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           The philosophy of Space Consciousness


 ©  Lemyakin Boris Aleksandrovich.

e-mail: lemyakin@yandex.ru

The guest book


The dictionary of the Maximum Knowledge (Rus)


The philosophy

of Space Consciousness



Chapter 8. Mission of Sacred Spirit


8.1. The emanation of the God - the Creator exists in three ипостасях: the God - Father, the God - the Son and the God - Spirit Sacred.


8.2. The God - Father - is the conceiving beginning of the Information field, his base condition which has characteristics of the sum of base conditions of individualities of Reason of all measurements. The God - Father is the carrier of potential opportunities, potential energy of the Information field. Differently, the God - Father is a Consciousness of the God - the Creator.


8.3. The God - the Son - is individuality of Reason in the Information field. Set of set of individualities of Reason of one measurement in the Information field is the Sonship  this measurement.


8.4. The God - Spirit Sacred - is the working beginning of the Information field, his variable component. The God - Spirit Sacred has characteristics of the sum of sizes of variable making individualities of Reason of all measurements. The God - Spirit Sacred is the carrier of working, kinetic energy of the Information field. The God - Spirit Sacred is dynamics of a wave condition of the Information field. Differently, the God - Spirit Sacred is a Will of the God - the Creator, execution of His Plan.


8.5. The material world in aggregate communications with the Information field, having relationships of cause and effect of the past, the present and the future, is a reality.


8.6. The Spirit Sacred has arisen as a result of the raised level of attention, interest of the Sonship as a result of development of a material world. The future condition of a material world is present at the Information field. This future can be changed energy of Spirit Sacred, enclosed to objects of a material world. Energy can be enclosed both in the past, and in the future. These actions the Spirit Sacred changes a reality, executes the Plan of the God - the Creator.


8.7. The Sacred Spirit, unit of Spirit Sacred, - is a local wave package of high energy of the Information field. High energy of unit is supported by enhanced attention Sacred Sons, energy which change of a reality is made.


8.8. The Sacred Spirit interfaced to the Monad, accompanies incarnated Reason in a stream of Time. With the person the Sacred Spirit cooperates via bottom chakre the Monad named in yoga "Sahastrara" which is located outside of a physical body of the person in the field of above a parietal part of a head. The information field of Sacred Spirit gets through area of Consciousness of a brain directly into internal volumes of spherical waves of Reason of the person which in yoga sometimes name "Bindo", and he Soul, sometimes named by "the Third eye" or "Shambhavi", and also by the cascade is relayed consistently through chakres "Agnya", "Uishuddhi", "Anahata", "Manipur", "Swadisthana", "Muladhara", filling them energy the Information field.


8.9. The Soul of the person is system of Reason of one of the thin worlds of the maximum of some or the worlds of the Enlightenment. It concentrates energy of Reason of the lowest measurements connected with a physical body, is simultaneously operating beginning of Reason of a thin body of the person. Therefore the Soul possesses qualities of Essence, the volumetric Reason interfaced to a physical body of the person. The thin body of the person is a body he Soul while incarnated the Reason considers a physical he the body.


8.10. Before an incarnated the Reason of the person interfaced to the Monad, it energy has been dissolved in Space, was in the Information floor. The incarnate of Reason in a physical body of the person occurs energy Sacred Spirit. The Sacred Spirit interfaced to the Monad, forms the channel of an input of Reason in DNArp and provides its fixing in it. Simultaneously the Monad interfaced Reason is fixed in a germ of a physical body. The output of Reason from DNArp during the moment of death of the person, and also its Monad from a physical body also occurs on the channel formed by Soul.


8.11. During an incarnate the Monad turns off the gravitational fields and forms system chakres a physical body of the person in which weeding constant gravitation are closed against each other. Their external displays concerning a physical body are connected with activity of Reason and Soul.


