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           The philosophy of Space Consciousness


 ©  Lemyakin Boris Aleksandrovich.

e-mail: lemyakin@yandex.ru

The guest book


The dictionary of the Maximum Knowledge (Rus)


The philosophy

of Space Consciousness



Chapter 6. The person


 6.1.      The person is the maximum creation of the God. It has multipurpose purpose and is the carrier of many systems of the Reason existing in different measurements. Into number of these systems of Reason enter:


o       Reason of the person,


o       Soul,


o       the Reason of cells existing in seven base levels of the lowest measurements,


o       the Reason of an ethereal body existing in seven base levels of the lowest measurements,


o       the Reason of an astral body existing in seven base levels of the lowest measurements,


o       Reason of Divine measurement.


In structure of each base level of the lowest measurement there is a big number of the functional sublevels insignificantly distinguished in length of a wave.


 6.2.      The structure of the person, algorithms of interaction of his functional bodies have been created in the lowest measurements of volumetric Reason of Space. Modeling of the person has the beginning in unimaginably low measurements. The maximum measurements use achievements of the lowest measurements, forming similarity in higher measurement. The top limit to modeling does not exist.


 6.3.      The reason of the person is a spherical wave concerning high measurement. For Reason of the lowest measurements it is represented to the universe. The internal structural maintenance of Reason of the person is to similarly structural maintenance of space of the universe. The length of a wave of Reason of all people can be considered identical.


 6.4.      The reason of the person identifies itself with a physical body because receives the information from sense organs of a physical body and by means of agencies of a physical body carries out the actions concerning the body and surrounding objects with which it cooperates.


 6.5.      The physical body of the person is created for formation of Reason of the person during his interaction with substance of measurement of a physical body. The reason of the person is placed in a calloused body of a brain inside the molecule created for this purpose which plays a role of a control panel and dwelling of Reason during his embodiment. Fixing of position of Reason inside a molecule is carried out by gravitational fields of molecular structures. Moving from one position in another is carried out by Reason of the person with use of the gravitational fields created by his internal structures.


 6.6.      The reason of the person does not operate functioning of bodies of a physical body, but receives the information on infringements. Response the Reason raises a level of generation of corresponding lowest measurements, than promotes debugging.  Management of ability to live is limited to physiological processes which are carried out with use of impellent functions of the bodies which are not having automatic regulators.


 6.7.      Ability to live of bodies of a physical body of the person is carried out in coordination by means of systems of multilevel autoregulation of functions.


 6.8.      The control of functioning of a physical body is carried out with Soul of the person. The soul is a Reason of the same measurement, as the Reason of the person placed in the field of frontal shares of a brain.


 6.9.      In the plan physiological Oppressing carries out the control and adjustment of systems of autoregulation of functions of separate bodies and as a whole of a physical body of the person.


 6.10.    In the plan nut physiological the Soul carries out management energy information communications between all systems of Reason of the person and their power communications with other objects of the worlds of corresponding measurements.


 6.11. The Soul plays a role of a conductor in a stream of Time for Reason of the person, directing his activity on a way of the predetermined future.


 6.12.    The soul is capable to leave physical and astral bodies and to move in the worlds of the lowest measurements. Thus the Soul receives and keeps the information received during moving.


 6.13.    The soul is capable to leave in the Information field, to receive and keep the information received during an output.


 6.14.    The soul is capable to accept and keep the information received by means of energy information of liaison channels with the worlds of the lowest measurements, including Divine measurement.


 6.15.    The reason of cells, using the gravitational systems created by him, forms a microcosm of functional cells of an organism under the set program and exists in it both in a free kind, and as substance in structures of volumetric Reason. Stability of existence is provided with execution of the set program and maintenance of working capacity energy information and transport liaison channels with other cells and functional streams of physical and ethereal of body. At infringement of conditions of stability the cell perishes. Healthy cells fill loss by execution of the program of the division set by a spatial code of geometry of physical and ethereal of body.


 6.16.    Molecules, performing role of building designs of a cell, and waste products of the destroyed structures move with use of having and deducing streams of a physical body.


 6.17.    Streams of an ethereal body play a role energy information the channels connecting cellular Reason with the centers of autoregulation of ability to live. On them inquiries about molecules of building designs and power units the cells necessary at execution of the program of division or for replacement of destroyed structures go. 


 6.18.    The reason of cells is made multiple copies in gravitational waves endocellular mega the galaxies existing around of nuclear nucleus and on electronic environments, and is a source which is filling up Reason of an ethereal body.


 6.19.    Functional purpose of a cell in a physical body is determined by the program of its construction contained in a universal spatial code of a molecule of DNA. That part of a code which corresponds to purpose of a cell is realized.


