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            Mathematical model of the Space




2.5. Reason


Spherical wave

     In Space there is nothing, except for Vacuum. The vacuum does not contain others spottinesses, except for spherical waves of different measurements. Therefore there are no other variants how to assume, that the spherical wave is the carrier of individual Reason. The spherical wave scans Space and is modulated by its contents. The converging spherical wave gives rise in cent of pulsations to spherical waves with frequencies of modulation which, being imposed against each other by a principle of superposition, are kept eternally. The centre of pulsations gets the information contents of environmental Space in spherical waves of all measurements. Memory a spherical wave is caused by physical law of its dynamics.

     Falling on the centre of the universe the gravitational wave of other source forms Central neutrino measurements of a falling wave and modulation of a missing spherical wave reflected neutrino also measurements of a falling wave. Missing spherical waves are modulated by all spectrum high-frequency Central neutrino which are in dynamics of gravitational movings in the central area of the main Thing neutrino, reflected neutrino. Thus, the information contents of the main Thing neutrino, is broadcast in Space by means of a missing gravitational wave. It is figuratively possible to present, that the peak surface of a missing gravitational wave carries on itself reflected neutrino measurements ν, which are in one phase with a gravitational wave. At a meeting ν through time Dt with the wave of density of the same mark equal or exceeding its peak value, it reduces speed and begins to pulse with frequency 1/Tν. A phase of the universe in function of time

                                                                            jUn = 2pt / TUn                                                    (251)

and a phase ν in a measures of the universe will lag behind on Dj

                                                                            Dj = 2pDt / TUn = 2pR / CTUn                             (252)

where R - distance, passed ν together with a wave in time Dt.

Thus, the phase νwill be

j = 2p(t - R/C) / TUn                                         (253)

Here t - time in a measure of the universe.

     Let's consider as an example neutrino νβ. Right after braking νβ will radiate reflected neutrino lower measurements which will move on its peak surface of a wave in a radial direction against a direction of movement of a wave, their initiated. Thus, νβ become generators neutrino lower measurements and form on radius R of the universe of a series neutrino from νβ up to νNβ, which phase of a pulsation will be

                                                                            j+ = 2p(t+ - R/C - S1N RN/C) / TUn                    (254)

where                                                                  N = KM = TUn / TN                                               (255)

     From here follows, that formed on a basis neutrino sets of measurements the structure of Vacuum has palpation of a phase which amplitude coincides with amplitude of a wave of the universe.

     There will be similarly a development of structure of Vacuum and during a negative half wave of the universe, when

                                                                            j = 2p(t - R/C - S1N RN/C) / TUn                    (256)

Thus, in volume of the universe there is to period TUn a polarization of Vacuum.

     Birth ν±N in the centre of the universe it is initiated by the waves going from infinite number of other universes, taking place on different distances. ν±N move in a radial direction, creating the centres of duplication of phase structure of Vacuum. Density of an arrangement of these centres on radius R for the motionless universe - size a constant 

                                                                            NCTN = CTUn                                                      (257)

Therefore change of characteristics of Space is caused by change of distance between νN, taking place on a line of a circle of radius R. All these νN are in an identical phase. Density of an identical phase in Space of universe

PR = 2pR0 / 2pR · Pmax = 1/R·Pmax                      (258)

Here R0 - the radius equal to unit of length.

     The generalized characteristic of Space is the gradient of a phase equal to product of density of an identical phase on cosine of a phase.

P±jR = 1/R Pj max cos 2p/ TUn· (t - R/C)               (259)

Then streams M+ and M can be submitted as streams of gradients of phases j+ и j. Neutrino and substance also can be submitted as the appropriate streams of gradients of a phase of Space. The vacuum can be presented as the homogeneous environment of constant density having property of polarization in which volume waves of gradients of a phase of a charge move, creating all observably reality. 

     Gradient of a phase in volume of a wave on distance r from a point of peak value

Pj r = 1/r Pj max cos 2p/ Tl· (t - r/C)                     (260)

 Or                                                                      Pj r = 1/r Pj r max cos 2ptr / Tl                               (261)

     Speed of movement of a phase of a wave is equal C. Speed of change of a gradient of a phase in volume of a wave

                                                                            vj (t) = dPj r / dt = Pj r max sin 2ptr / Tl                   (262)

     For a quarter of the period of a wave the gradient of a phase changes from zero up to Pj r max. Average speed of change of a gradient of a phase

                                                                            vj = 4Pj r max / Tl                                                  (263)

     The gradient of observably energy of a wave is proportional to speed of change of a gradient of a phase

                                                                            El = vj = 4Pj r max / Tl                                          (264)

     The quantum of a gradient of a phase appears as a pulse of a gradient of energy for a quarter of the period

                                                                            Eћ = El·Tl / 4 = Pj r max                                        (265)

     Eћ - size a constant for each measurement. It characterizes amplitude of a gradient of a phase free motionless of electron (a positron, neutrino).

