of the Shower will create the mental project of the subsequent action by an optimum variant. Usually so creative workers act: scientists, designers, composers, poets, writers, inventors and others, whose activity contains novelty aspects.


14.57.    All negative people create the persistent aspiration to carry out intention at any cost. In other situation negative there is only time form of perception positive, not realized by the person. In process of clearing a situation the negative perception will be replaced positive. If your plans are not carried out, search for the reason in infringement of universal principles and do not complain about destiny. Continue to keep a position of the Spectator in performance of a life. Finally performance of a life always has the happy termination. The reason comes back home, in the Information field being enriched impressions of a real life, with luggage of the changes of the material reality executed at his participation, the increased level of vibrations of consciousness of Essence of the Earth.


14.58.   If the person shows passivity his any intentions cannot be carried out. The essence forms space during change of its material maintenance by activity of the person. Begin movement to the planned purpose, and you will see, how circumstances of a real life, including not dependent on you, will form a good situation. The essence chooses a variant of development of the world, forms of which physical reality corresponds to forms of a mental reality of the concrete person. The reason during activity of the person forms necessary for achievement of the purpose a reality of the consciousness, and the Essence does similar work but already in scale of consciousness of the Universe. It will be quite correct to present Reason of the person as Essence of the Universe of his consciousness, and Essence of the Information field of the Universe as Reason of the Universe. The soul is a link between them.


14.59.   Transition to other variant of destiny chosen by Essence for achievement of the purpose, can be sensually apprehended by the person. Suddenly something in a reality surrounding him will change. It is difficult for realizing, because the Reason will be included into a matrix of the new traces having other relationship of cause and effect of the past and the future. But in consciousness of Reason the former reality will be kept. It in during perception of a new reality there and then will change. But transient Reason will fix as something an event in the world surrounding him or in perception of this world. Physicists could find out mass quantum transitions at a level of elementary particles. But these processes are short-term also sense organs are not fixed.


14.60.   Quite often the person cannot be released from пут uncertainty in an opportunity of achievement of the purpose because gives too great value to negative circumstances. This uncertainty provokes growth negative thoughtforms in his consciousness. Negative thoughtforms in this case are the program installations corresponding negative program installations of a physical reality. Fixing on them attention, the person increases amplitude of program installations in the consciousness. Negative program installations translate in his consciousness intention in the category of a unattainable condition of a reality.

   In this situation it is necessary to refuse giving quality of the high importance to program installations of an external reality. It is possible to practise the universal formula "anything in a life has no what value", it is possible to generate mentally variants by which the negativism of a reality will be overcome or bypassed on a way of other development of a situation. At last, it is possible to realize, that you are powerless to eliminate negativism of a reality. You transfer this management of a situation of Essence. Can be assured, that the negativism of a reality will be eliminated in the name of achievement of the positive purpose. Comprehension, that negativism of an external reality cannot be an obstacle for achievement of the purpose, will eliminate the excessive importance of this program installation. In your consciousness the amplitude of corresponding negative program installation will sharply fall, and the purpose to which you aspire, will be perceived again as really achievable.


14.61.   The negative program installations of a reality interfering execution of intention which does not contradict universal principles, should be eliminated. It is possible to refuse intention, but in consciousness the wave structure of negative program installation will be kept. It will generating again and again. Thus it will not deliver to you unpleasant emotions as before, in fact you have refused intention, and are dealt with other problems. But negative program installation searches for itself for power communications as its energy "walk" on the internal Universe. It will contact other program installations and to withdraw them from a true way. The cargo of a solved problem will not be realized, but it will constantly weigh you and to poison a life in all aspects. Quite often it is followed with illnesses.

   Negative program installations in consciousness should be destroyed. Physically their form indestructible also will exist eternally, but, too physically, it is possible to direct their wave process on positive end. For this purpose they need to be connected with positive program installations so that to use internal energy for strengthening energy of positive program installations. The natural way for this purpose is in an external reality. It is necessary to create intention on elimination of negative program installation and to carry out it. Then the balance energy will be displaced in a direction of realization before inaccessible intention. It will occur in an external reality and, being is sensually apprehended, will occur also in an internal reality.

