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2.4. Gravitational impacts


     The solar system is on surburb of a galaxy the Milky Way. It is influenced with simultaneously gravitational waves Central neutrino the universe and huge electron, a black hole the Milky Way. With a sufficient degree of reliability it is possible to assume, that the Solar system is in the field of intensive influence of gravitational waves with the period ТUn=2,9·1017с and ТBh=4,1·1011с. On fig. 36 instant value of density of a red phase of Vacuum now is shown. 


Fig. 36


     Now the Earth is in a point 3 and comes nearer with speed VEa to a point 2 where gravitational impact of a black hole will achieve peak value. According to (171) in absolute system of coordinates of the universe the gravitational constant of the Earth being consequence of gravitational influence of a wave of the universe now, can be expressed as 

γ0Un = ±(- πС2R02 ) / 2SEaP0 · РmaxUn cosω (TUn - S1-3 / C)     (228)

Here R0 - distance from unit of an elementary particle of substance up to the border separating fields of an adjacent elementary particle.

         Р0 - zero level of density of Vacuum, which is equal to density of Vacuum on border of division

                 fields of elementary particles of substance.

         Рmax - density of Vacuum on distance R=1 from the centre of the universe.

         SEa - distance from the centre of the universe up to Earth

         S1-3 - distance from a peak surface of a gravitational wave of the universe up to the Earth.

         TUn - Absolute time of the universe for the Earth.

         C - speed of light in Vacuum at density Р0. 

     This formula can be written down differently. Taking into account, that in volume of a wave instant value of density on an axis in a direction of its movement PS = 1/S1-3 · Рmax , and S1-3 = CTEa fut

                                                                            γ0Вс = ±(- πС2R02 ) / 2SEaCTEa fut P0 · РmaxUn         (229)

     The gravitational constant of the Earth being consequence of gravitational influence of a wave of a black hole the Milky Way now, can be expressed as

                                               γ0Bh = ±(- πС2R02 ) / 2 S22-3P0 · РmaxBh cosω (TBh – S2-3 / C) (230)

Here                                                                    РmaxBh = RBh / RUn· РmaxUn                                    (231)

           TBh – time of black hole on the Eart.

     Taking into account, that in (230) at extreme values of gravitation value cosω(t – S/C) @ 1, resulting value of a gravitational constant on the Earth in the considered(examined) period will be

                    γ0 = γ0Un + γ0Bh = γ0Un(1+ γ0Bh / γ0Un) = γ0Un(1+ RBhSEaCTEa fut / RUn S22-3)            (232)

     There are bases to assume, that the galaxy was born together with a black hole owing to interaction at counter movement of waves of the dark blue and red phase having identical modulation by the contents of our and next universes. Therefore it is logical to assume, that at the moment of birth the substance of Solar system was in immediate proximity from unit of a black hole the Milky Way, on distance 2RBh from its centre. Now the Solar system is roughly on distance SEa = 4RUn from the centre of the universe, and the distance up to the centre of a black hole makes S2-3 + 2RUn. Then, on a condition of similarity of triangles of distances (see fig. 34) the distance from the Earth up to unit of a black hole makes fig.

                                                                            SBh-Ea = 4RUn2RBh / RUn - 2RBh = 6RBh                 (233)

In view of the accepted assumptions the formula (232) will become

                              γ0 = γ0Un(1+ RBh 4RUn CTEa fut / RUn 36R2Bh) = γ0Un(1+ CTEa fut / 9RBh)       (234)

     Duration of action of the gravitational pulse designed on (234), corresponds to passage of a peak site of a wave length, the equal chosen unit of measurements. For other any way chosen unit of measurements of length Lp = Сtp duration of a gravitational pulse is equal tp, therefore the formula (234) looks like

                                                                             γ0 = γ0Un(1+ TEa fut / tp 9RBh)                               (235)

Here tp - time during which the gravitational constant grows from γ0 indefinitely. At settlement duration tp = 10-3с

                                                      γ0 = γ0Un(1+5,6·1014/10-3·9·3,1·1019) = γ0Un(1+2·10-3)              (236)

     The science now knows, that the Solar system is on distance 25тыс. light years from the centre the Milky Way that makes 2,36·1020m. For comparison, in calculations of influence of a black hole the Milky Way to the Earth the settlement distance from the Earth up to the centre of a black hole is accepted 1,86·1020m (see (233) and table 1). It is obvious, that gravitational impacts of a black hole the Milky Way have low power characteristics and do not represent danger to preservation of life on the Earth.