     The constant Rod is equal to the scalar sum of pulses of energy for the period of a wave 

ћ = 4 Eћ = 4 Pj r max                                              (266)

          Speed of change of a gradient of a phase can be expressed in speed of a wave

                                                                            vj (t) = klC sin 2ptr / Tl                                        (267)

where Pj r max = klC,

       kl = Const – factor to dimensionality.

Then the gradient of observably energy will be

                                                                            El = 4Pj r max / Tl· C/C = 4 klC2 / CTl = mlC2     (268)

where                                                                  ml =  kl 4 / CTl = 4 Pj r max / Cl                         (269)

is the factor connecting power and straight-line characteristics of a wave. The weight is proportional to the attitude of amplitude of a gradient of a phase to length of a wave.

     All physical phenomena are observed by the person via devices and the sense organs fixing change of spatial coordinates of researched wave volumes. Therefore the factor ml became base size in known measures, not being those in essence.   

Intellectual sphere

     The spherical volume of Reason in radius a quarter of length of a wave has unique properties. This volume can be presented as set of spherical volumes Central neutrino all measurements, located one in the friend. On distance the quarter of length of a wave is born substance. The substance of the supreme measurements can not be born a wave of lower measurement. Therefore the central spherical volume of Reason consists of set of spherical volumes which measurement is reduced from the supreme, on distance a quarter of length of a wave of the main Thing neutrino, up to aspiring to indefinitely low measurements in a direction of the centre of pulsations. Volumes of the supreme measurements contain in the structure and the lowest measurements. They were as consequence of modulation of a missing gravitational wave of high measurement by the structural contents of volumes of the lowest measurements, and consequence of interaction of structures of high measurements with gravitational waves of low measurements. Converging gravitational waves are modulated by the contents of spheres of high measurement. During approach of a converging wave the centre its measurement is reduced on a background of a growing level of density of a phase of Vacuum. Therefore the information contents of a converging wave is broadcast in each measurement of the central volume and replenishes due to modulation by its contents. This process goes down to the lowest measurements. It is possible to tell, the Reason copies the information contents at growing rate of a course of Time, according to scale factor of measurement. The missing gravitational wave is filled with the information contents, which has grown out of those changes, which have taken place in each measurement for the period of time between passage converging and passage missing waves. These changes reflect individuality of dynamics of the internal contents of Reason. And process of changes can be identified with process of thinking. Then the area of spherical volume in radius a quarter of length of a wave of the main Thing neutrino will be its Intellectual sphere.

     As approaching the centre of pulsations number of the measurements, initiating the gravitational waves process of thinking, grows, rate of a course of Time grows also, therefore the level, of knowledge of environmental Space grows. This knowledge, are broadcast by missing gravitational waves in higher measurements at decreasing rate of a course of Time. It is possible to present, that the Idea repeatedly is modelled, formed at high rate of a course of Time and deduced from area of low measurements in high measurements down to measurement of the main Thing neutrino. 

      The size of density of a phase in the centre of a spherical wave is equal to infinity only an ideal case when in Space there is only this one spherical wave. Generally, on this wave waves of other sources, including the sources, which are included in its structure, are imposed. Therefore in the central area even the lowest measurements at the moment j = 0 exist neutrino lower measurements, taking place in other phase.

                                                                            Pmax l = Pmax – PN                                                (270)

The same conclusion can be made and concerning a peak surface of a wave. Superposition of waves of set of sources reduces a peak phase of a gravitational wave. Thus, the Intellectual sphere has extremely high dynamics of development. Information streams of the contents of Space in Intellectual sphere are directed from the supreme measurements to the lowest, and information streams of managing influences are directed from the lowest measurements to the supreme measurements. The idea of Reason is formed by Intellectual sphere, on the basis of all kept in memory before the perceived information of a condition of Space. The idea goes to Space gravitational waves of the main Thing neutrino as reaction of Reason to the information received from Space. 


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