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           The philosophy of Space Consciousness


 ©  Lemyakin Boris Aleksandrovich.

e-mail: lemyakin@yandex.ru

The guest book


The dictionary of the Maximum Knowledge (Rus)


The philosophy

of Space Consciousness



Chapter 9. Conducted by Sacred Spirit


9.1.      Incarnated the Reason lives in a stream of sensual perception which forms the program of an ego. The program of an ego defines reaction of a physical body of the person to influences of an environment. Its positive role consists that the Reason of the person executing the program of an ego, provides stable conditions of existence of a physical body in a changing reality. The physical body has systems of autoregulation of functions depending on a level of external influences. Autoregulation operates effectively at a low level of external influences. Function of Reason consists that it predicts a high level of external influences of environment and programs activity of a physical body with the purpose to lower a level of external influences for creation of favorable conditions of existence of a physical body.


9.2.      The program of an ego is necessary for the person for a life in a stream of Time of a material world. It is especially actual in children's and youthful years when the person gets life experience and knowledge which are necessary for mental forecasting the future situations. The person who has not generated the high-grade program of an ego, is similar to an animal. It lives obeying instincts and momentary desires. Such person is not capable to predict a situation and to create the mental projects of the activity directed


9.3.      In process of grown-up the person, the program of an ego accumulates negative potential. It creates the deformed representation about meaning of the life and according to this representation puts problems of immediate prospects. The reason gets aspiration by an eternal life in a physical body. The program of an ego gets high power on which background the program of an eternal life in unity good luck becomes no more than a myth.


9.4.      The Sacred Spirit which accompanies incarnated the Reason, in children's and youthful years corrects the program of an ego with the purpose to raise efficiency of its work concerning reaction of the person to external influences. But, in process of взросления, the program of an ego starts to form strategy of decision-making and the program installations influencing realization of precertain destiny. The sacred Spirit of more attention gives all to philosophical judgement of the purpose of a life of incarnated the Reason. Such program installations which destroy integrity of its representations about meaning of the life are entered into the program of an ego. The person all reflects more: for what it was born, whether correctly it has organized the life, what its role in own destiny and in судьбах other people. Search of answers to these questions for many people becomes the major purpose.


9.5.      The Sacred Spirit constantly is in the Information floor. He is inseparable from Spirit Sacred, is unit of its wave condition. But this unit possesses quality of individuality of the Son of the God which executes function of support incarnated the Reason. Physically this condition can be presented as an individual source of the Information field which has generated a wave package of interface to a physical body of the person. The source moves in the Information floor, similarly to package a running wave, together with this physical body. In system of coordinates of a physical body of the person of moving of Sacred Spirit, as well as Reason of the person, are limited by functional volumes. Set of Reason of the person can be presented as unity three I, unity of Soul, Reason and Sacred Spirit. In this unity the role of the leader executes Sacred Spirit. The sacred Spirit uses attention and support of the Sacred Sonship. Among them are also Sons of the God, accompanying Reason, which incarnated in physical bodies of other people. Via Spirit Sacred all people Are uniform in the God.


9.6.      The Reason of different people in a different degree copes Sacred Spirit. The degree of controllability depends on a level of power of the program of an ego. The greatest difficulties arise at Sacred Spirit when the person has reached high position in a society. The program of an ego of such person is supported in set of vital situations. For a society of living people it is important to understand it, and to not suppose to authority of the people who are not possessing high moral qualities. It is possible only in that case when the society gives priorities to such qualities.


9.7.      The morals of a society is formed on the basis of history and the traditions, dominating religious doctrines, on the basis of mutual relations between public and national groups, under influence of program installations of its representatives duplicated by a news media. Its substantive provisions are fixed in the operating Constitution, in declarations, manifestes, programs and charters of operating parties, public organizations and movements. As a whole this situation can be considered as development of Spirit Sacred in the given society, in the given volume of Space.