 6.20.    Each functional type of a cell has the measurement of Reason. This measurement of Reason corresponds to the amplitude-frequency characteristic of that part of a molecule of DNA which code is realized. Only this measurement is mainly made multiple copies in gravitational waves mega the galaxies developing around "black holes" DNA.  


 6.21.    Spatial accommodation of cells of each type corresponds to the spatial code of DNA sold simultaneously by set of cells with participation in this process of ethereal and astral body.


 6.22.    The reason of cells directly cooperates with related Reason of an ethereal body. Between them there is no precise border. The reason of an ethereal body plays a role energy information communications, is envoys in the centers of autoregulation which organize execution of inquiries of Reason of cells.


 6.23.    The ethereal body envelops each cell and will penetrate inside, into space mega galaxies.


 6.24.    In intercellular space the ethereal body connects each cell gravitational streams of free Reason (Prana) with the nervous terminations of a physical body and the centers of autoregulation and Consciousness.


 6.25.    Ability to live of the person is based on use is artificial created by systems of Reason of the lowest measurements of gravitational fields by means of which moving space objects is carried out in the field of existence of Reason.


 6.26.    The nervous system of a physical body is generated from cells which functional purpose will consist in creation of the pulse gravitational fields forming power of surrounding space with the purpose of creation of channels for moving of streams of an ethereal body, being by the energy carrier. Algorithms of formation of pulses are set by a configuration of an ethereal body. The sympathetic nervous system connects cells with the centers of autoregulation. The touch nervous system transfers the information as a power code by a condition of cells in area of Consciousness. The impellent nervous system transfers a command power code from Consciousness in agencies of a physical body.


 6.27.    The physical body of the person has set of the centers of autoregulation of a different level and purpose. A highest level of autoregulation is the brain having two centers, - in the field of frontal shares and a calloused body. The same centers execute functions of mental regulation by Reason and Soul. Opportunities of mental regulation of each center are determined by the realized spatial code of construction of physical and ethereal bodies in the field of their accommodation.


 6.28.    The ethereal body has energy information centers (EnIC) located in internal volume of segments of a backbone. EnIC represent gravitational rings which form around of itself toroidal gravitational fields. In these fields the phase of Vacuum goes with superlight speed. In essence, EnIC are material units of the Information field.


 6.29.    System EnItS providing formation of an organism of a physical body of the person is in the Information field. She refers to the Monad.


 6.30.    Through the Monad it is carried out energy information communication individual with general. The information field being uniform expression of material set carries out management of power of cells of a physical body by means of EnIC and streams of an ethereal body raised by them.


 6.31.    Via EnIC the condition of space being body of a physical body of the person connected to it, finds reflection in a configuration tension the Information field.


 6.32.    Gravitational ring EnIC has an optical path generated from substance of the lowest measurement of the second level on which the stream of primary photons goes with speed of a wave. Formation of an optical path and management in density of a stream of primary photons is function of the Information field.


 6.33.    Everyone EnIC works in the range of frequencies of Reason of an ethereal body which streams move in gravitational fields EnIC.


 6.34.    In a body of the person it is possible to allocate seven basic EnIC, connected with the nervous centers of a physical body. These EnIC named as chakres. By means of chakres it is carried out energy information communication of physical, ethereal and astral body. Chakres possess powerful gravitational fields which render essential influence on the power processes occuring as inside a physical body, and outside, in an astral body.


 6.35.    The astral body forms an external environment around of physical and connected with it ethereal bodies of the person. The astral body will consist of volumetric Reason of seven base levels of the lowest measurements.


 6.36.    The structure of an astral body has no rigid forms. She is similar to clouds multi-coloured the pair, enveloping a physical body. Each measurement has the primary color. But depending on an emotional condition of the person color gradation of an astral body can be displaced aside lower or higher frequencies. Only the astral body of the rithteous person shines equal golden color at which harmoniously there are all measurements.


6.37.    Sources of Reason of an astral body are: Reason of an ethereal body, volumetric Reason  form of thought the person, volumetric Reason of essences the worlds of the lowest measurements, Reason of astral bodies of other people, animal, plants and rocks.


 6.38.    The superfluous Reason of an ethereal body leaves by means of gravitational fields of chakres in an astral body and colonizes substance of the same measurement. Thus the volumetric Reason of an astral body is formed.