   If you have refused realization of intention, it is possible to enter into an astral projection, and at this level to direct to energy of negative program installation on other ways, for example, to allocate thoughtform with other maintenance qualitatively changing directions of its activity. Then there will be a situation similar to those which would take place if you did not create intention to change an external reality, and did not observe the negative situation interfering it. Certainly, if you again mentally will return to this intention will extend negative program installation in the consciousness from nonexistence in the present reality.


14.62.   Program installations by means of which public structures operate members of a society carry in themselves a seed of the Harm. In this case Angrily consists that possible variants of destiny of the person are limited, not allowing him to make the free choice. Therefore it is necessary to aspire to limit quantity of laws in force as much as possible, in a limit - up to the list of Laws of the God. Laws in force should not be applied in that part in which they contradict Laws of the God.


14.63.   It is necessary to imagine constantly and precisely, that the person divides people into individualities only during an embodiment in a material world. Such comprehension of a reality is caused by the macro program of the ego which have generated on the basis of sensual восприятий. Actually quality of individuality the physical body possesses only. The reason of the person, even being воплощён in molecule DNArp, is connected invisible by energy information communications with Essence of the Information field and is its inseparable structure. These communications represent power lines of the field providing unity of set of systems of Reason, each of which is Reason of the internal Universe, and together they are Reason of the external Universe.



14.64. The person can test physical and moral sufferings. Physical sufferings arise at adverse influences of an environment and are eliminated by activity of the person. Moral (mental) sufferings have the reason activity of consciousness


14.65. The person feels satisfactions a life when in its consciousness sensual images of a real life change forms, coming nearer to the mental form before the generated intention. At their merge there is a key condition of memory which serves as the starting form for mental designing new intentions.


14.66.    Mental activity of consciousness of the person forms an egregor, system of mental program installations, system of thinkforms. The system of thinkforms an egregor is consequence of work of a macroprogram of the person in consciousness of the person, some kind of its material equivalent. The astral reality is represented to the external observer as the visible astral body of the person possessing own consciousness. This astral double operates reasonably in the interests, very inventively subordinating Reason of the person.


14.67.    The system of the mental program installations containing the completed project which has program communications with other, mental projects following from it and realities, creates feeling of satisfaction. If in the mental project there are opened program installations their power searches an output, stimulating continuation of mental designing. Then the person tests a condition of a dissatisfaction. And at long preservation of such condition supported by giving of a high level.


14.68.    The person feels bitterness, sufferings, if intention appears is unattainable in a reality of a life. The reason for it can be unreality of intention or an incorrect estimation of term of its execution. Unreality of intention takes place in that case when it is not supported by Essence. It is necessary to refuse such intention. It is unattainable basically. For realization of intention in a real life there should be respective alterations. These changes quite often are not known to the person and consequently by it are not considered at an estimation of term of execution of intention. At an incorrect estimation of term experience has no sharp character. After awakening from its dream can not be at all. But at a mental estimation of a reality in a condition of wakefulness experience arises again. During a dream the Essence eliminates the conflict a thoughtforms, and the person again creates it mentally. Support in consciousness that condition which have tested in a dream. Realize, that time of execution of intention has not come. It will be executed later. Probably, that intention in any part it is necessary to correct, refuse excessive detail.


14.69.    The person feels bitterness, sufferings, if events of a real life have brought such changes at which plans for the future have demanded essential correction in consciousness. For example, the system of intentions which has developed in consciousness, has suddenly got quality unreal, or there was a threat of new negative events in reality which will aggravate a situation in consciousness. The output consists of this instability of consciousness in bringing mentality into accord with sensually perceived reality. Sufferings of this period will be less sharp if preliminary to realize, that you refuse false preconditions which could lead up a blind alley. Then earlier the generated intentions will get a negative shade, and refusal of them will be perceived positively.


14.70.    The consciousness is the Universe at which there are images of a physical reality, but only in that part in which this reality is perceived sensually. Protect consciousness from perception of negative images of a reality, and the acuteness of experience will sharply decrease. If it is impossible to leave from a reality, do not allow sensual perception to waken burdensome ideas, to make active mentality. Experience will not disappear, because on mental plans already apprehended sensual images will continue the development according to their internal power, forming mental variants of the future situations. Do not suppose such development of mentality and feeling of bitterness, experience will die away. As a first step switch attention to the positive mental designing delivering satisfaction, turn sensual perception for bright images of a reality of other maintenance (positive or neutral), borrow consciousness with useful physical activity.