     Let's consider gravitational influence Central neutrino the same measurement, as a black hole the Milky Way. The formula (232) for this calculation will become

                           γ0 = γ0Un + γ0G = γ0Un(1+ γ0G / γ0Un) = γ0Un(1+ RGSEaCTEa fut / RUn SEa) =

                                      = γ0Un(1+ RG CTEa fut / RUn)                                                                        (237)

     In view of duration of a gravitational pulse

                                                                            γ0 = γ0Un(1+ TEa fut RG / tp RUn )                            (238)

Under accounting duration tp = 10-3с 

                                   γ0 = γ0Un(1+5,6·1014·3,1·1019/10-3·2,18·1025) = γ0Un(1+8·1011)            (239)

     Duration of increase of gravitation on the Earth and other planets of Solar system frequency rate two also will take place above at concurrence of a mark of waves Main and Central neutrino the universe

                                                                            2 £ γ0 / γ0Un = 1+ TEa fut RГ / tp 2-х RUn                   (240)

or                                                                        TEa fut RG / tp 2-х RUn ³ 1                                         (241)

or                                                                        tp 2-х £ TEa fut RG / RUn                                            (242)

Thence                       tp 2-х £ 5,6·1014·3,1·1019 / 2,18·1025 = 8·108с = 2,2 ·105 hour = 25 years        (243)

     The ratio of the minimal frequency rate of gravitation on the Earth and can be expressed duration of a pulse

γ0 / γ0Un = 1±2,2·105(hour) / tp(hour)                    (244)

     On the diagram fig. 37 dependence of duration of increase of gravitation on its minimal frequency rate at an identical mark (the curve 1) and an opposite mark (the curve 2) waves Main and Central neutrino is shown the universe.

Fig. 37


     Gravitational impacts repeat on the Earth with periodicity of the half-period huge Central neutrino

Tn = 1/2· Tν = 2·1011с = 6342 years.                   (245)

     The power of physical processes on the Earth and the Sun changes according to change of forces of gravitation. Thus the climate on the Earth changes. On fig. 38 the diagram of change of frequency rate of gravitation on the Earth during the present gravitational cycle is given and the historical periods of the Earth appropriate to these cycle the periods are shown.


Fig. 38


     The analysis of the diagram of change of gravitation on the Earth in the present period, allows to make the following conclusions:

  1. It is necessary to count the beginning of the present gravitational cycle the moment of gravitational impact of a negative half wave, which has taken place in 3971 year before our era. Gravitational impact was preceded with a glacial age 1-2 during the order of 200 years during which gravitation was reduced. In middle of a glacial age, the point 2, gravitation has decreased to zero. In conditions of zero gravitation glaciers under action of centrifugal force of rotation of the Earth moved from subpolar areas in a direction of equator. Then gravitation began to accrue, and in a point 3 its usual size was restored. But growth of gravitation proceeded increasing rates. The Earth has entered during 3-0 gravitational impacts of a dark blue phase of Vacuum. Gravitation has reached peak value in a point 0. From this moment was begun with readout of time of a new gravitational cycle in which we now live.

2.      The peak surface of a gravitational wave has passed through the Earth, pressing it in a sphere of extremely high density of substance. After passage of a peak surface, the period 0-4, this sphere blew up force of antigravitation. Time got a negative mark the Earth threw in space meteoric streams, earlier it absorbed. The relief of a surface and biological life was restored. In a point 4, antigravitation has decreased to zero. Time again has got a positive mark, but already on a new coil of a spiral of gravitational cycles.

3.      During the further growth of gravitation, the period 4-5, on the Earth was restored a vegetative cover and animal life in habitual for us forms. This period in about 200 years can be counted a cradle of a modern civilization. Many knowledge was lost during gravitational impact, but their some part is kept. To the greatest degree knowledge were kept in memory of people and were transferred the subsequent generations as legends. Archeologic traces of an antiquity and the huge constructions comparable on the sizes with a natural landscape of the Earth about which assignment disputes till now are conducted were kept. Traces of a glacial age were kept also. They were generated in positive time. Traces of gravitational impact, despite of its horrifying destructive force to find out it is impossible. They were erased with negative time. 