8.12. The embodiment of Reason in a physical body essentially changes character of perception of a condition of objects of a material world. In the Information field the Reason dissolved of Space, possessed quality of pansophy. He has penetrated simultaneously into each point of object of perception at all his conditions of the past, the present and the future. In the embodied condition the Reason is limited sensual perceptions by means of sense organs of a physical body. These of perception give it mediated, as a code of nervous pulses the information. Each block of the sensual information is limited to opportunities of sense organs and connected in a uniform package by a lumpsum condition of the object observable with use of different sense organs. The synthesized coded image reflects only separate qualitative and approached quantitative values of characteristics of object of supervision.


8.13. The Reason is compelled to create system of the coded images of object in memory. The consecutive perception of images of objects of a material world changing in Time creates in memory of Reason a program chain of conditions of a reality in function of Time. This program chain is conditional and consequently false reflection of a reality.


8.14. Consecutive moving of the embodied Reason together with a physical body and objects of a material world with which he cooperates, on world lines of change of their condition creates illusion of a life in a stream of Time.


8.15. The embodied Reason counts true knowledge conditional reflection of a reality in his memory which is enough for optimum actions of execution of a priority problem of life.


8.16. Priorities of problems are defined by the embodied Reason on the basis of mental forecasting the future reality which can arise owing to those or other actions. Concurrence of the reality which have arisen as a result of his activity to the mental forecast gives the basis to judge that the future does not exist, and is created by natural processes and activity of the person. Thus, the Reason appropriates qualities of the Founder and the Creator, refusing in them to the God which activity by his sense organs is not perceived.


8.17. On the basis of program installations of sensual perception in memory of Reason the macroprogram of the person is formed. This macroprogram leans on sensual conditions of memory and does not contain a support on conditions of memory of a macroprogram of the person generated during a presence in the Information field. Thus, there are two independent macroprograms of the person: the working macroprogram of an ego leaning on sensual perception, and a unclaimed macroprogram of the God - the Son, leaning on the pansophy received in the Information field.


8.18. The macroprogram of an ego contains not only program installations of sensual perception, but also the program installations of mental designing generated on their basis. The reason which tries to form the future, creates set of mental projects in Consciousness. Mental projections of the future situation perceived from Consciousness and activity in it, find communications in memory of Reason with a macroprogram of an ego and become its part.


8.19. The more the person is necessary on force of the Reason, the more he comes off a reality and leaves in area of mental projections. If the person with sufficient periodicity does not verify own ideas with the real facts and does not correct mental projections, he starts to live in imaginations of own ego. Even when the Reason corrects the mentality in conformity with the facts of a real life, he is in error concerning the place and the role in a material world.


8.20. The first error of the embodied Reason will be, that he identifies himself with a physical body. The macroprogram of an ego gives he for this purpose set of proofs. In result, priorities are displaced aside protection of the body against external influences and creations to it of comfortable conditions of existence.


8.21. The second error of the embodied Reason will be, that he aspires to achievement of the false purposes. In search and accumulation of means and the conditions necessary for comfortable existence, at him program installation of reasonable sufficiency is not formed. Accumulation of material means becomes frequent end in itself. The primary purpose of this accumulation is lost. The aspiration to authority and honour suppresses restrictive program installations which other members of community of the embodied Reason try to create. In community grains of a conflictness arise.

8.22. The third error of the embodied Reason is consequence of the first error. He believes, that his life comes to an end together with a life of a physical body. The macroprogram of an ego substitutes the strategic purpose of a life the false tactical purposes and creates such deformations of mentality which do impossible returning in the Information field because of a conflictness of his macroprogram with macroprograms of the Sonship. The joint efforts directed on creation of a new reality, become problematic.


8.23. The embodied Reason cannot independently remove error which have the reason perversity of a macroprogram of an ego. All his attempts mentally to remove the deformed perception of a reality encounter active counteraction of program installations of sensual perception which have high power and make active related program installations of a macroprogram of an ego. Mentality of Reason comes back to vicious program installations and gets in a vicious circle of their reproduction from which there is no output.