9.8.      The person at whom the life develops favorably by way of comfort of conditions for its physical body, does not address to Sacred Spirit, often at all does not know about its existence. It entirely is necessary on the experience, knowledge and physical opportunities. The Sacred Spirit accompanies its unostentatious participation in decision-making. So proceeds until incarnated the Reason goes on a way of the precertain destiny. In this variant the program of an ego has no essential differences from the program by which the future reality is formed. The person with a sufficient stock of stability passes the key moments of the destiny. The probability схода from existing traces of the future is smallest. The probability of transition to a new variant of destiny always exists, but these variants too exist in a reality of the future. Each variant of destiny corresponds to the generated program, mentality of the incarnated Reason. It is possible to tell, that each person during all life constantly forms the destiny which is realized discretely according to existing variants.


9.9.      The Sacred Spirit does not create program installations of activity and does not interfere in the performance of program installations by Reason. Activity of a physical body to the full is function of  the incarnated Reason. The Sacred Spirit inspects conformity of program installations of an ego to a set of sensual perception of the future reality. If sensual perception of the future can provoke erroneous actions of Reason, It brings correction in the program of an ego. For this purpose the Sacred Spirit creates in the field of Consciousness of a brain of the person mental images and situations with corresponding emotional codes. Their perception Reason changes a parity of power of its program installations. Positive program installations amplify, and negative - suppress. After that in the future reality the Reason will choose a true variant of actions.


9.10.    The major function of Sacred Spirit consists in correction of mental projects which are formed by Reason with the purpose of Creation of the future reality. The future reality has two conditions: the Created reality and Perfected a reality. The created future reality once has been created also a way of its formation already exists. Perfected a future reality does not exist. Its formation goes on a way of the new reality, a new variant of destiny, events. Actions on formation of a reality in a stream of Time are function of Reason.


9.11.    Actions of Reason correspond to predefiniteness of destiny if the Created reality is formed. In this situation to Sacred Spirit remains only to create a sufficient stock of stability свершения events, first of all, during the key moments.


9.12.    All instants of a reality exist in Space in the form of closed power systems (CPS), having a potentiality of development in a direction of transition to another CPS which also exists in Space. Both these CPS have a relationship of cause and effect. From similar CPS the chain of Creation of a reality is built. Incarnated the Reason passes from one CPS in another on a matrix of a trace of the predecessor lived this life in the previous big gravitational cycle of the Universe.


9.13.    CPS, concerning by different instants of one or different greater gravitational cycles of the Universe, can exist in one volume of Space. They do not render influence against each other by a principle of superposition of waves. It does not mean, that they do not cooperate at all. Their interaction has zero power for the period of time of more periods of waves of elementary particles of a matter. At a level of elementary particles interaction can be carried out during time of less period of a wave. Therefore elementary particles are in chaotic movement, not always following on the traces of the future. Elementary particles quite often pass from one CPS in another not on a potentiality of a relationship of cause and effect, and on a potentiality at which there is a component of force CPS of other gravitational cycles. As a rule, the potentiality of a relationship of cause and effect of the present gravitational cycle restores a potentiality of development of a reality. For rather greater time intervals of the indignation which have arisen owing to interaction CPS of different instants of the present or their interactions with CPS of other gravitational cycle, are summarized. Their full component aspires to zero Therefore for practically significant for the person time intervals interaction different CPS, as a rule, is not observed.


9.14.    Inside CPS any instant of Time all elementary particles make zero fluctuations with own frequency. Transfer of energy from one structure of a matter to another does not occur. In Information floor CPS superlight streams of a phase of Vacuum move on the closed power lines of a field. The system of power lines of the Information field connected with each structure of a matter, is in a static condition. Only at transition by a next instant there are changes in the Information floor. These changes also are the reason of displays of inertia of objects observable in a material world, their potential and kinetic energy.


9.15.    Energy of Spirit Sacred can define as instant value of variable making energy of the Information field or as total instant value of kinetic energy of the matter concluded in space, limited by spherical peak surfaces of gravitational waves of the Universe.