14.71.    The real help in elimination of experiences repeated visualization will render jantre-CHAOS. Jantre is a graphic symbol, analogue of structure of the Universe, used as tool means. The jantre-CHAOS possesses salutary properties. It makes active Anakhata-chakres and Manipur-chakres, renders powerful influence on ability to live of the bodies of a physical body connected with them. Therefore to use to it it is necessary circumspectly, being verified with the state of health.


14.72.    To get rid of experience it is possible only by translation of sensually perceived reality in a channel of execution of new intention which considers a reality. Then earlier negative perception will get positive quality. Also the perception of mentality accordingly will change.


14.73.    To get rid of experience it is possible if to realize the powerlessness and to transfer the decision of a problem to the Maximum I, Divine Essence. Such decision is universal program installation which is capable to absorb energy of any opened program installations. But for this purpose energy of program installation of BELIEF in ability of Divine Essence to solve your problems should exceed energy of program installation of an expected negative reality. It is necessary to be ready to that elimination of one opened program installations will lead to activization of other related program installations counteracting BELIEF. The situation looks as struggle against an egregor of the ego. Persevering reproduction of program installations of BELIEF and suppression of counteracting mental program installations is a condition of overcoming of experience.


14.74.     If in a reality there were such changes, that the life has lost sense it means only one: you have incorrectly generated system of intentions which describes meaning of the life in your consciousness. You have taken a great interest in program installations of an ego and have weakened communication with the Maximum J.Osvezhite's macroprogram in memory the Maximum Knowledge, is thoughtful прочтите Philosophy of Space Consciousness, and a life предстанет before you in new light. The events which have caused experiences, will look insignificant before the person of eternity of your existence and existence of people close to you, before those purposes for the sake of which achievement you have entered into this life. In negativism of events you will see that positive maintenance which achievement has caused their necessity. Learn to see the positive maintenance of event not only that it gives you personally or to your relatives, but also that it gives other people. Realize unity of Reason, воплощённого in the different physical bodies, living different lives.


14.75.    The empathy arises if to present itself on a place of the victim and mentally to feel its sufferings, but thus to realize, that the victim is other person, which itself should solve the problems. The empathy assumes not rendering assistance to the victim, and the division of its feelings expressed at an emotional level. Thus intention to assist the victim does not arise, and actions in this direction are not undertaken.


14.76.    The compassion, also as well as empathy, arises if to present itself on a place of the victim and mentally to feel its sufferings. But, unlike empathy, the unity with the victim is realized, and intention to help to it, as to itself becomes more active. Even in that case when feeling compassion cannot render the real help and will feel the powerlessness, it will create a potentiality of realization of intention from Essence. Intention will be carried out without its participation on the physical plan.


14.77.    Expectation of imaginary inevitability of a negative situation creates a condition of alarm which can reach a level of fear and even a panic in consciousness. The mental projections, having for an object to avoid occurrence in a reality of a negative situation, create mental thoughtforms which dynamics of changes has no satisfactory end. They repeatedly generating, litter consciousness and interfere with normal sensual perception and formation of reciprocal fancies of activity. More often the alarm arises during mental designing possible variants of succession of events. These variants do not lean on the facts of a reality, therefore exist only in consciousness. If there is no the satisfactory decision, allowing to avoid occurrence of the future negative situation, it is necessary to transfer the decision of a problem of Essence, having realized the powerlessness and to stop mental activity. If a mental thoughtforms were false, they will be deactivated at perception of the sensual information of other maintenance. If the alarm was proved, and the decision of a problem in consciousness has not appeared, the problem will be solved by Essence. It is necessary to realize constantly, that every instant your life it is supervised by Essence. The real future will be always generated by an optimum variant which is known only to the God. Therefore the reasons for alarm does not exist. The condition of alarm is property of consciousness. Practise a condition of impassivity in consciousness, a condition of the Spectator observing a drama of a real life in which its physical body participates also.


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