8.24. Performance by the embodied Reason of a strategic problem of an embodiment is provided with Sacred Spirit which accompanies with he in a stream of Time. The Sacred Spirit knows an existing reality of the future. His actions induced by Will of the God - the Creator, are directed on creation of a new reality.


8.25. With each person constantly accompanies during its all life of the Shower. The Soul executes function of adjustment of autoregulation of ability to live of a physical body. The same as and incarnated Reason, the Soul during a life develops, forms a macroprogram of the person and gets qualities which allow it to rise on higher level of Spiritual hierarchy and to continue existence in the world of higher level or to enter into the Information field, to become the God.


8.26. Sons the God, accompanying the person on a life, is he Sacred. Sonship in a various degree it is interested in destiny of the concrete person. The degree of interest depends on features individual for each Son of the God of distribution of intensity of the Information field in Space which expresses harmony of relationships of cause and effect. Interest is a potentiality of harmonization. The greatest interest in destiny of the concrete person have Sons the God which can be named Sacred support. Sacred support operates in the consent with the Sacred Spirit accompanying the person.


8.27. Incarnated Reason accompany not less than three Sacred. The quantity of Sacred support numerically is not limited. The role of everyone Sacred is individual. One Sacred constantly is in a physical body in the field of chakre "Sahastrara". He carries out correction of program installations incarnated Reason, creating images of true Knowledge in the field of Consciousness. The second Sacred is outside of a stream of Time. He prepares for a way of the near future, eliminating obstacles, and gives the information on obstacles which need to be bypassed. Others from among Sacred support prepare for a way to incarnated Reason in the remote prospect and carry out change of a reality according to its inquiries. They accompany with set of the Reason incorporated in a material world to related attributes with Sacred support.


 8.28. The Sacred Spirit of the person carries out correction of a macroprogram of an ego, eliminating vicious program installations. He causes impressions of the last day or other vital period in the form of the kept images from memory in area of Consciousness by means of emotional codes with which He supplies all perceived sensual images. In the field of Consciousness correction of images of sensual perception is carried out. For this purpose the Sacred Spirit creates the images of true Knowledge having a similar emotional code. At connection of two images in the field of Consciousness there is a third, summarized image which is the carrier of true Knowledge. This image is perceived by memory incarnated Reason and finds new communications in program installations. New communications connect its program installations to earlier created program installations of true Knowledge. As a result of activity of Sacred Spirit the macroprogram of an ego breaks up, and on its basis the macroprogram of true Knowledge which component are program installations of actions of the person in the future situations is formed. The macroprogram of true Knowledge is a part of a macroprogram of the God. It does not create a conflictness of program installations Sonship in the Information floor. Similar function is carried out and concerning Reason of Soul of the person.


8.29. The role of the embodied Reason is limited to execution of impellent functions of a physical body. Among them there are also actions on creation of a new reality. The embodied Reason quite often counts creation of a new reality by the merit only because he does not know about a role of Sacred support which directs and gives energy for his activity in a stream of Time.


8.30. Sacred support is not homogeneous. His structure includes Sacred families, Sacred a generality, the Sacred brotherhoods united on the basis of interest in certain area of a reality. In turn, Sacred support is a part of a generality of the Sacred forces incorporated by ideology of a potentiality of change of a reality, centripetal or centrifugal.


8.31. The centripetal ideology forms the Divine macroprogram of the person which will be integrated into Intellectual sphere of the universe. She will be the God - the Founder creating a new reality in the center of the universe. The centrifugal ideology forms a macroprogram of the person which will continue existence in Ideas of the God of the universe as the God - the Creator. She will create a new reality in external Space of the universe.


8.32. All Sacred structural heterogeneity of the God - the Creator operate exclusively on the basis of a consensus which gives rise to the operating beginning - Sacred Spirit. Disagreement of any of Sons of the God blocks the operating beginning because all the Sonship together cannot overcome a potentiality of counteraction. From a position of the God - the Son it is shown as the Law which essence consists that no part Uniform can operate Uniform differently as at general concordant participation. Therefore anything cannot enter into the Information field dirty, clashing with of the Sonship.