9.16.    To energy of Spirit Sacred in every instant Time from the beginning and before the termination of a gravitational cycle correspond to conditions of a material world during these instants. The future condition of Spirit Sacred as is predetermined, as well as the future of a material world. The spirit Sacred physically cannot Create other reality, except for that, that Is created earlier and already exists in Space.


9.17.    Incarnated a physical body the Reason Creates the reality Created earlier if it does not show the initiative on its change. The reason of a potentiality on change of the future reality is concluded in mentality of Reason. Incarnated the Reason has mentality which differs from mentality of the predecessor who has generated for it a matrix of traces. The program of an ego of incarnated Reason has differences from the program of an ego of its predecessor which are shown in activity, in creation of the situations mismatching the precertain future. The reason constantly Creates a new reality. The new reality remains forever as a new variant of the past which at change of a sign on Time in a gravitational cycle becomes a variant of the future.


9.18.    Perfected variants of a reality arise during the moments of Time when the level of a potentiality of development of the Created reality is insignificant, and the power barrier of traces of the future can be overcome by activity of Reason.


9.19.    Function of the God Uniform is the decision to keep or correct Perfected of Reason a reality. Perfected the reality is shown as the factor of instability, the leader to infringement of relationships of cause and effect. This factor receives an estimation from all individualities of the God Uniform, including Sacred Spirit of each of incarnated Sons of the God. As a result there can be potentialities on elimination of a mistake of Perfection or on formation of the Plan of the God at which there is this Perfected.


9.20.    The mistake of Creation is eliminated during the key moments of Time. Potentialities of counteraction of incarnated the Reason every instant direct execution of a plan its Creation on other way. During the key moment of Time this way can coincide completely with the reality Created earlier, but the new way which corresponds to the Plan of the God can be generated. The Reason of the person does not possess energy by means of which it could pass the key moments of Time on other way.


9.21.    To Reason of the person it is not allowed to get into the Plan of the God. But the Sacred Spirit knows the Plan during each moment of Time for It and is the Plan of the God. Through it the Plan is realized in the form of program installations of the God which eliminate negative influence of the program of an ego and direct the person on a way of Perfection of a reality on the Plan of the God.


9.22.    The Reason of the person is the tool by means of which the God realizes the Plan of Creation of a reality in a material world. But it not the passive tool. The Reason receives the coded information on objects of a material world and processes which in it occur. Frequently this information is deformed owing to subjective perception or is insufficient for the objective reasons owing to the limited opportunities of the person. The Reason of the person during mental activity and sensual perception Perfectes material worlds of the lowest measurements and connects them with existing material worlds according to program installations of a macroprogram of its person. On the basis of the mental projects it operates energy of the physical world with the purpose of transformation of the Created reality. Mistakes of Perfection in this situation are inevitable. Therefore also the Sacred Spirit which indefatigably corrects mistakes of Reason is given to it in support, will coordinate its activity with the Plan of the God.


9.23.    There are some levels of influence of Sacred Spirit on activity of incarnated the Reason:

- programming in rate of ability to live,

- programming during a dream,

- programming during mental activity,

- programming during meditation,

- programming by formation of a set sensual восприятий,

- restrictions of ability to live,

- interruption of a life.


9.24.    Programming by Sacred Spirit of activity of the person in a condition of active wakefulness when the person is borrowed by any activity, is shown as intuitive actions. The person cannot explain, for what reason from set of possible decisions it has accepted one is unique true which has allowed to solve the arisen problem optimum. The macroprogram of Reason did not contain that program installation which has induced it to this action. Program installation has been entered by Sacred Spirit directly into impellent area of Consciousness. The person cannot repeat action which it has made in a critical situation. The unbiassed analysis of similar cases shows, that these actions were optimum and duly to within shares of seconds. Only under these conditions of action allowed to solve a problem. Programming in rate of ability to live occurs constantly. Obvious it becomes for Reason only in critical situations when solves a question on a life or death.