4.      During 5-6 and 6-7 gravitation was defined by its growth in a gravitational wave of a red phase of the main Thing neutrino the universe. For the period 6342 years of a small gravitational cycle relative change of the gravitational constant caused by a wave of the big gravitational cycle, makes

P8/P0 = cos2π(1 – (TEa fut +1/2 Tn )/ TUn) / cos2π(1 – (TEa fut -1/2 Tn)  / TUn)                          (246)

P8/P0 = cos2π(1- (0,0179+0/000003171)/9,2) / cos2π(1- (0,0179- 0,000003171)/9,2 = 1,000005.

It is no wonder, that change of gravitational "constant" till now is not revealed.

     Life on the Earth continued the development. The new civilization was generated. Only legends, reminded archeological finds and ancient constructions of previous civilizations, it is not so much giving the helpful information, how many putting questions on which till now there are no convincing answers. But many facts testify that during development of gravitational impact, without dependence from previous level of development of a civilization, growth of a level of the saved up knowledge has explosive character. The present civilization of such level yet has not reached. 

5.      The Earth already has crossed the Rubicon the quiet period of a gravitational cycle, a point 7, and has entered during 7-8 developments of gravitational impact of a red phase. Instability of gravitation for the present is not found out, but nearby that time when its growth becomes the obvious fact. First attributes will be the changes of a climate caused by growth of allocation of heat by the Earth and radiations of the Sun. Growth of gravitation and climatic changes will create set of problems for a terrestrial civilization of the present period. Life on the Earth from a land will move in ocean. But also there it is trapped with danger. In conditions of high gravitation the Earth will undergo to intensive bombardment by meteoric streams. Thickness of a terrestrial atmosphere will decrease not only due to increase of density of air, but also due to its dissolution in water. It can not protect life on a surface of the Earth from radiations of the Sun any more and meteoric streams. But water depths become more suitable for the life moving to them from a land. The agony will proceed not for long. Gravitation will destroy on the Earth all alive world, including life at ocean.

6.      But right after passages of a peak surface of a gravitational wave time will accept a negative mark, and all events will pass upside-down, the period 8-9. At change of a direction of displacement of elementary particles each of them will move in the opposite direction on the trace which power has for it the lowest level.

           The best conditions for restoration of life exist at ocean. On land it is too many objects of high density will get in the same volume of space owing to spiral process of a gravitational cycle. Therefore to survive in these conditions it is not enough chances, but all of them are, the separate centers of life can be kept. In completion of all these troubles the kept life extremely severe glacial age expects. During 9-10 glaciers will cover a significant part dry, down to tropics. Only preliminary preparation for the period of gravitational impact and the subsequent glacial age will give chance of a terrestrial civilization of the present period enters a new gravitational cycle with the minimal losses to keep base for the further development. For this purpose it is necessary to arrange to preservation of the saved up knowledge, not only the present, but also the future period of developing gravitational impact. It is not less important to create not destroyed stocks of the foodstuffs, power resources and means which will help people which have survived to go through a glacial age.

7.      The postglacial period will last about 5900 years. The terrestrial civilization will leave on much more a high level of development. It learns secrets of the Universe and will learn to resist to gravitational impacts. But so will be, if in the present period the civilization will not miss the chance. And it for the present is.

     It is impossible to exclude also, that exists Central neutrino higher measurement. For example, at interaction from the next universe on the distance appropriate of 0,3 meters in our measurement.

                                               KS = Sβ/02 / Rβ = 2/ R02 = 0,315 / 1,42·10-6 = 0,22·106m                   (247)

                                               R1 = RUn / KS = 2,18·1025 / 0,22·106 = 9,9·1019m                             (248)

                                               Tν1 = 4 Rν1 / C = 4·9,9·1019 / 3·108 = 13,2·1011c                             (249)

                                               Tn 1 = Tν1 /2 = 6,6·1011с = 20944 years                                            (250)

These Central neutrino are not synchronized between themselves therefore calculation of gravitational cycles will considerably be complicated. But now there are no facts, which would testify to presence of the third gravitational wave. The certificate of its presence will be detection of a huge galaxy in 3,3 times more Milky Way. Presence of galaxy Centevre, a hundred times surpassing in the sizes the Milky Way, testifies to presence Central neutrino which wave creates gravitational cycles with the period over 600 thousand years. But its influence on gravitational cycles of the Earth is shown seldom, during developing gravitational impact. Central neutrino lower measurements create gravitational impacts with high frequency, but very small duration. Throws direct and reverse motion of time from these impacts can be fixed only at a molecular level. But even longer on time gravitational impacts are not fixed, because there is no scientific program of research of their influence, and consequences of such gravitational impacts contact other reasons. 


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