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12. Gravitation


      The research problem of gravitational dynamics of real particles of substance is extremely difficult. The purpose of our research is to find the basic parities of gravitational interactions. Therefore for simplification we shall consider the parities connecting power characteristics of a point of Space, taking place in the field of gravitational interactions. As a matter of fact, are the parities connecting gradients of considered sizes.

     Expression of the Constant of Planck (see 88) can be written down  

                                                                            ћ = Eћ Tλ = λmC = С Tλ С 4 / C Tλ = 4C           (147)

Where length of a wave λ = С Tλ, the characteristic of weight m = 4 / C Tλ, quantum of time tћ = Tλ/4.

From here follows, that energy of a point is proportional to its acceleration 

                                                                            Eћ = 4C / Tλ                                                        (148)

The maximal value of density of M+ and M- concerning a zero level in radiation of a particle, proportionally energy of radiation (see. the chapter 2)

                                                                            Eћ = Pћ                                                                (149)

     Change of levels of density of M+ and M- in Space under influence of pulsations PUn has consequence change of a ratio of quantity of the charges contained in volumes of particles and their quantum fields. Thus the weight which level of density grows is absorbed, and the weight which level of density is reduced is allocated. Transfer of M+ and M- from a surface of bodies in internal volume also is in the opposite direction carried out via units of elementary particles and their electromagnetic waves. Therefore around of macro bodies there are radial gravitational streams of M+ and M- of a counter direction. The weight, which density grows, goes inside of a body, and the weight of an opposite mark goes outside. So for example, electron absorbs gravitational streams of M+ and M- an axial field and throws out their radial field. The positron absorbs M+ and M- of gravitational streams a radial field and throws out their axial field. Generally zero levels of density of M+ and M- are not equal, P0+ ≠ P0-. According to a zero level the size of quantum of energy of radiation of a particle is proportional also.  

                                                                             Eћ± = Eћ P0±/ P0                                                 (150)

The gravitational component of quantum of energy of radiation thus is equal

                                                                            EћG± = Eћ± - Eћ = Eћ (P0±/ P0 –1)                        (151)

     Macro bodies in this situation can be presented as negative volumetric charges of Vacuum, which create a negative electric field, and the Space can be presented the positive volumetric charge of Vacuum having the characteristics of a positive electric field. Charges move towards through fields of a particle, and thus there is a unbalanced force working on it which is proportional to the vector sum of quantums of energy of radiation. The vector of this force coincides with a direction of movement of more dense weight.

                                                                            fG± = ΔEG = EG+ + EG- = Eћ│( P0+- P0- ) / Р0     (152)

     Taking into account, that P0+ and P0- change symmetrically be relative P0 and in an antiphase,

                                                                            fG± = 2 Eћ P0± / P0                                                (153)

     Potential of a volumetric charge in point R of the universe (see 4)

                                                                            P±R = ±1/R·Рmax cosωR/C

     Speed of change of potential of a charge

                                                                            ƒ P±R(t) = d ±P±R / dt = ±1/R· (-Рmax sinωR/C)     (154)

Then with the account (148) and (153) it is possible to write down

                                                                            fG± = 8С / RP0Tλ · Рmax cosωR/C                         (155)

For moving particles which frequency is function of speed of movement, (155) will become

                                                      fG± = 8Сν0(1 - v2/C2) –2 / RP0Tλ · Рmax cosωR/C                       (156)

Action of force fG± the free particle goes in a gravitational field of the universe with acceleration

                       Gt = fG± / m = 8Сν0(1 - v2/C2) –2 / RP0Tλ (4ν0(1 - v2/C2) –2 / C) · Рmax cosωR/C =

                            = 2 C2 / RP0 · Рmax cosωR/C                                                                               (157)

It is obvious, that gravitational acceleration does not depend on speed and a direction of movement of a particle, and also from its weight. A gravitational constant of the Universe

                                                                            γUn = 2С2 / P0                                                      (158)

     Macro body has the weight equal to the sum of weights of particles of its structural elements. The body in weight of M can be presented as sum N of weights of the particles, having everyone mav = 4/λ av

                                                                            M = N mav                                                           (159)

Or as one particle which is located in the centre of weights of macro bodies, having length of a wave

                                                                            Λ = λ av / N                                                          (160)

     Each particle of macro bodies absorbs weight of M+ and gives weight of M-, which move on spirals of waves towards each other between points r0 on a surface of unit and R0 on border of fields of the connected particle. As R0 > > r0, distance by a spiral

                                                                            L = 1/2 · 2πR0N = πR0N                                      (161)

But N = R0 / λ, therefore                                      L = πR02 / Λ = M πR02 / 4                                    (162)

     The level of density of M+ and M- in a point r0 in view of gravitational streams of the body will be

                                                                            P0М± = P0R± ± -LP0R± = (1 ± -L) P0R±

                                                                            P0М± = (1 ± -M πR02 / 4) / R · Рmax cosωR/C       (163)

On distance r from a point r0 a level of density of M+ and the M- will be

                                                                            P0Мb± = (1 ± -M πR02 / 4r2) / R · Рmax cosωR/C    (164)

Change of a level of density of Vacuum in Space around of macro bodies in weight of the M, caused by fields of its structural elements,

                                                                            PM± = -M πR02 / 4Rr2 · Рmax cosωR/C                   (165)

     The force creating gravitational acceleration is proportional to change of density. Therefore gravitational acceleration of an individual positive charge on distance r from the centre of weights of macro bodies will be

                                                                            gM = -M πR02 / 4Rr2 · Рmax cosωR/C                   (166)

Acceleration N of charges will have the same size, as their total weight in N times more.

     Force from which the body in weight М1 operates on the body in weight М2 which is taking place on distance r,  

                                                  f1-2 = g1 М2 = -М1 М2, πR02 / 4Rr2 · Рmax cosωR/C                         (167)

     Force from which the body in weight М2 operates on the body in weight М1 which is taking place on distance r,

                                                  f2-1 = g2 М1 = -М2 М1, πR02 / 4Rr2 · Рmax cosωR/C                         (168)

     Gravitational "constant" of substance in a general view

                                                                            γt = -πR02 / 4R · Рmax cosωR/C                            (169)

     For short time intervals change of the gravitational "constant" caused by waves of scale of the universe, it is possible to not take into account. Then expression of the Gravitational constant will become

                                                                            γ = -πR02 / 4                                                        (170)

Where R0 - radius of fields of the connected elementary particles.

     In absolute system of coordinates of the universe the Absolute Gravitational constant of substance can be expressed (see 2)

              γАt = ±1/R · γUn γ Рmax cosω (t1 - R/C) = ±1/R · 2С2 / P0 · (-πR02 / 4) Рmax cosω (t1 - R/C)

γАt = ±(- πС2R02 ) / 2RP0 · Рmax cosω (t1 - R/C)    (171)

For short time intervals during growth of density of a positive phase of Vacuum, which comes nearer to amplitude, the Absolute Gravitational constant of substance will become

                                                                            γА = - πС2R02 / 2R                                                 (172)


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