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   In 2012 the Earth will test gravitational impact from a series of those gravitational impacts which already repeatedly brought to ruin advanced civilizations and to change of a course of history. The modern science has no knowledge in this area, and cannot warn in due time nations of the world about an approaching accident. The POST CARD to SOVEREIGN LEADERS of the states of the World has for an object to draw attention of the Governments of the countries of the World, state and public figures, heads of the scientific personnels leading scientists, all population of the Earth to this problem. Significant shocks and losses are inevitable. But the understanding of physical essence of the expected natural phenomena will allow to prepare in due time economy of the countries, technologies of manufactures, life-support systems of the population, consciousness of people for forthcoming events. It will lower weight of losses, will allow to avoid destruction of many people, will clear consciousness of a society of false knowledge and errors, will put in pawn bases for development of a science, technics and technologies at higher level. The main achievement of a civilization will be such growth of spirituality of people which will essentially change mutual relations in a society and will allow to reach its unity on the basis of true Knowledge of the Universe and the laws operating in it.

   Each person who is not indifferent to destiny of a civilization, is not indifferent to destiny of the country, people, to destiny people with which it lives and works, who is concerned destiny the parents, children and the grandsons close to it of people, should make all from it depending immediately to inform the country leaders, scientists about an approaching accident and to achieve acceptance of appropriate decisions.



To SOVEREIGN LEADERS of the states of the World.



     Dear SOVEREIGN LEADER of the state! I address to you personally and at the same time to each citizen of your country.

    In 2012 the Earth will test gravitational impact from a series of those gravitational impacts which already repeatedly brought to ruin advanced civilizations and to change of a course of history.

    The science has no knowledge in this area, and cannot predict succession of events though many astrophysical supervision testify to menacing dynamics of the processes occuring in Space, in particular, on the Sun. I have the bases to approve, that the validity will surpass the most disturbing forecasts.

    I cannot support my statements with results of scientific observations because observations in this area me were not spent. I cannot support my statements with authoritative recognitions of my merits in the field of creation of the theory of the Universe because this theory is developed by me alone; in collective, especially with its recognition at the international level, it could not be created for the objective reasons. The theory has been published by me on pages of Personal site Internet (http://lemyakin.narod.ru/index1.html) in 2000. With it have familiarized set of visitors, including professional scientists. There was no conclusion denying conclusions stated in it or resulted calculations. It is possible to familiarize with discussion of its maintenance on the page "Dialogues" placed in the same place.

    Therefore as "card" I offer the decision till now not having proofs "the Great theorem the Farm" in the form of, corresponding edition of the author of the theorem (http://lemyakin.narod.ru/t_fermaEng.htm). Moreover, I offer two variants of the proof and expansion of a scope of the theorem. Simultaneously I specify error which did not allow many generations of mathematicians to find extremely simple decision accessible to the pupil of high school.

    I am compelled to take advantage of "card" only that on whom acceptance of the important decisions depends, have believed in my ability to solve and more a challenge: to create the theory of the Universe which will open prospects of overcoming by a science of those deadlocks in which there were its many directions.

    Briefly in the popular form I have stated the reasons in the work published on the Personal site "Finds and errors of a modern science" (Rus) (http://lemyakin.narod.ru/nz_sn.htm). In the same place the chapter "Gravitational accidents" in which the substantiation to the conclusions made by me that in 2012 the Earth expects such test is given is resulted.

    I know, that I go on a way which never was used by nobody: alone I solve the problems which have become by an absolute obstacle in development of a modern science. I know, that I risk to be rejected, that some of SOVEREIGN LEADERS of the states of the World will not consider necessary even to charge to national centres of science to familiarize closely with calculations, and will not take advantage of my recommendations. But I know also, that the modern science is not capable to warn in due time about an approaching accident. Therefore I wish to use last chance to inform of nations of the World the forecast of the future events so that have been in due time taken necessary measures on increase of stability of economy and each person separately to expected physical parameters of an atmosphere and a gravity on the Earth. If it to not make, the modern civilization will be rejected back on hundreds the years, many technologies will be lost. Climatic, geological, atmospheric, gravitational and technogenic accidents will bring to ruin more than billion people on a planet, and gone through gravitational impact, will drag pity existence in conditions of full ruin and poisoned of ecological system of the planets.

     I call those SOVEREIGN LEADERS of the states of the World which I did not manage to convince, draw such conclusions and to make such decisions which situations at any development will be on advantage to people of their country. Each country prepares for extreme situations which can arise for the different reasons. Difference of the maintenance of an expected situation from a traditional set of negative factors consists that in addition there will be technological difficulties in work of power stations, boiler, of some other life-support systems of people in conditions of low temperatures, atmospheric pressure will fall, probably, up to 300 mm. Hg, and in continental areas and below. The Gravity, under the most probable script, will decrease, while will not disappear at all, subjects quickly not fixed by the ground even will rise in air. The mass destruction of people is possible owing to downturn of atmospheric pressure, decrease in the maintenance of oxygen in air at 100 % of humidity, sharp activization of volcanic activity and motions of an earth's crust, mass infringement of power supply of the population in conditions of downturn of temperature of air, destruction of buildings and constructions.

    After this gravitational impact will destroy on the Earth all alive, but greater troubles will not bring, as it contains the period negative and the period of a positive course of Time when all destroyed will be again restored. It will be followed with the period of restoration of a normal gravity on the Earth. It will be the most difficultly realized period because historical processes and events of the past will undergo changes which to predict it is impossible. But it will be the favorable period of revival lost on higher spiritual and technological level. Leaders of an epoch of new Revival will be those countries which people will be ready to it by way of spirituality and mastering by the Maximum Knowledge of the Universe.

    If also these my reasons are not sufficient to make of the decision on preparation for a possible variant of an extreme situation, I ask to charge to national centres of science to carry out monitoring of parameters of Space and gravitational "constant". The changes confirming my forecast, will be found out very soon. And since 2010 the gravity will start to decrease catastrophically. All resources will have to involve on elimination of consequences of an accrueing shaft of accidents. In this situation it is possible to inform only people on physical essence and law of occuring events, to undertake necessary measures, to avoid a panic, and to give the recommendation on actions of the population and saving services in these conditions.


With deep respect, Boris Lemjakin.


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