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           The philosophy of Space Consciousness


 ©  Lemyakin Boris Aleksandrovich.

e-mail: lemyakin@yandex.ru

The guest book


The dictionary of the Maximum Knowledge (Rus)


The philosophy

of Space Consciousness


Chapter 15. Illusion of "GUILT"


As there is a guilt

15.1.   The concept guilt is used by people for an estimation of actions (inactivity) of this or that person or group of persons. Guilt has the negative sense establishing (installing) the responsibility of originators, activity which (divergence) was the reason something adverse, offence, a crime. In all cases comparison is conducted with norms(rates) of religious or public morals, with norms of laws. Therefore guilt is concept relative. 


15.2.  Laws on which there lives a society, public morals are formed by a society according to principles of expediency. The principle of expediency is subjective opinion of any part of a society. The ego of people participates in formation of subjective opinion, therefore it cannot possess quality of absolute true.


15.3.  The philosophy of religion applies for absolute interpretation of concept of guilt, as infringements of divine instructions(indications), the instructions of religious morals having a divine source. However, any source of religious morals, divine instructions is a product of activity of people: retelling or record of the information of images, interpretation of their information maintenance with reference to situations of a real life, other theological researches and authoritative works of attendants of a cult. The information maintenance of images is the coded reflection of the true maintenance of a reality. Secondary coding is carried out at verbal transformation of the information to the text of the letter. Program installations of an ego of people participate in this process. Additional distortions are brought in the information maintenance of religious texts theologians and preachers. Therefore the religious morals cannot possess quality of absolute true.


Guilt and freedom of a choice

15.4.  The reason of the person is embodied in the physical body having precertain destiny. The destiny contains possible variants which too are predetermined at separate stages of a life. But the person possesses ability of a choice of a desirable variant. In some cases the choice of a variant is influenced by other people and the conditions of a reality of a life created by them.


15.5.   The person can generate a new variant of destiny and this to realize the right of a free choice. The new variant is formed with use energy the Information field, Essence which accompanies incarnated with Reason on a life. As the catalyst of activity of Essence on formation of a power field in a direction of realization of a choice intention of the person to carry out this or that mental project of a reality serves. The mental project is born with participation of the Maximum I of the person representing the operating beginning of Essence of the Information field.


15.6. The maximum Reason of the Universe spends on the Earth experiment with the purpose to define a direction of development of consciousness of the isolated system of individual Reason in conditions of a free choice of the future reality. A condition of experiment is duality of consciousness of the person which realizes a real material world only via sense organs. Thus incarnated the Reason realizes itself as the part of a reality possessing quality of individuality, and the physical body perceives as personal I. 


15.7.  In conditions of duality of consciousness at the person on the basis of sensual perception of a reality the macroprogram of the person - the Ego is formed. As in this macroprogram the physical body is identified with personal I, activity of the person in the physical world is directed on creation of the conditions as much as possible favorable for a physical body, both in the present, and in mentally projected future. The leading part in an estimation of conditions of usefulness belongs expected sensual восприятиям.


15.8.  The ego of the person inevitably dictates to him a condition of a priority of personal inquiries before inquiries of other people. Thus the Ego is compelled to concede a part of opportunities to other people to provide existence of public structures. The ego understands, that only in community people can resist to an adverse environment. But these concessions of the Ego aspires to limit: to give the blessings to another it is less, and to take has more.


15.9.   Distribution of the blessings in a society is adjusted by laws: unwritten norms of morals (positive experience of a public life) and the formalized certificates of compulsion.  Infringement of the law by the person or group of persons is considered as guilt. Infringement of principles of morals attracts punishment in the form of a public reprimand, and infringement of acts of compulsion attracts punishment in the form of deprivation of a part of the blessings. 


15.10.    On the basis of laws of a public life realization of the right of freedom of a choice of the destiny inevitably does the person guilty.


Sin and freedom of a choice

15.11.  The maximum Reason of the Universe has supplied the person with Soul (the Maximum I, the Instructor, the Conductor) which allows Him to carry out constant presence at consciousness of the person. The soul not only does not interfere with a free choice of the destiny the person, but broadcasts his intentions in the Information field with the purpose to provide power support.