9.25.    Carrying out programming in rate of ability to live, the Sacred Spirit uses the information on the near future. Between the future key conditions of a material world He translates distances known to He in corresponding time intervals between them. There is a network schedule of event in which the person participates. Execution of the network schedule probably if actions of the person are entered in the schedule of fulfilment of the events which are being on a critical way. Every instant the events which are being on a critical way, the Sacred Spirit compares to the future reality and enters corresponding program installations into impellent area of Consciousness.


9.26.    At programming in rate of ability to live situations when the person has no a sufficient power stock for fulfilment of actions on a critical way are possible. As a rule, this problem is solved by means of pumping Pranas in chakres the person during a dream by way of usual preparation for the forthcoming period of wakefulness. Other method is possible also. Change of a condition of objects of a material world with which the person will cooperate on a critical way, is made in advance by energy Sacred support. That the critical way of events by way of a necessary level from the person of power influence in advance prepares. This method leads to infringement of relationships of cause and effect and is perceived by people as a miracle. Energy for fulfilment of a miracle teleportated from another CPS, from areas in which stability fulfilment events of a relationship of cause and effect has a sufficient power stock. Nevertheless, in small scales relationships of cause and effect in CPS - the donor are broken. The method of teleportation energy is applied in view of a degree of influence on the key moments of the Created reality. Teleportation of energy is carried out by change of intensity in local areas of the Information field by mental activity of Sacred support in Consciousness of the God.


9.27.    During a dream the Reason of the person is disconnected from sensual perception. Mental activity, including perception from area of Consciousness, the Reason keeps. Phases of a dream include a condition of adjustment of functions of the autoregulation, carried out Soul, and a condition of dialogue of Reason with Sacred Spirit. The leading part in dialogue of a dream belongs to Sacred Spirit. He "asks questions", causing from memory of Reason the program installations created with participation of an ego, estimates them from the point of view of influence on activity of the person in events of the forthcoming period of wakefulness, and corrects if necessary. In the future events program installations of actions of a physical body will be created by Reason, but the key conditions of the memory which has induced to execution these program installations, have been created by Sacred Spirit during a dream.


9.28.    The macroprogram of the person of the person, stored memory of Reason, has multilevel hierarchy. The above the level, especially the general questions are described with the program, the more widely area of program installations which it influences. On top level in this hierarchy there is a philosophical judgement of the Universe and a place of the person in it. This level Sacred Spirit methodically forms all life, clearing from false knowledge of an ego and filling with true Knowledge which go from the God. Functioning of a physical body of the person is programmed for the period of a life so that after performance of problems of Perfection of a reality the Reason was gradually released from sensual perception that the power of program installations of an ego decreased. On this background the Sacred Spirit receives a favorable opportunity to eliminate the contradictions which have collected during a life in a macroprogram of Reason and to generate the person who can be integrated into system of Reason of the God.

9.29.    Program installations which the Sacred Spirit transfers Reason of the person during a dream, quite often clothe in remembered program blocks which the Reason subsequently during wakefulness takes from memory and deciphers. Mental images of deciphered blocks create program installations of a high level in a macroprogram of Reason. Program blocks look like real or unreal, sometimes allegorical or symbolical images and situations. Their program maintenance is concluded not in the form of and quality of images, and in the form of and quality of interaction of their mental projections with program installations of Reason which is borrowed by decoding of images and situations. Process of numerous mental returning to them in connection with real last or predicted future situations is process of programming of Reason.


9.30.    Mental activity of the person, in essence, also is a condition of dialogue between Reason and Sacred Spirit. In this dialogue the leading part belongs to Reason. The Reason builds mental designs, projects their dynamics in various predicted future situations. He does not assume, that qualitative characteristics of its mental projects depend not only on He, but also from Sacred Spirit. The Sacred Spirit unostentatiously weakens power of erroneous images and strengthens those images which correspond to the Plan of the God. In all cases the decision on realization of the mental project accepts Reason.