 6.39.    Ideas of the person are born his Reason and move to area of Consciousness where they meet adjusting ideas of Soul and substances of the lowest measurements consisting of structures are condensed in form of thoughts. Measurement of structures form of thoughts, their saturation is defined by the emotional maintenance of ideas from which they are generated. Everyone form of thought is the carrier of the certain emotional maintenance. From area of Consciousness form of thoughts move the cascade in bottom chakres, breaking up on a way on structures of seven base measurements, and make active fields of chakres. Made active fields of chakres raise the bodies connected to them. After decrease in activity of bodies of structure form of thoughts already as Reason of an ethereal body leave in an astral body where they form and have corresponding areas of an astral body.


 6.40.    During all life the person generates substance and Reason of measurements of an astral body, making good the loss and increasing his density. The condensed astral body aspires to keep the form and counteracts external influences. Thus the protective environment for physical and ethereal body is created.


 6.41.    Astral bodies of people, animal, plants and rocks exchange contents at interactions that leads to change of frequency characteristics of streams of chakres and to corresponding emotional shift sensual sensations Reason of the person. The maintenance form of thought accordingly changes.


 6.42.    The reason of the person, who has reached unity of measurement of streams of chakres, is capable to create an astral body of so high density, that at any collisions it will protect physical and ethereal bodies.


 6.43.    To keep health and to reach longevity of a life it is possible only under condition of spiritual and physical cleanliness of the person. Cleanliness of the person creates conditions for receipt in ethereal and astral bodies of structures of one measurement. Thus ethereal and astral bodies are condensed.


 6.44. It is necessary to understand cleanliness of a feed, cleanliness of a way of life, cleanliness of an environment, cleanliness as cleanliness of the person sensations, cleanliness of ideas, cleanliness of the purposes and methods of their achievement which promote achievement and preservation of unity in Divine measurement. Thus the person should live the predetermined life, to execute the mission outlined in advance to it and be always ready to leave a life in a condition of a peace of mind and a unification good luck.


 6.45.    The unification is good luck reached by constant dialogue with the Maximum Reason, influences which through the world of Divine measurement and there is an execution of Will of the God, his material expression. In this dialogue the Reason of Divine measurement will penetrate through the eighth chakre into Consciousness and makes active mentality of Reason. The mentality of Reason harmonized Divine by influences, creates fancies which are harmoniously sated with the lowest measurements of standard characteristics. These measurements from area of Consciousness a descending stream the cascade go down downwards along a spine column, filling corresponding chakres the standard material carrier of energy. Thus non-standard demonic measurements and their structural forms are superseded outside. There is reorganization of functioning of all organism, including a cellular level. Mega galaxies where non-standard demonic measurements were born, will collapse. Will receive intensive development mega galaxies of nuclear fields where amplitude-frequency characteristics correspond to the Divine standard. The astral body will be transformed on the basis of standard measurements. It will allow to create more stable structural forms, to raise their density and a power saturation. The person will get high density in the demonic worlds and becomes inaccessible for demonic essences which ate his astral body earlier. Vibrations of Divine measurement of the Information field will create pumping primary photons in gravitational rings of chakres which fields will leave far beyond a physical body, transforming surrounding space. The person will receive unusual abilities, forces of the God. His spiritual perfection gives a guarantee, that these abilities will be used for execution of Will of the God.


 6.46.    The maximum step of perfection of spiritual development of the person is characteristic that his Reason in interaction with Soul will get abilities to operate energy of chakres. In a pose of a lotus the physical body of the person is in a gravitational stream of all of eight chakres. It is enough to create pulse pumping of chakres, and the eight-level superlight linear accelerator will deduce the person in the Information field. The person becomes a field, keeping the individuality. All universe is appears inside him. The person realizes that it is the God. Pumping energy in chakres it is carried out by the Information field which God is, for the purpose of connection with that the part which executed Terrestrial mission and successfully has finished her.


 6.47.    The partial output in the Information field is possible and at earlier stages of spiritual perfection. For this purpose it is enough to make active Anahata-chakre, the most powerful source of gravitational energy and to direct to its energy on activization Agnya-chakre. Then for the Information field there will be a Consciousness together with sensual area. The information received in the Information field, can be perceived by Reason from Consciousness as sensual perception of a unusual condition. 


 6.48.    Having reached the maximum step of spiritual perfection, the person not necessarily will leave a terrestrial life in the Information field. It can continue a life on the Earth. The got abilities will allow it to execute the mission charged with the God more effectively. Such person is capable to move instantly in space, to create an idea of a material objects, to receive any information on the past, the present and the future, to remain safe in any situations, to cure, make other miracles. But these abilities can much and even to all other people to remain unknown persons if their display is not stipulated by executed mission. About the abilities even the carrier can not suspect, and his spiritual level will not create preconditions for idle experiments. Only leaving from a life, such person will find out, than it possesses, and what level borrows in hierarchy of Universal Reason.



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