15.12.    Presence of the Maximum Reason at consciousness of the person breaks duality. The macroprogram of the Ego during a dream and the separate moments of wakefulness is exposed to correction with the purpose to eliminate display of the nocuous program installations caused by deformed knowledge of a reality. It allows the person to realize itself as the Creator of a new reality, to become operating beginning of the Information field in a material world.


15.13.    The Maximum Reason introduces program installations of true Knowledge in consciousness of the person. That these program installations have received communication with a macroprogram of the Ego and have eliminated its lacks, program installations of the Maximum Reason clothe in visual, acoustical and others pseudo sensual images. The information of true Knowledge, as a rule, is transferred by blocks of the images which are characterized metaphors, allegories, symbols. The information passes in a macroprogram of the Ego at decoding, and to other people is transferred verbally.


15.14.    On the basis of pseudo sensual images of true Knowledge the mankind has created system of the religious and other spiritual knowledge containing norms of morals. Infringement of these norms is classified as a sin, guilt before the God.


15.15.     On the basis of norms of religious and other spiritual morals realization of the right of freedom of a choice of the destiny inevitably does the person sinful.


Physics of guilt.

15.16.   The spherical wave makes not fading harmonious fluctuations eternally. Hence, energy of a spherical wave is size a constant. Accordingly and energy of a gravitational cycle is size a constant. Energy in space of a developing matter does not arise, and does not disappear. Development of a matter follows the account of energy of a gravitational wave. So occurs in a gravitational wave of the Universe so occurs and in gravitational waves of Reason and substance of all measurements.


15.17.  At formation of new variants of materiality in each subsequent gravitational cycle energy of a wave passes from one cycle in another. But the unique material maintenance of each of infinite set of cycles exists independently and eternally. By a principle of superposition of waves material structures of each of cycles exist on a background of material structures of other cycles, not rendering on them of any influence.


15.18.    Difference of the wave maintenance of space of each of gravitational cycles consists not in power, and in the information maintenance. The space of each gravitational cycle possesses a unique Information field.


15.19.   The information field is a modulation of speed of movement Primmatter in volume of a gravitational wave. The information field does not possess energy. It is information making energy, a vector of speed of movement Primmatter in each point of space of each gravitational cycle. The information field realizes function of management energies movements Primmatter in a spherical wave.


15.20.   Energy of a gravitational cycle - size constant, and an information component increases proportionally to number of gravitational cycles, and aspires to infinity. The material maintenance of space is updated during each gravitational cycle. Thus the power of the space involved in gravitational dynamics, does not change. Forms and conditions of interaction of material objects change only.


15.21.   To each instant in a stream of Time of a gravitational cycle there corresponds the closed power system (CPS) which the vector sum of intensity of fields is equal to zero. In CPS instants elementary particles of a matter infinitely make zero fluctuations. In each point of this power system there is a vector of force of a potentiality of development in which direction transition in a stream of Time by a next instant is carried out. Transition from one instant to another in a stream of Time also is a life. From this guilt of each elementary particle of substance in the Universe that it has made moving to that, instead of to any other party follows, that, at transition from one instant to another, is caused by corresponding(meeting) moving of all complex of elementary particles of the Universe.

Differently, the person is not guilty that his physical body follows on a matrix of traces of the future for matrixes of all traces of material objects of the Universe are connected by uniform power dependence according to laws of physics.


15.22.  The reason of the person is the small Universe in which there are gravitational cycles of own frequency. In these cycles, as well as in the big Universe, the matter is born. The material structures born by Reason of people, create potentialities of Creation of a material reality in the big Universe and by that influence its future. Differently, creative activity of Reason of people is guilty of changes of a reality of the physical world.


15.23.   The macroprogram of the Ego of the person is written after his birth from a pure leaf. It is directly connected with sensual восприятиями the present incarnation. Hence, as the reason of formation of those or other program installations of the Ego serve sensual and pseudo sensual perception which are caused by influence of an environment. The environment is objectively set condition of a problem which decision in consciousness of the person pushes him on corresponding actions or inactivity. This circumstance removes fault from the person.


15.24.   Memory of the person stores eternally program installations of all incarnations, no less than program installations of true Knowledge of the period when he was in the field form. Quite often карма the last lives is the reason of a choice of concrete destiny. Hence, the person is guilty, that has brought during a life of the present period program installations of the past. On his fault the information of the last gravitational cycle has worked in a cycle the present.