9.31.    At the key moments of mental activity of Reason the Sacred Spirit creates images of true Knowledge which have high power in Consciousness. These are so-called Sacred instants in which program installation of the decision of a problem contains. The Reason identifies sacred instants as inspiration. The inspiration is preceded with hard work of Reason which accumulates enough of the isolated conditions of memory during the mental decision of a problem. The Sacred instant connects positive conditions of memory of Reason in program installation of true Knowledge, program installation of optimum actions, filling with its absolute Knowledge. During Sacred instants the Reason thinks similarly to the God, realizing a problem in all aspects of global changes on micro and macro levels. Realization of program installation of the Sacred instant is emotionally perceived by Reason as Belief in absolute correctness of the found decision of a problem. Express this condition information means accessible to it the person cannot, therefore it remains its personal internal experience.


9.32.    Perfection of a macroprogram of the person of the person has a limit when program installations of Sacred instants will merge in the program of realization of the Plan of the God directed on Creation of a reality. In a material world incarnated the Reason realizes, that It is the God, that the material world is inseparable from the God, realizes the responsibility for those events which occur in this world, realizes, that It is allocated by unlimited force and opportunities to influence that occurs in the world. Such person will know the past and the future of any of objects or subjects of a material world. He will know about the role in formation of the future and to consider as the major purpose of a life its execution. But He will operate carelessly on the last and known future, being guided only present which is concluded in the Sacred instant and induces to operate and not differently.


9.33.    Incarnated the Reason which has realized the position in a material world, constantly aspires to true Knowledge. Comprehension of the Universe by methods of sensual perception forms the deformed representation about He owing to repeated relaying the coded information. During meditation the person receives unitary coded information from Sacred Spirit. Coding of the information is inevitable, because not coded information exists only in the Information floor. For its perception it is necessary to become a field. The Sacred Spirit invests true Knowledge of objects and events with the symbolical images accessible to perception by Reason from area of Consciousness. True Knowledge cannot find communication with program installations of an ego in other kind and carry out their correction.


9.34.    Meditation has three levels which differ dynamics of an information exchange between Reason and Sacred Spirit: passive meditation, active meditation, meditation of activity.


9.35.    Passive meditation differs from a dream only that switching-off from sensual perception and mental activity occurs under the initiative of Reason. Passive meditation passes in a condition of a dream. Feature of such dream is the high degree of a relaxation of a physical body. It allows Soul to execute fine tuning of systems of autoregulation of functions of ability to live, and to Sacred Spirit - to suppress negative program installations of the period of wakefulness. Even 15 minute passive meditation brings rest to an organism of the person and essentially raises working capacity. Passive meditation promotes the decision of difficult problems and positively influences creative process.


9.36.    Active meditation is a condition of dialogue between Reason and Sacred Spirit under the initiative of Reason. The Reason is disconnected from sensual perception and mental activity. In this condition it is necessary to raise sensitivity of perception of images area of Consciousness, supervising its clarification. After that the Reason creates a symbolical mental image which testifies to its readiness for dialogue with Sacred Spirit. During disintegration of this image on its place there is other, not expected image which is the symbolical answer of Sacred Spirit about an opportunity and conditions of dialogue. It is necessary to be ready to decoding or storing of symbolics of images, and thus to remain disconnected from mental activity. For effective dialogue it is necessary to prepare in a condition of wakefulness symbolical images of questions for Sacred Spirit. It is important, that these images unequivocally and precisely defined an essence of questions. In due course there will be a set of standard images, language of dialogue with Sacred Spirit. Questions should be directed on the decision of problems which matter for a society. Questions of the mercenary and egoistical plan will remain without the answer. If the answer to a question is important personally for you it is necessary to realize, that in the long term its decision is for whatever reasons important and for other people. Comprehension is not present necessity to express symbolics because it gives emotional painting to an image, not changing the form. The answer can come also as inspiration, understanding of a problem and ways of its decision, and also Belief in favorable development of a situation which have no symbolical expression and cannot be to the full expressed by other means, except for as concepts I "Know", I "Belief". Such Knowledge and Belief come on as program installations of the Sacred instant.