8.33. For an estimation of cleanliness of a macroprogram of the person in the Information field the Court the Divine, functional body of Sacred Spirit is created. The Court Divine tests a macroprogram of unembodied Reason. As a result of testing He or translates Reason in the Information field, or selects and appoints destiny of a repeated embodiment in one of material worlds: demonic, physical or Clarified.


8.34. In the Information field there are no absolutely opposite interests which could block development of a reality. Physically presence of absolute contrast would mean existence of opposite vectors of a field in each point that is impossible basically.


8.35. At presence of inconformity of interests the most interested in creation of a new reality the generality changes the Plan until given birth the Idea of the God does not integrate a potentiality of generality. Only then the new reality will solve problems, maybe, a different sort, but all generalities. In a new reality the balance of interests of structural parts Uniform will be kept.


8.36. Creation of a new reality is carried out by means of the embodied Reason. The idea of the God forms Spirit Sacred in program installations of the Plan of the God. The carrier of program installations of the Plan of the God is the Will of the God, energy of movement of Sacred Spirit. The will of the God is executed by Sacred Spirit. The sacred Spirit directs energy of creation to the person - to the creator.


8.37. The Spirit Sacred is uniform energyinformation system. Program installations of activity of all individualities of the embodied Reason, entered in their memory, are mutually coordinated and directed on execution of the Plan of the God.


8.38. Activity of the person is carried out by means of gravitational fields which are created by Reason of the lowest measurements. This activity copes the Reason embodied by a physical body on the basis of the staticized program installations of memory.


8.39. The person in the ability to live constantly uses the energy of the Monad accumulated in system of chakres. Directing the person on fulfilment certain, corresponding to the Plan of the God, actions, the Spirit Sacred directs to he chakres in addition power streams of the Information field. These streams raise power of gravitational fields and provide fulfilment of the Plan in the physical world. Streams are sensually perceived by the person as Love or Inspiration. By energy the Love sates activity of the embodied Reason. By energy he exchanges Love with the embodied Brothers during interaction. After an output in the Information field all events of a terrestrial life become his internal maintenance. The person will understand, that sharing energy of Love, helping the Brother, he did it concerning himself. Division into I and they will disappear, there will be only I.


8.40. The Spirit Sacred simultaneously is in all points of Space. It optimizes activity of all alive essences in an existing reality in a direction of execution of the Plan of the God on creation of a new reality. Through Sacred Spirit each person has a continuous communication with all Brothers embodied Sons of the God. To hear the Voice of Sacred Spirit everyone who is guided by true Knowledge should be able and aspires to unity good luck, aspires to unity with the Brothers, performing of the mission in a material world. To hear the Voice of Sacred Spirit as the Voice of the Brother, - this needs to study, overcoming separating program installations of an ego.


8.41. Opportunities of Spirit Sacred are boundless. There is no such miracle which the Spirit Sacred could not make on the Plan of the God. Everything, that can arise in Consciousness of the person as images of a reality or event, can be created by Spirit Sacred in a reality.


8.42. Miracles from a position of Spirit Sacred are not subdivided into categories on a degree of complexity. Any miracle is carried out by change energyinformation streams of the Information field. The information field is the closed system. Change of intensity of fields does not change its power.


8.43. Laws of physics of Space in the Information field are not broken at any changes tension and streams of energy corresponding to these changes. Therefore no internal changes in closed energyinformation to system existed miracle. The miracle is perceived by Reason of people those only for the reason, that in a local power system they find out infringement of laws of physics, infringement of habitual relationships of cause and effect. In a basis of perception of event as a miracle ignorance of an ego lays.


8.44. To each instant in a stream of Time there corresponds closed power system (CPS) which the vector sum of intensity of fields is equal to zero. In CPS instants elementary particles of a matter indefinitely make zero fluctuations. In each point of this power system there is a vector of force of a potentiality of development in which direction transition in a stream of Time by the next instant is carried out. Transition from one instant to another in a stream of Time also is a life, or its illusion, depending on a position borrowed with the observer.