15.25.  Карма in memory of Reason is born at each incarnation. Partially карма it is got rid (the amplitude of program installations decreases) at a current embodiment, partially passes in the following. The birth karma is directly connected with situations of a real life of a current embodiment that is objectively caused by influence of an environment. If influences have created negative program installations of high amplitude, and cannot be extinguished sensual and pseudo sensual perceptions in a current life *, they form karma the future lives. Hence, the person is not guilty that he has transferred the information maintenance of a reality from one gravitational cycle to another.


15.26.  In the practical plan all depends on system of coordinates which people choose as base. For example, you sit in a compartment of a train. Your interlocutors are motionless concerning you. And behind a window fly by trees, columns, constructions. Then you are transferred to system of coordinates of the Earth and speak, I go in a train, therefore so to me all sees. But you it is rare when will think that fly together with the Earth, which itself rotates, moves on an orbit around of the Sun, and together with Solar system the Galaxy moves in the Galaxy, and. Laws of physics operate consistently, but consequences are represented you in that system of coordinates in which you are from which receive the sensual information.

    The same occurs and to "GUILT". The maximum Reason is in Absolute system of coordinates of the Universe, that is It sees the center of pulsations of the Universe as a motionless point. The maximum Reason possesses Absolute Knowledge of the Universe. It sees true relationships of cause and effect of all events and the phenomena in all gravitational cycles. In Absolute system of coordinates the concept "GUILT" does not exist, as there is no also freedom of a choice the person of the destiny. In our system of coordinates, system of coordinates of the Earth, freedom of a choice is obvious, as "guilt" is obvious also. Therefore people blame each other, and the Maximum Reason - never.


* It is necessary to mean, that anything impossible does not exist. Negative program installations of any amplitude in memory of the person can be extinguished. But for this purpose should be generated connected with them counterprograms. Formation counterprograms demands such changes of a reality and respective alterations of power of the Information field, that it will cause other negative changes of a reality, will eliminate which even more difficultly. The negativism is easier eliminated, if it concentrates in local area of space.


As guilt is cultivated

15.27.  The concept guilt as the reason something adverse, offence, a crime, has so strongly taken roots in consciousness of people, that above the true reasons of the negative phenomenon or event of very few people reflects. The person is a product of environment in which he was generated. Memory him absorbs all sensual perception(recognition) and stores them eternally. At perception of new sensual images from memory everything is taken, that has with them related communication. At each person this maintenance a miscellaneous, therefore and programs of processing of the new information are started different. For example, the deputies of Parliament belonging one party, have small distinctions of programs of processing of the information. They amicably vote FOR OR AGAINST, submitting to party discipline. The deputies belonging to different party blocks, on the same questions argue up to a hoarseness, and vote equally only in that case when see in this the benefit. It is even more distinction of programs of processing of the information at Jews and Palestinians. They cannot practically agree on one vital question. Programs of ability to live differ radically at the person who has grown in a society similar, and at persons-animal.


15.28.   Language as means of dialogue, has given people very much much that has allowed to generate a society of intellectually developed persons. It is possible to assume, that without language, using only the visual information, public structures of people would be formed by a gregarious principle. It would lower opportunities of development of intelligence. But thus there would be no also those distortions of the information which have arisen on the basis of secondary coding with use of speech and the letter. The concept guilt was filled with the present maintenance owing to language. 


15.29.   Concepts guilt, a sin objectively do not exist. They are relative, and express a vital position of accuseds. Bible words " do not judge, and will not be судимы; do not condemn, and will not be condemned " (Lk 6; 37) very few people understands, though them use quite often. Moreover, and in bible texts it is possible to meet concepts "guilt" and "sin". Anything other, except for a position of authors or composers of the text, they do not express.


15.30.  The terrestrial civilization actively uses concept guilt. The legislation is constructed on compulsion of people to do that and so, and to not do that and so. Laws stipulate also a measure of the responsibility for their infringement. But it does not eliminate the most disgusting displays of an ego of people. The ego find blanks in the legislation, lobby acceptance of the laws supposing injustice, hide the truth from justice, justify unseemly actions by all ways, including lie, force to false witness, accuse innocent, destroy witnesses of crimes and people who interfere with injustice. There is no such crime of which the ego of people would not be capable. And this all that objectively faults of people which name criminals, in this are not present.