9.37.    Meditation of activity is a normal condition incarnated the Reason which has reached a highest level of perfection. Over he not prevailed with the program of an ego. Sensual perception do not induce he to the certain activity, and serve only for acknowledgement of correctness of he actions and intentions. Program installations of activity of such person are formed by he Reason which is constantly connected through area of Consciousness with Sacred Spirit. Dialogue of Reason with Sacred Spirit does not interrupt during the vigorous activity of the person. It is just that condition when Sacred instants merge in a uniform circuit of comprehension of a solved problem in all aspects of global changes on micro and macro levels. Comprehension of a problem in Sacred instants brings unshakable confidence of the actions and Knowledge of result of this activity. It is possible to tell, that such person knows the past, knows the future and operates so that the past to connect to the future a consistent relationship of cause and effect. This activity he not only can Protect the Created reality, but can carry out also the Plan of the God on Creation of a new reality, not bringing in it of deforming influence of own mentality based on program installations of an ego.


9.38.    The area of Consciousness is quite often used for dialogue between Reason and Soul. It is possible, if the Sacred Spirit does not interfere with such dialogue. Dialogue is carried out about use of visions or heard speech. The soul is in the world having knowledge of higher level, than the physical world. It possesses knowledge which are inaccessible of incarnated to Reason. Therefore, as a rule, the Reason receives from it the information. This information can be transferred under the initiative of Soul which induces Reason to those or other actions in the physical world. The Reason under the initiative asks to Soul questions on its interesting themes. The answer can proceed or with all the heart or from other Reason, so-called, Teachers to whom the Soul gives temporarily up the place. Dialogue with Soul or with the Teacher is not accompanied by inspiration or the comprehension, expressed by concepts I "Know", I "Belief".


9.39.    The Reason should be circumspect at a choice of the Teacher, to check reliability of received data different ways. The Soul has primary communications with those worlds with which the thin body of the person is energetically connected. Quite often the Soul gets in dependence on the demonic worlds. Then as the Teacher the adherent of the demonic world can act. It is necessary to consider also, what even Учители the ascending worlds of the maximum of some, including the worlds of the Enlightenment, are not free from errors because these worlds do not possess true Knowledge. Only the Sacred Spirit possesses true Knowledge.


9.40.    Sensual perception incarnated Reason quite often possess so high power, that the Sacred Spirit cannot carry out necessary correction of program installations of an ego. The perverted mentality of Reason apprehended by Soul, harms also to its macroprogram. Dependence on the demonic worlds increases up to such degree, that achievement of the purpose of an embodiment becomes problematic. The macroprogram of Reason gets the extremely negative program installations. In this situation the Sacred Spirit pays attention the, and if necessary and Spirit Sacred, to dynamics of processes in the Created reality. If the new reality Is created, He pays attention to quality of its interface to the Created reality. If necessary Created reality energy Spirit Sacred changes so that to provide interface and to exclude thus negative changes in a macroprogram of Reason and Soul.


9.41.    The person who ignores program installations of Sacred Spirit, suddenly finds out, that the destiny has left from under its control. Events develop in such a manner that positive sensual perception on which it counted, become inaccessible. He should change an image or conditions of a life. In new circumstances program installations of Sacred Spirit have a priority and provide progressive development of a macroprogram of Reason.


9.42.    Persistent ignoring of Sacred Spirit incarnated Reason, or absence of an opportunity to provide satisfactory interface Perfected and the Created reality as a result of uncontrollable activity of the person compels Sacred Spirit to limit this activity. Restriction of activity of the person can be carried out by decrease накачки Pranas. Then the person has not enough energy for realization of activity and protection of a physical body against external influences. As a result there are various diseases. The urinogenital system first of all suffers, immunity decreases, and then there are diseases and other bodies. Ability to live can be limited also by means of alcoholic or narcotic dependence, and also imprisonment which is carried out by a society under the initiative of Spirit Sacred.