8.45. Transition from one CPS to another creates an observable relationship of cause and effect of events and conditions of a matter. This transition is carried out under laws of physics. All CPS are present at the Information field non-material energyinformation superlight fields. These fields do not cooperate with each other. At each point of Space there is simultaneously infinite number energyinformation fields of different sources from different CPS.


8.46. From one CPS it is possible to move to another CPS one or group of sources of the Information field together with their fields closed on. Thus the vector sum of intensity of fields of both CPS will keep zero value. But relationships of cause and effect of a life will be broken. It creates effect which can be named miracle.


8.47. Material object seen for people in which energyinformation fields are closed, the gravitational device named UFO, taking place in an operating conditions is. Material (measurements L20) object which fields are closed, some kind of a gravitational capsule, the Monad is invisible. The spirit Sacred can generate a huge gravitational capsule in which material objects which fields will be closed will be placed.


8.48. By means of a gravitational capsule material objects can be transported from one CPS in another. Thus the relationship of cause and effect of a life owing to disappearance or occurrences of material objects which participate in power processes will be broken. From a position of the object transferred in anothers CPS, it will be carry to other time of the past or the future of the same reality. Carry to other, parallel reality is possible. After that relationships of cause and effect by a new variant will be formed, there will be new traces of the past.


8.49. The gravitational capsule can be deduced from a stream of Time. Then the life in it will develop under influence of forces of an internal potentiality. Cooperating objects will move on world lines of local area of Space within the limits of a capsule.


8.50. Execution of the Plan of the God can be incorrect owing to negative influence of program installations of an ego which direct the person on a way which is not corresponding to the Plan of the God.


8.51. At occurrence of distortions in execution of the Plan of the God the Sacred Spirit enters adjusting program installations by which the arisen mistakes should be eliminated. Mistakes can be eliminated not only the person who has created them, but also a generality of people to which it is connected in the ability to live.


8.52. If mistakes are not eliminated by correction of program installations of memory of the person, the Spirit Sacred creates vital situations which block development of a reality contrary to the Plan of the God. Such situations are perceived by the person as misfortune, illness, tragedy, and by a society are perceived as accident, tragical events, epidemics. People not always can realize the reasons of these events. The reasons which are consequence of negative program installations of the person or a society, only then are obvious, when the situation can find true interpretation and change views of people. It carries out change of program installations of an ego of set of people simultaneously. If influence on consciousness of people does not give effect, the Reason of separate people or public groups is translated by tragical events in a unembodied condition, and to it the repeated embodiment is appointed. In a new embodiment negative program installations of an ego will be suppressed by a corresponding set of sensual perception of new destiny.


8.53. The spirit Sacred does not create accident, tragical events, epidemics, etc. The God - the Creator does not create a similar reality. During a gravitational cycle these events are created with the people leaning in the actions on program installations of an ego. The spirit Sacred only rescues them and keeps a life to those people which mentality can be corrected in the current embodiment. But it removes protection of those people, karma which can be got rid only in new destiny.


8.54. During development of gravitational impact the initiative of disposal of vicious creations passes to the God - to the Destroyer. Accidents, epidemics, conflicts of vicious creations accrue in a geometrical progression. It gives powerful stimulus of the reference of consciousness of people to the God. During this period the God - the Destroyer fills the God - the Creator with new forces and the Spirit Sacred transfers people the Maximum Knowledge of the Universe which allow to get rid of defects of an ego and to rescue a civilization from destruction.


8.55. The consciousness of people deformed by program installations of an ego, quite often perceives tragical events as punishment for sins. It is incorrect. The god never punishes, does not revenge, does not turn away from people, does not remain is deaf to their plea. Everything, that occurs in a life of people, occurs Will of the God. Any events, even the most tragical, is the best variant of the decision of the problems created by the separate person and humanity as a whole. These events the main task is solved: to carry out creation of a new reality and thus to keep such qualities of each God - the Son at which they can be integrated into the Information field, everyone becomes the God.




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