15.31.  Mass media are filled by descriptions and demonstration of a different sort of crimes, including violence. Not only that the real life forms program installations of criminal activity in consciousness of people, these installations are formed still and mass media, and in scales immeasurably greater. All life of people is impregnated by concept guilt.


15.32.  Justice has retaliatory character. It does not eliminate the reason which have resulted the guilty law in infringement. Algorithms of crimes without essential changes pass from generation to generation. Moreover, they plural take root into consciousness of rising generation, forming new criminals. Bodies of inquiry and the maintenance of criminals are amazed by algorithms of criminality. Corrective establishments promote formation of inveterate criminality. In them quite often humiliate people, destroy in the person the person. Thus the hardest karma get both tyrants, and victims. 


Growing a innocence

15.33. In a society there is no the recognized philosophy containing high moral principles, leaning(basing) on true Knowledge. Philosophical concepts, their interpretation and a scope change according to inquiries of the ego, having for an object to justify criminal activity. On the foreground, in number of leaders there are the persons, able to adapt to inquiries of the dominating ego, benefiting from this for itself. They form an environment so that the concept guilt did not extend on their activity. As a matter of fact they prove the innocence. At change of a dominating ego and the philosophy used for his support, the system of proofs of innocence accordingly changes. 


15.34.   The physics of guilt proves, that the concept of wine and a sin objectively do not exist. Guilt is an element of philosophy of the ego dividing(sharing) people on individuality. In the Information floor which is the House of all people, there is a Unity of individualities. Each individuality of Reason perceives all other individualities and material worlds, as the internal maintenance. That is bad for other individuality, is bad for everything and on the contrary, good there is a property of all. Having come in a material world, Reason gets property of duality, and loses this perception. In exchange he receives sensual perception(recognition) and philosophy of an ego.


15.35.   The problem consists in that via an ego to enter into consciousness of people the philosophy leaning true Knowledge. Such philosophy is the Philosophy of Space Consciousness (PSC). Main principles of mutual relations between people are stated in the Manifest of Space Consciousness. The new philosophy, undoubtedly, will meet fierce resistance. First, the dominating ego will not suffer change of conditions at which it will lose the leading position. His role is great, but the main resistance will be rendered by those who has adapted to a dominating ego, and has received thus privileges. For many people comprehension of new philosophy will be hard by virtue of insufficient I.Q. or domination of false knowledge. Therefore mass ocurrence PSC in consciousness of people really will occur at alternation of generations. Accelerate this process events of gravitational impact of 2012 which will turn consciousness of all people can.


15.36.    Already today the civilized society of people should realize, that in struggle against criminality it actually cultivates guilt and spreads criminality. To reveal the criminal is important, but not an overall objective. The first problem in importance is revealing all reasons which have affected formation of criminal consciousness. The second problem in importance is development and realization of a complex of measures by which conditions of formation of criminal consciousness will be liquidated. The third on importance is the problem of reprogramming of consciousness of the criminal. Thus algorithms of criminal acts should be destroyed. In consciousness of this person the program installations PSC directed on fulfilment of kind affairs in a view of general love and compassion should be generated.


15.37.   Punishments for fulfilment of a crime should not be in general. But there should be a period of isolation of the person who have committed a crime, from a society if there is a danger of relapse. During isolation from the voluntary consent of the person who have committed a crime, reprogramming of his consciousness in that part which is connected with possible relapse should be lead. The society should realize, that the crime is consequence of infringement of normal activity of consciousness of the person, arisen owing to the lacks existing in the organization of activity of the society. Thus victims are as the person concerning whom the crime is accomplished, and the persons who have committed a crime.


15.38.   The philosophy of religion should lean on Philosophy of Space Consciousness. In this philosophy there is no concept a sin. The person is born innocent, and leaves in the Information field with a cargo of impressions of a life, probably, with karmic defects, but too innocent. He has carried out everything in a life, that it was allowed to him to carry out dynamics of a gravitational cycle. Him karma it is similar to the wounds of the soldier received in fight. It does not discredit him. It testifies only that fight of a life was difficult, and he did not evade from fight. In a new embodiment these wounds will be cured.



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