9.43.    All earlier the listed ways of influence of Sacred Spirit on a macroprogram incarnated Reason concern to the category of maturing black кармы in a current embodiment. If changes of the Created reality in conditions of really possible influence on a macroprogram of Reason do not provide satisfactory interface Created and Творимой a reality, the life of such person interrupts under the initiative of Sacred Spirit. In this case maturing black karma will occur in a following embodiment in conditions of the precertain destiny which contains the situations directed on maturing and eliminating got black karma.


9.44.    The life interrupts owing to illness if the person does not receive sufficient pumping the Prana. The life interrupts owing to accident if Spirit Sacred reduces a degree of the attention to destiny of the given person. In sphere of attention of Spirit Sacred there are all alive essences. A degree of defeat black karma and its opportunities eliminating in the future Created reality also are known for each alive essence to He. Therefore operating influences on interruption of a life quite often are characterized by epidemics, accidents and are accompanied by mass destruction of people and other alive essences. The life can be interrupted and at the baby, not obtained black karma in a current incarnate if for it in the Created future reality there is an optimum destiny. Wonderful rescue only confirm, that in all cases selectivity takes place.

9.45.    Incarnated the Reason owning true Knowledge of the Universe, can transfer management of Perfection of a reality to Sacred Spirit. For this purpose he should realize, that, being guided by true Knowledge about Unity with God and the mission during a terrestrial life, he voluntary accepts a supervising role of Sacred Spirit in terrestrial affairs. He should realize, that is ready to accept any turns of destiny as the highest blessing for all generality of people with which He constantly has a Unity in the God.


9.46.    The Sacred Spirit accompanying incarnated Reason on a life, is always ready to take management of the person up if that transfers management voluntary, under condition of sincere and constant comprehension of the decision. The macroprogram of the person of such Reason is optimum entered in a macroprogram of Consciousness of the God which carrier is the Sacred Spirit.


9.47.    The person who has transferred management by the destiny to Sacred Spirit, not loaded cares. It keeps unshakable Belief, that all the future events are under the control of Sacred Spirit, that they are a part of the Plan of the God. It understands, that itself there is incarnated a God executing charged it by the Uniform God mission on the Earth. He understands, that this mission is important and necessary to all alive essences on the Earth.


9.48.    The person operated by Sacred Spirit, becomes organizing the beginning in a material world. Through he other people receive true Knowledge by means of sensual perception. This Knowledge possess high power. They are integrally entered in sensual program installations and form the program of an ego which in many aspects coincides with the program of true Knowledge formed by Sacred Spirit. Program installations of an ego lose the negative qualities.


9.49.    The person operated by Sacred Spirit, becomes the center of Divine presence at a material world and promotes exact execution of the Plan of the God on Creation of a new reality. The Plan of the God considers individual qualities of everyone from among incarnated Reason.


9.50.    Mass transfer of management by destiny to Spirit Sacred living people, the statement of a priority of Laws of the God before laws of people will transform a life on the Earth. Ecological equilibrium will be restored. Sufferings and illnesses will disappear. The life every day will bring pleasure and satisfaction.


9.51.    Transfer of management by destiny to Sacred Spirit is especially actual during a developing gravitational impact. Catastrophic events of a developing gravitational impact will be known to people. They can be prepared for them in advance. Even the destruction of people will not bring sufferings. Transition in nonincarnate a condition will occur under the script of transition known for it in the Information field without sufferings which logically finishes performance of the mission charged by them on the Earth.


9.52.    Revival of a life on the Earth after amplitude of gravitational impact for the people living in the consent with Sacred Spirit, will occur under the optimum script. Those who will meet gravitational impact in incarnated a condition, will be ready to it. Some of them will be deduced from a gravitational field of the Earth, others will be ready to pass the period of destruction and restoration at a negative course of Time. All of them will be ready to conditions of a life after gravitational impact. The leading part of Spirit Sacred after gravitational impact will be kept. The people who have gone through gravitational impact in incarnated a condition, will keep bank of true Knowledge. All it will allow to recreate harmony of a life on the Earth and to restore a civilization of people at higher level in a new gravitational cycle.




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